Praising God for practical steps and county resources to support lake restoration... And, asking for prayers for the right people to turn up to support lake engagement. With 40% of lakes and 60% of waterways impaired, we need your help to unite our disparate stakeholders. Thank you, Lord, for corraling so many passionate people in Lake County Lake Lovers, and for giving us a digital platform through which to support members in Help churches to come together to support local lakes with prayers and physical support with manual labor - adopting individual lakes. Help us to use our water bodies to reunite our broken world, and to see the abundance of our glorious God. We love you, lord, and want all to see the beauty of your creation. Thank you that you have provided a path forward to free it of pollutants and algae. We love you Lord, and look forward to your Kingdom being evident once again on earth - as it is in Heaven.
JOIN IF YOU LIKE Tomorrow's ZOOM: 7-8 pm CT, Thursday, Feb. 15:
Awesome results... We just launched our Lake County Lake Lover group to steward lakes via community science. Very exciting movement, and it's clear God's hand is in it... His beautiful model for renewable water offers the abundant waters He makes possible!
Thank you for your prayers... The perfect people attended, and made it easy for us to create a sense of community. Now, we have assembled a leadership team, and we are asking for wisdom and direction for the year's activities for Lake County Lake Lover's Steering Committee... With 85% of our lakes impaired by nutrient pollution (muck), we need God to place His hand on our waters. Trusting the arrival of 6 eagles overlooking the lake upon which the local high school students are focused is affirmation... He is watching over us and protecting us. Such a beautiful site to see so many eagles together - keeping watch!
In Jesus name amen
In agreement even after this event