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May 26, 2019

Rebecca Greenwood’s Word for America – Part 9 of 9

Demonic Grip of Corruption Loosed and Holiness Movement Birthed

As this vision was unfolding, everywhere the Lord walked throughout the land, the demonic grip of darkness that has tried to control and squeeze the nation in its hold, was loosed and no longer had the power to hold the nation in its influence.

I could see a new holiness movement coming into the land, a holiness movement without compromise. Even within the Church where there has been so much compromise, even at a denominational level, there will be some who will arise within those denominations and say, “We can no longer compromise. We must stand for truth and righteousness.” It will be a cry of repentance, truth and holiness, drawing a line in the sand between those who have compromised and those who will no longer compromise.

In this season, there is an understanding that is coming to the Body of Christ of the true agenda of what has been occurring at the hands of corruption and perversion. Exposure, exposure, exposure will occur in the days ahead.

We are in a five-year period of grace for this nation. What we have seen unfold, even in the past three years, will not compare to what we will see unfolding in the next five years. We have seen darkness while at the same time awesome, suddenly, unexpected surprises causing a movement toward righteousness.

The Lord spoke clearly, “In the days ahead you will see many more.” We are in a five-year grace period for this nation!

“A highway will be there, a roadway, and it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for him who walks that way, and fools will not wander on it.” (Isaiah 35:8; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Exalt the Lord, for He is doing marvelous things!

  2. Intercede for that Highway of Holiness He has said is coming to this nation, and to Washington, D.C.

  3. Repent of any known sin and any place where you may have compromised with sin, instead of lining your thoughts and behaviors up with the Word of God.

  4. Identificationally repent for the Church which has compromised with sin, as well, refusing to speak out against abortion, homosexuality, adultery, injustice, corruption, and many other sinful practices. Ask God to purify the Church.

  5. Now, cry out over the governmental mountain, “Exposure, exposure, exposure! Grace, grace, grace!”

  6. Declare, “Darkness, your time is up! You have done enough damage to America. We are calling for the light of Christ Jesus to penetrate hearts and rule and reign over America.”

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, we exalt You, for You are doing marvelous things! You are doing things that we have prayed for, but were not sure we would see in our lifetime. You said You are even going to cause a Highway of Holiness to manifest across the nation and in Washington, D.C. The thought of this drives us to repentance. Forgive us our personal sin. Forgive our nation for our corporate sin. There is so much that could keep You from pouring out Your mercy, love, righteousness and holiness. Do not hold back, Lord. Forgive Your Body, for compromises with sin. Forgive our leaders for not teaching about sin, choosing to line up with experience instead of Your Word. Do we think ourselves kinder than You? More just? More knowing? How foolish! Forgive us. As You purify our hearts and minds, we cry out over the governmental mountain, “Exposure, exposure, exposure! Grace, grace, grace! Darkness, your time is up! You have done enough damage to America. We are calling for the light of Christ Jesus to penetrate hearts and rule and reign over America.” Come Lord Jesus. You are welcome in America! Come! Amen.

Today’s decree:

We are in a five-year grace period for this nation!

Learn more about Rebecca Greenwood here.


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