Mississippi Intercessors prayed at all Mississippi Ports to secure our waterway gates and borders along the Mississippi River, the Tenn-Tom Waterway, the Mississippi Sound, the Yazoo River, Deer Creek, Lake Ferguson, the Pearl River, the Ross Barnett Reservoir and dam, and other MS streams and rivers. The following decrees - and additional spontaneous decrees - were made over the waterways of Mississippi between July and November 2023 -
Deuteronomy 32:9-14 - God has kept Mississippi as the Apple of His Eye. He has spread His wings over us and made us ride on the high places of the earth. He has given us our inheritance in this land called Mississippi that we might eat its produce, draw honey from the rock, and oil and gas from the flinty rock; curds and milk and meat from the cattle, the choicest wheat, corn, soybeans, cotton, and wine from the grapes and muscadines. This is our inheritance in our land. It is our portion that we decree and declare WILL NOT BE BLOCKADED OR PLUNDERED.
Isaiah 45:2-3 - God has given us treasures in darkness and hidden riches in secret places. He will go before us as the BREAKER to make any crooked places straight, to break in pieces any gates of bronze, and to cut any bars of iron attempting to BLOCKADE, STEAL, OR CAPTURE our resources.
Micah 2:13 - The BREAKER is come up before the oil and gas resources of this State to BREAK THROUGH any blockade or containment at any port or production site. We decree and declare the blockades have been BROKEN UP, and our resources have PASSED THROUGH the gate (port). They are gone out by it to yield their increase to the citizens of the State of Mississippi. King Jesus shall pass before them, and the LORD shall be at our head.
John 10:10 - The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but King Jesus has come to bring life to Mississippi and to give us abundant life through the production, protection, release, and distribution of our oil and gas – water and all other – resources for His Kingdom purposes and FOR HIS GLORY!!!
Psalm 91:11 - He has given His Angels charge over US, over OUR RESOURCES, over OUR PORTS, and over OUR SHIPS AND WATERWAYS to keep them in all their ways. They will not be BLOCKADED by the enemy, nor will any resources be BOTTLED UP in our ports. There will be no BACKLOG waiting to come in or to go out. Any plot, plan, scheme or weapon formed against us to BLOCKADE, INVADE, CAPTURE, or DESTROY our resources, ports, or port cities WILL NOT PROSPER, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
God Most High, El Elyon is the possessor of heaven and earth! (Genesis 14:19, 22).
For the earth is the Lord’s and all the fullness thereof. (Psalm 24:1)
Therefore, we declare that this land belongs to the Lord, that it is the property of the King of Kings, and that all the resources of the land itself, including all waterways, are Kingdom of God resources and will not be diminished, stolen, or restricted in any manner from being used for the Kingdom of God!
The Lord has brought us into a good land, that has abundance of water and produces abundant harvests, a land where we will have no lack! It is a land that yields richness of minerals! (Deuteronomy 8:7-9)
This is a land for which the Lord our God cares and His eyes are always on it! (Deuteronomy 11:12)
We confess our sins against You of idolatry, bloodshed, covenant breaking, sexual immorality, and God robbing. Lord God, we ask you to forgive our sins that we have done and that has brought defilement upon this land! We ask this forgiveness in the name of Jesus and His poured-out blood. We ask You to heal us and heal this land!
We stand upon this land and rededicate ourselves and this land to You! May Your will be done in this earth, this land, as it is in heaven. May we be found to be faithful stewards to see Your Kingdom come and manifest in this county, this state, and this nation!
We humbly ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!
Ps 96
Ps 148:7-13
Many thanks to the Mississippi Team -- Betty and Kimble Love, Anna Rylander, Beau and Marion Neill, George and Jill Woodliff, Blanche Williams, Mary Bruce, Chris and Stacy Vowell, Mildred Bean, Tara and David Conard, Ruthie and Billy Joe Young, Ginger and Wade Holland, Katie and Danny Thomas, Gail Gilbert, Cathie Reece, Paulette Kennedy, Nancy Collins, Karan Redditt, Angela and Gerald Vernon, Debra Brown, Rebecca and Crispin Bennett, Angela Broussard, Connie Lillo, and others.
Thank you MS intercessors for your obedience. I stand with you and make your declarations my declarations as well.