I am a member of an Intercessory group composed of members from Texas, Kentucky and Mississippi. We have been interceding over America and following Dutch Sheets Give Him 15 posts and instructions, as well as Tim Sheets instructions regarding America, the forwards decrees, the waterways/electrical grids/communications infrastructure/underground tunnels, etc.
Yesterday, February 15, 2024, I was at the Lowe’s parking lot in Aransas Pass, TX, located in South Texas approximately 10 miles from the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi Bay Area. I was there to purchase annual weed killer. As I was leaving the parking lot at 13:04 military time (01:04pm CST), I saw directly across from me a Toyota Hilander vehicle with Oklahoma Choctaw Nation plates and immediately took a picture because the plates were so prophetic to this assignment over America. Across the top in Choctaw it read, “CHATA SIA HOKE!” Which translated means “Yes! I am Choctaw” and across the bottom it read “In God We Trust” “Choctaw Nation of OKLAHOMA.” In the middle section of the plate from left to right were the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma seal, followed by 2002 and then 7CH with the 7CH being marked in a vertical pattern from Heaven to earth. (See attached photos). The background of the plate was golden colored. The outer trim of the plate was a silver frame with the name ‘BOB MOORE” engraved on it and the O’s were intertwined like marriage rings of Covenant. The vehicle was bronze colored.
Part of the most recent assignment has included decreeing Isaiah 60:18 in one accord with the First Nations because they were prompted to do so when praying and sowing the 300 arrowheads. The Choctaw seal on the plate had 3 arrows, a bow, and a peace pipe with fire/smoke coming up from it, all of these symbols enclosed in the ring of the seal. This speaks to Covenant. The Choctaw are a First Nations tribe. Their website decrees: faith, family, culture. This plate siting speaks to the First Nations Covenant partnership in this assignment over America and the 3 arrows speak to the 300 arrowheads sown into the land because 3 is a number that always speaks to the full measure. 300 is 100 fold full measure of 3. The golden background speaks to the Glory of God in this Psalm 24 King of Glory 2024 year. The 2002 speaks to the faithful witnesses who have and continue to faithfully decree God’s Word and His Decrees over this nation because 2 represents faithful witnesses being set apart, and the double 00 represents the ring of Covenant with Yeshua and His faithful witnesses. So the 2002 creates a Covenant Faithful Witnesses gateway in the spirit/supernatural realm. 2+0+0+2=4 in this 4 dalet 2024 year. So this is a right now manifested sign from the Lord! So the seal speaks to Covenant, the intertwined double rings in the Moore name speak to Covenant, the double 0 in the 2002 speaks to Covenant (note 3 signs of Covenant in this one plate) and the 7 on the right side speaks to the Sevenfold Spirit of the Living God marker of Isaiah 11:2 with the pattern being displayed VERTICALLY from Heaven to earth creating a stairway or OPEN HEAVEN. Our prayers/decrees go up and His Answers come down. The CH under the 7 can represent CH for the Church.
In God We Trust!!! This is stamped on the plate. The bronze color of the vehicle immediately connected to the Isaiah 60 we have been decreeing, specifically verse 17. Even the TIMING of this siting at 1:04 CST speaks to being in one (1) accord Covenant (0) with Yahweh Yeshua in this 2024 year of the dalet 4. The Bob Moore... Bob comes from Robert (think Rev Robert Hunt) which means "bright in counsel." Moore - and increase in revelation, understanding and manifestation of God's Word!!!
According to Dutch Sheets book "Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation," Oklahoma means "Choctaw: red people or red man" and is the 46th state (what God is bringing into this corrupt 46 fake administration) born 11-16-1907. Motto: Work Overcomes All Obstacles. Familiar Name: The Sooner State... the what??? The SOONER state meaning SOONER than later manifestation!!! Hallelujah! And, during the 50 state tour, Oklahoma was called THE OPEN HEAVEN STATE!!! (See attached photo of page 349)

My intercessory team asked me to post this to Dutch Sheets and Tim Sheets ministries because it is a sign from the Lord of confirmation over the 300 arrowheads, the First Nations Covenant partnership with the remnant and His Word over America.
America shall be saved!!!
”“Instead of bronze I will bring gold, Instead of iron I will bring silver, Instead of wood, bronze, And instead of stones, iron. I will also make your officers peace, And your magistrates righteousness. Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise.“ Isaiah 60:17-18 NKJV
Jacqui Andrade
How incredibly beautiful, powerful and perfect is our Lord God! Thank you for sharing this understanding with us/me! I am thankful for you and your understanding. God's blessing.
MAGNIFICENT Revelation, this is of tremendous encouragement.
Thank you.
Amen! Such a blessing to be able to join others in prayer over our state!
Wow. Just Wow! ❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥. Praise God!