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Cindy Williams Moore
Oct 31, 2024
Call to the Wall Watchmen:
Thank you for your diligence and watchfulness over Michigan in this crucial season.
For the past couple of weeks, Sara Ballenger, Barbara Ingmire, Cindy Scott, and I have been watching and praying regarding the election processes and sensing that we should be praying in an additional way beyond our usual venues.
We met briefly this morning, and God highlighted the following: 1. His hand is resting on America, 2. that the promise of Exodus 7 was active, and prayerfully 3. we are walking out Exodus 14 needing to press on, cross over, and know the spirit of the Lord is working to do His pleasure.
By the end of our prayer time, we felt the Lord leading us to gather one more time and open it up to those connected to us to listen in as we continue praying this through.
Join us. Lift your hands and the rod (God's word) as he commanded Moses and advance with us in prayer.
National and State Leader Hosts:
Sara Ballenger, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Barbara Ingmire, National Day of Prayer US West
Cindy Scott, Western PA Prayer Leader
Cindy Williams Moore, MI Apostolic Prophetic Coalition
Cindy Williams Moore
Oct 31, 2024
1. Michigan just completed reading the word of God 24/7 for the month of October creating more strongly God's atmosphere over the state.
2. We just completed a State Sacred Assembly repenting for 3 key sin issues God brought to us as to why abortion was enthroned and given a state constitutional amendment.
3. We completd in September going to a 5500 year old altar dedicated to the Queen of Heaven and Earth (Baalat Gebal), repenting, covenanting with God, then releasing a cease, desist, and eviction of all trafficking, false political/religous/authorities operating with her, and more. It's been powerful.
The best part of it all is seeing an army arise in MI who are the watchmen, the advancers, the hearers of God's words, along with incredible apostolic prophetic five fold gifts who are partnered with God and seeing the mystery of the Kingdom of God advance here. We declare, the Kingom of God is advancing over the Kingdoms of Darkness in Michigan.
Cindy Williams Moore
Oct 25, 2024
Here is the official decree. Sign it with your group too. Send a copy in.
Michigan Cease, Desist & Eviction Notice | Recovenanting with God at the Gates
For Territorial & Gateway Release
Cindy Williams Moore, MIAPC
October 18, 2024 Sacred Assembly
Closing the Doors to the Enemy of Michigan Strike & Opening Our Door of Destiny
September 19, 2024
Contents: Michigan’s Covenant Renewal / Eviction order over Baalat Gebal/Queen of Heaven and Earth/Ishtar and said cohorts/ Eviction of all Wicked, Occult, Rebellious Altars, Thrones, Cornerstones, Structures, False Religious, Political, Authorities, Illegal Trade, War, Threats and tonight we tie in
Unrighteous bloodshed through false political , religious, and authority powers, leaders and followers. We tie in all cornerstones, altars, worship sites operating under Baalat Gebal, Queen of Heaven and Earth to be bound removed to the feet of Jesus until the final judgment occurs – never to return. The judgments of Jeremiah 51 are loosed over Michigan.
We release these Decrees of Loosing, and Binding and release the IS 41 promises and the IS 61 anointing over MI for the Advancement of the Kingdom, Revival, Renewal, Restoration.
Communion/Confession & Repentance
To the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ in Michigan: Let it be made known the following efforts, dedication, and decrees over the state of Michigan have been completed and provided for all territories and waterways of MI to agree, decree, and tie into all of Michigan belonging to God. Present and release these decrees over your territory, sign it, and send a copy to for our state records. Blessings from Cindy & the MIAPC apostolic team.
Statement of recovenant: The people groups of Michigan had knowledge and a relationship with God before international trade was significantly expanded in 3500 BC. They also knew of Christ before the 1500s white men’s entrance. In 3500 BC, the goddess Baalat Gebal/Queen of Heaven and Earth/Ishtar was brought in and set up at the threshold gate of MI, tied to war, trade, stealing, and adaptively worshipped for over 120 generations. Later, this was reinforced through spiritual men, traders, war, and trafficking, foundations – and Michigan was rededicated to this god repeatedly. (Father Marquette, Henry Ford, Ford Foundations, people groups migrations, idolatry, cornerstones and altars, industries, etc.) This goddess was a precursor to Diana/Queen of Heaven, its fame and key temple in Byblos existed for over 3500 years, until Diana’s time). Let it be known Michigan leaders (First Nations, Fivefold, and Civil government representatives) confessed, repented, and broke the power of this structure on September 19, 2024 at the oldest gate dedicated to it in MI. All altars, thresholds, gates, cornerstones, locations of worship, trade, governing, and authorities are subject to these enclosed decrees. We command the repayment, restitution, and recompense for stolen goods, people, pain, and suffering through the generations. We release new trade, governing, and monies that honor God, His Word and for the building of the Kingdom in Michigan. We call for a thousandfold return for our losses and declare Michigan will be a sign to the nations of the earth that the glory of the Lord is upon us, our enemies fear Him, His fame is restored, and we having the keys of binding, loosing and knowledge, are His instrument, voice, light and salt in the earth. We will no longer be a double-minded state, we will no longer be a swing state. We are deeply rooted in righteousness, the glory of the Lord will fill Michigan as the waters covers the seas. The altar of the Lord is established in this state. Hear oh Michigan – the Lord our God is ONE.
