I'm praying for awareness this World Water Day (March 21-22), as we invite members of Illinois Lake Lovers to join a Zoom call on the restoration of our wetlands.on this eve of #worldwaterday2024, Thursday, March 21, Zoom call (tonight). We invite prayer partners and lake lovers to come to meet your peers and discuss the restoration of a watershed/nature preserve... Learn from Aull Nature Preserve Founder, Janice Aull, how one person can make a difference, and how solutions exist to address the 60% of impaired waterways in the U.S., and to bring visibility to the specific problems. PLEASE PRAY FOR FAVOR, INTEREST and ENGAGEMENT in LAKE SOLUTIONS (shared in http://bit.ly/LC-LakeLovers or the GlobalWaterWorks Lake Life Group. We also ask for wisdom and clarity for our speaker, Adjunct professor at the College of Lake County, Janice Aull, who is demonstrating the value of our care for creation with her 2.5-acre wetland, helping to mitigate pollutants and flooding.
Aull In! Defending a Wetland This World Water Day
Bringing passion and purpose to the cause, Janice Aull and co-founder Gary Aull pulled funds together to protect a 2.25 acre patch of wetland.
Thank you for your prayers for the right people to join us!... https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcucO6uqTkpEtUKUYr5t6gkJBjHRv9R_XZz