We used the prayer and decrees from Dutch and the team as well as our own. We were reminded of dreams and visions given to us as well as ones shared by our Apostolic leaders, making powerful decrees and declarations from these revelations. God spoke to us through numbers painted around the area, 22, 22 Holy Spirit highlighted which encouraged us to keep in covenant with Jesus so we have our authority to utilize the keys of the kingdom. This we sure did! We're believing that the air space above and around the dam is a "no fly zone" to all demonic principalities and their efforts to bring destruction. I recommend printing the 3/29/23 Oregon's 50 state prayer transcript from Clay Nash's website for making prophetic decrees from what God has said about our state.POWERFUL!
Lastly, the Josiah Company prayer call transcript from 1/16/24 wisdom for preparing to pray against demonic structures/principalities.
If you're in Jackson County and would like to join other intercessors for these assignments, you're welcome to join us!! The Loin of the Tribe of Judah is roaring, America shall be saved!!

Praise God!!!! I'm praying and decreeing at the mouth of the Rogue. I am also praying and decreeing over the state of Oregon according to our state seal and the prophetic pictures that are in it, in addition to decreeing what is written in the book "Releasing The Prophetic Destiny of a Nation" where Dutch declared that "Oregon will have (or has) the authority to see the Jezebel spirit torn down over the entire nation". How powerful.