Hi Everyone,
Five of us joined on a Google Meet call today to pray over Guilford County and our state. We opened in prayer, then started with the decrees given on this Give Him 15 site. We read Psalm 91, praying over waterways, dams, water supply, infrastructure, the (gas) tank farm that is near I-40 here, listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit. (The gas tank farm has a million gallons of gas flowing through it every day from Houston, through Greensboro, to the northeast. There is speculation that it could be a terrorist target.) We prayed for our land and water and air to be purified and protected. -We extended our prayers over all of NC and the nation. At the end we took communion together and I poured the communion on the ground and in the water behind my house. I live on a lake that is connected to streams in this area. We felt peaceful, that we had fulfilled the assignment that the LORD had for us today.