Be careful when researching waterways not to grab the attention of the "Deep State", if they are willing to unfairly jail protesters on January 6th, they can bypass laws through the same means to ce after prayer warriors if something does happen to one of the waterways that we are investigating.
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I'm in Arlington. We have a few rivers and creeks in our area and we're not far from Puget Sound at Camano Island.
I'm in Arlington. We have a few rivers and creeks in our area and we're not far from Puget Sound at Camano Island.
4 commentaires
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If you can't go there grab a map on line and pray over it by touching the map. It works just as well. It's your faith that moves mountains and sends guardian angels.
Be as wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove. God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, truth and a sound mind. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the World. We will be anxious for nothing but give all our requests to God with praise and He will give us His peace that is beyond human understanding.
I'm also in Arlington and just pulled up the website for Spada Lake which supplies water to our area. We definitely need to cover it with prayer and God's protection!! Unfortunately I can't drive up there but will be in prayer anyway!