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Jan 31, 2024
Prayers and Decrees for Protection of America’s Waterways, “ Rivers, Dams, Reservoirs, Creeks and accessible Power Stations” Northwestern Montana Region. On January 27, 2024 at 8:18 am my sister Joanne Squires and myself (Dianne Edinger) prayed and departed on our journey to pray and decree for Montana’s waterways, we felt  lead to cover the far west side from north to south of Montana. Most of the Waterways reside on Our Native Tribes, we prayed for Restoration and Blessings being Given… Our 1st stop was at Jocko Creek in Arlee, we prayed and asked the Lord for Wisdom and Revelation (Jocko=Hebrew God is Gracious).  He gave us the (Copper) Penny not only to Signify “In God We Trust”  (but both being native Montanans), we tossed back into the waters a symbol of Giving Back what was removed. (Montana had one of the largest copper mines in America).  Following, the Lord gave us to state the Montana Preamble to declare. Montana Preamble: We the people of Montana grateful to God for the quiet beauty of our State, the grandeur of our mountains, the vastness of our rolling plains, and desiring to improve the quality of life, equality of opportunity and to secure the blessings of liberty for this and future generation do ordain and establish this constitution. Simplified (Montana Preamble: Praying- It’s original intent for Montana with God’s Power and Authority to be established upon this land)  At 11:00 am we arrived at our second stop was Kicking Horse Dam located in Ronan, MT.  As we were sitting in the truck we instantly starting travailing for the dishonoring of the Native America People; we prayed for their restoration and healing and they would be made whole and come to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ.  We were both led to put 3 pennies into the water then releasing then made decrees/declarations. Dianne got out of the truck and threw 3 pennies into the water then we prayed protection over the water supply and dam and finalized with decrees and Psalm 91.  We followed up by tossing rock salt thus symbolizing cleansing & purity.  Finalized with the Preamble. As we departed the dam we poured out oil across the road and establish God’s, a new lay line.  We then departed for Kerr Dam located in Polson, MT around 1:20 pm, could not access the dam so then tossed salt into the power plant and made prayers and decrees, Establishing Godly lay lines to the entrance to the dam. At the headwaters the Lord advise us to toss in 12 coins into the river which we accessed by the bridge. Out next assignment was Hungry Horse Dam we arrived around 3:00 pm gates were locked; so we established Godly laid lines with oil, prayed and made decrees, read Psalm 91. We drove to a motel for the evening:  we prayed, worshipped and blew the shofar.  Prior to our departure we discussed on making coin clusters with pennies and salt wrapped with a paper towel being tied so we could throw them into the water farther, as being prompted. We both received a 7 coin cluster to be tossed into the Flathead River upon our departure. On January 28 we tossed 3 pennies pack into the Whitefish River. Lastly we were prompted to go to the Port of Roosville, at the Canadian Border, to pray and decree, laid down oil line (layline) consecrating the land for His Kingdom, read Psalm 91 and 92, then concluded with Dutch Sheets prayer. In conclusion: This started by Dianne responding to a questionnaire in preparation for the upcoming Josiah Company event in Texas held last November 2023; the question referred  to ask the Lord if there was any hidden in our family that need addressed.  Praise God he brought forth to my attention, that there was a stronghold over my two sisters and myself.  We broke off the stronghold of lack of validation by a conference prayer call.  Thus we were all set FREE. The Lord brought two Unlikely Sisters, Specifically Twins, and set us up for this Venture. In this experience he match our words, actions and focus to accomplish something neither of us have experienced this as Sisters, (Now in Christ) to move in ways of affirmation, agreement blending our Gifts to Bring us Closer and have the Bond we have not experienced up to this point. This is Our First Leg of this Journey, experiencing our unique individually and working this covenant together set before us, it took the two of us 70 years to get here; it took the lord 2 Days-…ALL for His Glory!    Pictures following.............>


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