Judgments, Binding & Loosing, Stepping into our Door of Destiny
The time of judgment has come upon the demonic structures, gods, workers of darkness, rebellion, that shed blood unrighteously, have opposed God and His work in Michigan. Under the irrevocable, irreversible, eternal New Covenant through Jesus Christ. In the month of Elul (the King is in the field), our petition was granted for a cease and desist, and eviction of all false gods, authorities, political and religious structures (human and spirit) tied to Baalat Gebal/Queen of Heaven and Earth/Ishtar, and her cohorts Baal, Leviathan, Mammon, Python. We testify that the Lord (IS 22.22) closed and sealed this gate over our water, land, and people to these powers and principalities opposing Him. We decree their illegal rule, worship, governing, threats, and intimidation, in addition to what’s listed, are evicted.
Tonight we present our notice to all unrighteous blood shedding – you are hearby bound, removed, never to return and will be held at Babylon until their final judgment. We loose God’s angel armies to carry out these orders to their completion.
We speak “WOE” over every worker of evil and wickedness, we have no part of you and you are forbidden to be here. (The people say, WOE)
We bind witchcraft, confusion and chaos that has blinded men from God. We cast out your incantions, curses, we sever your ties inside, outside of Michigan, into the heavens and under the earth. We cut your ties now in Jesus name. (WE AGREE) (CUT THE RED THREAD)
We loose the power of God, His lovingkindness, and supernatural deliverance over the captives of these strongmen and call them unto salvation. They are free. (WE AGREE)
We loose the awakening for righteous governing and government to be established in Michigan. We loose the IS 61 anointing upon Michigan, God’s fivefold gifts; we partner with God, His Word, and the angel armies to break through all obstacles so that Michigan becomes the highway of the Lord to the nations.
We loose the unusual works of miracles upon His government and Ekklesia and commission the laborers for the harvest fields, our rightful inheritance. Let the Kingdom of God increase, we say advance Michigan!
These judgments, binding and loosing decrees are released over the 10 thrones in MI and the throne of iniquity. Selah. Your kingdom come, now, on earth as it already is established in heaven.
City/County/Gates Decrees
Communion. Take communion as a sign of covenant with the Lord, one another, and of our standing with Israel.
In agreement with your finished work and your working our salvation out, we partake of our eternal New Covenant through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Declaration over Michigan: We release the name of Jesus, every knee bows, confesses He is Lord to the glory of the Father and say – hear our decrees this day October 18, 2024
Therefore, we decree this is now in effect over (Michigan) (Have attendees speak their city and county and say WE AGREE)
and declare to the powers and principalities the manifold wisdom of God: the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Light, is overtaking all kingdoms of darkness in this (SPEAK YOUR CITY AND COUNTY) and the state of Michigan. We serve this cease and desist order and the eviction order accordingly and enact its immediate effect. We cast you out and send you to be bound in Babylon till the final judgment day. Baalat Gebal/all cohorts/workers of iniquity we place you in chains and fetters and send you out. Never return.
We release the promises of IS 61 and IS 41 over this territory, over religious, political and authorities to which you are accountable,
We loose on earth God’s awakening, restructuring, and rebuilding as our Head and Chief cornerstone. (WE RECEIVE AND AGREE)
We decree God’s glory is overtaking this
Signatures: (Name & Ministries/Churches/Businesses/Education/Government/Other
Cindy Williams Moore
Aug 28, 2024
Hi friends, We have a group "Call to the Wall Michigan" that has been praying through Dutch's, Chuck Pierce's, Jane Hamon, and Gina Gholston assignments. We started in Jun 2023 and God has not let us get off of the wall. Join us if you want to. We are not a network, just relating, focusing to bring Michigan back to God. There are over 900 watchmen communicating there.
We are heading into 21 Days of prayer to shift Michigan. Then 40 Days of Prayer for the election. Then finishing with 7 Days of Victory prayer following the election.
The month of October the word of God will be read 24/7 to breakthrough the atmosphere of our state as well.
I love this page and am catching up to see what others are seeing and saying about Michigan,
I lead an Apostolic Prophetic statewide coalition in addition to the above. Dr. Chuck Pierce is my apostle. There are many moves of God flowing in regions of Michigan. All of them. Salvations, deliverances, families returning to God, addictions being broken, baptisms in the Great Lakes, worship gatherings that are releasing the sounds of heaven, and MORE!!!
Anyway, great to get back in here for a moment.
