Last weekend I went to the tip of downtown Manhattan, Battery Park where the east and west branches of the Hudson river combes back together and flows into the Atlantic ocean. I paced along the tip of the island, stopped and read parts of the prayers that Dutch told us to pray until I prayed it all. Right after, somehow I started singing" Holy God We praise Thy Name" I have not heard that Hym for many years. I had to look up the lyrics on my phone. I kept singig because I just could not stop, I asked for mercy, and I repented for the city, and after a while I could sense a presence in the atmosphere. A presence that overshadowed the vaste waters and the whole area. I kept walking and feeling that presence, and I knew in my heart that He is here and watching over us. I left knowing we are being being guarded and in Good Hands. Thankyou Lord for you are absolutely good , and your mercy is endless.

The cruise ship in the distance heading towards the Atlantic ocean, and passing between Brooklyn (on the left) and Staten Island (on the right).
Amen! Holy God we Praise Thy Name, Lord above we bow before Thee! Holy Spirit inspired❤️🔥
What an awesome and encouraging experience! Thanks for sharing it.