We live on two acres near waxahachie Texas. There is the beginning of an unnamed creek on the back side of the property. I’ve discovered by following its course via satellite views it combines with others to eventually empty into the Trinity River. Come to learn the Trinity watershed , though not the largest in Texas provides water for about one half the population of the state (including DFW and Houston). I believe the Lord wants us to “paint” the water in our little creek which will flow to the river and Gulf of Mexico. The enemy shall be thwarted, America shall be saved.
David & Connie Truly.
Agreeing with you in prayer! We lived in Mansfield for many years. In Arlington now.
Dispatched warrior angels
Dispatched angels
Some clarification: the Trinity River basin is fourth in area among Texas Rivers yet provides water for approximately half the population of the state 15,000,000 people or of thirty million. It includes the large population centers of Dallas/Ft Worth and the Houston area.