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Forum Posts

Jan 22, 2024
Since the 15th of January Ed and I have been on the assignment Dutch Sheets set forth over the Waterways, DAMS and other bodies of watet in the Corpus Christi area. I would like to mention 2 things about our time there. 1ST: As Ed and I were at the USS LEXINGTON declaring decreeing the Waterways mandate, 2 tour busses stopped and unloaded. High school aged young men and women began to fill up the beach by us. A young man came close to us and he caught my eye. He had a NAVY hoodie on. I walked over to him and noticed he had a crucifix around his neck. I asked him where he was from and what group he was with. He said the group was from Austin. And they were Navy ROTC. I asked him his name and it was Brady/Brody (I cannot remember now). I asked him if we could pray for him. He said sure. Ed laid hands on him and we began to pray and then Holy Spirit began to prophesy over this young man. How HE was going to raise up Brady in the ranks of his service and that he would carry GODS favor with him. After we prayed, I told Brady he was a representative of what GOD was going to do with his generation. And I thanked him for his service as I would any veteran I see. Holy Spirit hovers thickly over the USS LEXINGTON! 2ND: WE were at Mustang Island. Part of Corpus Christi Port system. They are having a severe drought and the news was talking about issuing a rationing of water for that area. The LORD had us pray over the watershed of Corpus Christi. The day we left to go to our next destination, the weatherman was saying how much needed rain, in great amount, was coming to the area. We have covered Port Aransas, The shores of Mustang Island, and the Port of Corpus Christi. Praise GOD for the favor HE is placing over the communities that surround our Waterways, DAMS and rivers!
Port of Corpus Christi and USS LEXINGTON and the watershed at Corpus Christi content media
Jan 19, 2024
We went to the Port of Aransas and went to the shoreline. The fog was heavy and I sensed the Holy Spirit saying "Like this fog, I am covering Port Aransas because of your prayers,decrees, declarations and proclaiming MY WORD in Psalm 91."
Port Aransas Prayers,decrees and declarations.
 content media
Jan 18, 2024
Mustang Island  content media
Jan 18, 2024
My husband Ed and I will be at Port Aransas today decreeing and declaring! We will also go over by the Naval base and the USS LEXINGTON. It is amazing and exciting to be in the right place at the right time when we are given our "Orders" for GODS KINGDOM!


Sarena and Ed

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