Cindy Williams Moore
Call to the Wall on Facebook
Michigan Apostolic Prophetic Coalition
Cindy Williams Moore
Jan 29, 2024
Over the last couple of weeks, since Chuck Pierce spoke to Michigan, I have seen a number of signs unfold, and it’s an announcement to Michigan.
First, the Lion of the tribe of Judah is roaring over Michigan. The Detroit Lions represent the voice of God, and His voice speaking through us. Judah establishes how a war will be won in addition to doing it first through worship. Worship is establishing our future in Michigan,
Secondly, unusual winds have blown across Michigan. On the western side of the state, Overlake, Michigan, a literal chain of storms that ran from north of Muskegon down to South Bend, Indiana, came across the lake inland; this is an unusual weather occurrence to take place. This storm began blowing before Chuck was to come in. They also moved from North to South. Chuck did say to watch for winds that moved in every direction. (I'll share more on that soon.)
Note the winds were unusual and have captured much media attention because the meteorologist recorded it as a chain of whirling winds that even circulated from west to east. So God was blowing something in and across the state when this occurred. Chuck talked about the four winds on Day 2 of Apostle Barbara Yoder’s event.
Third, the eastern gate in Port Huron has flooded. The Black River in Port Huron, Michigan, flows away from Lake Huron inland - not towards Lake Huron. Due to some unusual circumstances, gates for the river were opened to alleviate flooding. Immediately, waters flowed in opposite directions towards Lake Huron and floodwaters rose at the eastern gate. Apostle Joe Sazyc is documenting this.
God highlighted Isaiah 59 to me, as to where Michigan has been, what He is doing right now, and how He has determined our future.
Michigan has had some serious sinful circumstances before God due to works of evil and wickedness that have operated spiritually in the land. Verse 19 points out that it is FEAR IS RELEASED FROM THE WEST, and GLORY FROM THE EAST. When the enemy comes, like a flood the spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against the spiritual enemy. That’s what God is doing. Like a flood, He has lifted His standard to announce to the spiritual enemy that His reign in this state is over.
God’s covenant with Michigan. Next, God highlighted verse 21 to me for Michigan.
“As, for Me”, says the Lord, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit, who is upon you, [Michigan], and My words, which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor, from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendant’s descendants, says the Lord “from this time and forever more.”
God’s Announcement
“I have come in as a whirlwind to scatter and confuse the enemy, to remove what doesn’t belong and clear the way for My promises to be planted and rooted in you (Jer 1:9-10). I am here to establish My rule over Michigan and My way that the nations within you may come and be saved. I am raising the standard so people know who to run into. This is a year when the harvesting of souls will increase in the midst of war. Gird yourselves up well, Michigan. This is a takeover. What appeared to be one way and one situation, I am here to root Myself and My ways deep within you. I see that you are making covenant with me. Hold on and hold fast to all that I’ve given you and ask me how to prosper that this year. This nation will turn towards Michigan, and they will make a different decree about you. No longer will it be that they despise your cities and your state. The nation will say, Surely there is a God. If Michigan can be saved, we can too. This year, I undo the chords that bind you and imprison you. I say to Michigan, the prison doors are coming off, and you are coming out. I say, look at Michigan! Who is this coming out of the wilderness? It is Michigan. As you say over Michigan, ‘God is able, and we are coming out’; watch how I answer. Through the flood and through the fire you will not be harmed. Now call for my glory to overtake you. Let me loose the fire of My glory, and the fresh outpouring from heaven that I am providing you – you are walking through the flood because your enemies are being drowned in the Red Sea. Come on out Michigan. Come on forth. It’s time. It’s time to receive your rightful and righteous inheritance.”
Blessings, Cindy Williams Moore (, Pray Michgan! Call to the Wall Michigan)
Cindy Williams Moore
Jan 15, 2024
Here's a source of Michigan waterways.
FYI: One area we have been covering is international trade routes, integrity of shipping, and energy supply lines (Enbridge System carries oil and gas through MI and its waterways that supply for E & W Canada. It's huge.
I'll post an old report over the next few days that shows our routes, issues, and areas to watch over.
I prefer the prophetic and directing our security out of the presence of God but I'm also a historian of sorts so may have beneficial information.
Cindy Williams Moore
Jan 15, 2024
We have ~800 team leaders who mobilized in the Summer and have continued to pray over all of Michigan. We received word of this assignment and are reporting that we are with the assignment and continuing as the revelation and direction of this request.
Michigan! God has set His guard over you! Stand at attention, Hear and receive His assignment.
FYI: Barbara Yoder just held a conference with Chuck Pierce in MI and many words came forth. We will identify which ones correspond to this assignment and share that as well.
Facebook: Call to the Wall Michigan (
We will post the assignment on the Pray Michigan! page as well.
Cindy Williams Moore
Leader/Founder, Michigan Apostolic Prophetic Coalition & Pray Michigan!
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