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March 2, 2020

Franklin Graham Says, “Register to Vote”

Tomorrow is the official primary election date in a number of states. You can check for your state here. The problem is that many Christians do not vote, and to be able to vote, you have to be registered! So, you may have missed out this time, but get registered before the General Election Day November 3, 2020! As to what’s at stake this year, read this excerpt from an article by Michael W. Chapman below.

“Expressing shock and disappointment that some presidential contenders, such as socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT), support abortion on demand, no restrictions, and Marxist ideas such as nationalization of industry and Cuban-style health care, Rev. Franklin Graham urged Christians ‘to pray for our nation’ and the ‘upcoming elections.’ He added that Americans need to register to vote, ‘otherwise we will lose our country.’

“In a Feb. 12 post on Facebook, the evangelical leader said, ‘The Democratic Party has changed so much that it’s hard to believe. Just a few days ago Bernie Sanders declared that “being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat.” That’s shocking and disturbing.’

“’He also vowed, “I will never nominate any person to the Supreme Court or the federal courts in general who is not 100% pro Roe v. Wade,”’ said Graham, son of the late Pastor Billy Graham.

“’He went further to write, “We have got to codify Roe v. Wade into law and significantly expand funding for Planned Parenthood,”’ noted Graham. Where is the voice of those in the Democratic Party who disagree? Where’s the outcry against this and the acceptance of socialism?’

“’This is an example of why it is so important for people of faith to research who you vote for in every election and understand where they stand on issues that are important to you,’ said Rev. Graham. ‘I urge Christians to pray for our nation, our leaders, and the upcoming elections, from local to national.’

“‘Make sure that you are registered to vote, otherwise we will lose our country,’ said Graham.” (Courtesy of

“If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. If you forgot or neglected to register to vote and cannot vote in your state’s primaries, many of which are tomorrow, repent and determine that you will before the General Elections, November 3rd.

  2. Look here for state and national candidates and issues that could affect you and your family.

  3. Also, use to find and educate yourself on your political representation, as well as to pray for them.

  4. Begin to intercede now for the General Elections. This is such an important decision. We will be literally choosing life or death for the nation.

  5. Declare, “As for me and my house, we choose LIFE for the United States of America!”

A prayer you can pray:

Father, it appears that this year’s national elections are going to determine the course of our nation for quite a while. It’s both good and bad that those running for office are extremely divided on some critical issues. We desire You to heal our divided nation, and it is making it easier to see how to vote. We can’t vote anymore by political party affiliation. We need to get past what party our parents and grandparents chose. They’re not the same now. We also can’t look at the flawed humans running to represent the parties. We really have to look at the candidates’ ideologies and the party platforms. Only then can we see if any choice is one You could approve for America.

We need to heed Rev. Franklin Graham’s warning, “to pray for our nation” and the “upcoming elections.” He added that Americans need to register to vote, “otherwise we will lose our country.” This is no threat based in fear. This is a real threat based on real candidates’ statements. We need to learn about each one running for office and what they are espousing. We need to vote for LIFE, first and foremost. We need to choose those who most stand for principles God teaches us in His Word, such as what a man and a woman are, what a marriage is, what freedom to choose really looks like, what personal ownership and beneficial economies look like, whether countries should have boundaries and clear borders, and so many other things. We cannot decide these things by what sounds good or what we decide as a group is a good thing. May that never be! We will determine in our hearts, “If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” In the Name and to the honor of Jesus, amen.

Today’s decree:

The Church will register to vote, we will vote, and we will choose the Lord for our nation!


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