A team of four, Kathy, Yvonne, Brian and Laura, visited the Loch Raven Reservoir that provides drinking water for Baltimore and most of Baltimore County.

It is fed by the Big Gunpowder Falls river.
We did the GiveHim15 decrees, prayed Psalm 91 and the shofar was blown. We prayed, anointed and did a salt covenant.

Because of the history of the land we prayed repentance, forgiveness, and blessings over the land. This was powerful.

There was a Plantation Ruin on the property and we read the 400 year forgiveness for slavery prayer declaration given out by the 400 year Commission on Slavery. It was read by Yvonne and Brian. And we did a cleansing of Trauma on the land prayer as well. The Big Gunpowder River feeds this Reservoir and actually links back to the colonies, Fur traders and ancient people's transportation routes. Great Job everyone. And great report. Kathy Black