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Feb 27, 2024
Over the past month we’ve braved the snow to cover several Colorado waterways, dams, and water treatment plants with prayer, many decrees, and Psalm 91 at each site.   1. Clear Creek – Idaho Springs, CO 2. Blue River – Silverthorne, CO 3. Tenmile Creek – Copper Mountain, CO 4. Eagle River – Minturn, CO 5. Gore Creek – Vail, CO 6. Booth Creek – Vail, CO 7. Pitkin Creek – Vail, CO 8. Black Lake Reservoir – Vail Pass, CO 9. Dillon Reservoir – Dillon, CO 10. Dillon Dam – Dillon, CO 11. Snake River – Keystone, CO 12. Beaver Creek – Beaver Creek, CO   Joined by our intercessor friend Amy on these 1. Horsetooth Reservoir – Fort Collins, CO 2. Spring Canyon Dam – Fort Collins, CO 3. Dixon Dam – Fort Collins, CO 4. Soldier Canyon Dam – Fort Collins, CO 5. Horsetooth Dam – Fort Collins, CO 6. Fort Collins Water Treatment Facility 7. Mulberry Reclamation Facility – Fort Collins, CO 8. Drake Water Reclamation Facility – Fort Collins, CO 9. First City Water Works – Fort Collins, CO
Praying Over Waterways in Snowy Colorado content media
Jan 16, 2024
Reposting this from the Paint Your Border Prayer Initiative last summer Command Foreword - Painting the Borders of Colorado Submitted by Terri Brown, and Jean Steffenson On June the 21st a prophetic team met in Castle Rock. We were led by the Lord to bring a map of Colorado and paint the borders on it with oil. As we did, we prayed and made decrees for our state. Repentance First, we repented for neglecting our stewardship to protect these borders and this state within them. We pled the blood of Jesus and asked for His mercy for Colorado. We acknowledged many of man’s ways are in the Foreword to Colorado. We asked forgiveness for where any of our founders were led by greed, mammon, racism, lust for power, a political spirit or any wicked thing that grieved the heart of God. We asked the Lord to supernaturally remove defilement from our Foreword, land, and government. We prayed over the Colorado State Constitution. Through research we found It was written by Fredrick Stanton, who was the founder of the Odd Fellows in Colorado. The Christians at the Constitutional Convention wanted it to say, Almighty God. The Odd Fellows and the Masons did not want the Christian’s God, they wanted it to read “Supreme Ruler of the Universe” and they had their way. Which might mean people could choose their own supreme god. The motto on the State Seal for Colorado is, "Nil Sine Numine." The interpretation of this Latin phrase is commonly translated as "Nothing without Providence” some say nothing without deity. We know this was not divinely inspired but taken from the words of a Roman poet, especially since the Seal includes the Masonic symbol, the third eye. The Seal was designed by Lewis Ledyard Weld and Colorado’s first territorial Governor, William Gilpin, whose dealings were questionable and possibly illegal you must question what god was acknowledged and glorified in Colorado’s founding? After repentance we asked God for a divine reset to establish His pure Foreword for our state. We Declared ·        We enthrone Jesus, King of Glory and decree His kingdom rules and reigns in Colorado over all powers and rulers of the kingdom of darkness. ·        Colorado legally belongs to God, the Creator and Possessor of all. (Psalms 24) “Therefore, the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous.” Psalms 125:3 ·        We read the Preamble of the Colorado State Constitution as mentioned above. “We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more independent and perfect government; establish justice; insure tranquility; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the "State of Colorado.” We command the forewords (preamble) to be reset to align with God and agree with the Christians at the Constitutional Convention that only the Almighty God, Creator and Possessor of Heaven and earth is worthy of our profound reverence. He rules Supreme over all Colorado including all other gods. We decree within these borders perfect, righteous governments, godly justice, and peace to prevail with secure borders of protection and blessings of liberty. ·        We poured oil on the Colorado State Seal and declared that we are nothing without the Most High God. Therefore, only His will and purposes are permitted to enter these borders, prosper, and prevail in Colorado. ·        We as residents of this state humbly declare our dependence on God. We open our gates and borders and give entrance to the King of Glory, His angel armies, and Holy spirit to every sector of society. As oil representing Holy Spirit is applied to the borders, we declare it flows inwardly throughout Colorado pouring out on all flesh revealing Jesus and bringing multitudes into His kingdom. ·        We speak and declare Isaiah 58 the triumph of good over evil and Isaiah 60:18, “Violence will no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise. ·        We ask God for Zechariah 2:5 over Colorado. “For I, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.” ·        We believe and decree the angels of the Most High God that He has assigned to Colorado will prevail and maintain the victory of Jesus giving Him, His kingdom and His glory continued access to increase and advance in this land. ·        Colorado from Spanish origin means Colored Red. We declare as the borders of Colorado are painted with oil, they are also bringing the true and highest meaning of the color red to represent the blood of Jesus with His wonder working power to save, heal, deliver and set free this state and all within her borders to know, make known and serve the living God. Blood has a sound and a light of its own. We declare pleading the blood of Jesus over our borders is awakening the church, all believers, in every community to truth exposing all lies and deception.


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