My name is Lori, I am

visiting my family this week. My sister, Karena, had already prayed to protect lock and dam 19 months ago when you gave the call to pray for our waterways. However, after what has been happening at Rapidan, Minnesota we felt that we should do it again. This dam stretches between Keokuk, IA and Hamilton, IL. There is also a large power plant and water treatment facility there. Today we went to the dam and took communion, prayed, and made declarations.
I see the joy of the Lord in those smiles!
Heavenly Father, I pray that no harm would come any bodies of water, streams, river, water sources for drinking and all purposes for it. I plead the blood of Jesus over all the water sources and the entire USA. In Jesus name Amen
Thank you, Ladies!... It is beautiful seeing you standing in the gap for our waterways. Lord, Jesus, I come alongside these water warriors, and thank you for your protection of this powerplant, water treatment plant and dam... Praying it would stand firm in the midst of attack and shield your people from any contamination, flooding or corruption. We decree and declare Illinois shall be the apostolic state you originally designed it to be, and all would know the truth, which would set us FREE as a people, as a state, and as a nation! Amen.
Pray without ceasing!!!