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January 21, 2019

Learning to Love One Another “King” Style

In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, here are some of his comments relayed by his niece, Dr. Alveda King.

“I think it’s beautiful we’ve learned that Martin Luther King, Jr., was a man of God, who trusted God. And Martin Luther King, Jr., was a human with faults and all of that, but loved a perfect God. And his statement, ‘We must learn to live together as brothers’—and I add, as sisters—’or perish together as fools,’ is so true. Acts 17:26 says, ‘Of one blood God made all people, to live together on the face of the earth.’ So we can be brothers and sisters because we are one blood; we are the human race. And I believe if my uncle were here today, he’d like for us to consider ourselves as human beings, not different races. One race, not colorblind. If you’re colorblind, you need to go to the doctor or get surgery or get some glasses or something. But we are in living color, and we can learn to love each other as brothers and sisters.” (Dr. Alveda King)

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also must love one another.” (John 13:34; NHEB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Worship the One today that is the source of love—Jesus Christ, our Lord.

  2. Thank the Lord for Dr. Alveda King, and many others of many races, who have continued to keep Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision for racial unity alive.

  3. Ask God to answer Jesus’ prayer in John 17, that His Church would be one, even as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One.

  4. Ask God for Dr. King’s dream to be fulfilled—that men and women of all colors and backgrounds would be able to sit down at the table of communion together.

  5. Bless fellow Believers you know who are a different color than you or your family.

A prayer you can pray:

Oh, Lord, I worship You! You who created all things, and me, too! You who created every individual! In all of our uniqueness and giftedness, You created us. Each one is a gift to the rest of us and I can’t accomplish what I need to without some who are different than I am. Together, we are so much better! Thank you for Dr. Alveda King and her family’s heritage. I want to be a part of Your prayer for unity in the Body come to pass, Jesus. I also want to be part of the answer to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream of racial unity in America. Let it be particularly true in the Church! (Bless fellow Believers you know who are a different color than you or your family.) Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

Dr. King’s dream of racial unity in America will become a reality!

Learn more about Dr. Alveda King here.


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