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Feb 26, 2024
When the water level of the Mississippi River is high, it backs up the Yazoo River. Hence, Yazoo County has miles and miles of levees, in addition to a few earthen dams in local lakes. Six members of the Yazoo prayer group gathered around a map of Yazoo County and laid their hands upon it. We read the prayers and decrees protecting America's waterways.
Feb 10, 2024
Seven members of the Delta Force prayer group met in Silver City on the banks of the Yazoo. As there had been community contention in the wake of last year's tornado, we repented, asked God to cleanse the land, and poured oil and wine on the land. We read the prayers and decrees for the protection of America's waterways and the Mississippi River prayer.
Yazoo River content media
Feb 02, 2024
In MISSISSIPPI This massive Chinese stealth operation was a new threat involving "living off the land" techniques by hostile nation-state hackers. The hackers "burrow" into computer systems and lay low for an extended period of time until activation by an order of the hostile government. This Chinese effort targeted communications, transportation, energy, and water. A multifaceted prayer response was in play during the drama of dismantling it. May 2023--Chinese ooperation comes to light November 24, 2023--Gina Gholston has dream Decermber 6, 8, 20, 2023--Warrants were filed in southern Texas January 3, 2024--I posted a prayer against "living off the land" hackers on a small Mississippi text prayer group named Mississippi Prayer Alliance, led by Beau and Marion Neill. January 9, 2024--Another warrant was filed. January 15, 2024--Dutch commissions Protecting America's Waterways. January 26, 2024--My daughter and I visit Cowpens and Kings Mountain, two Revolutionary War battlefields where the patriots defeated the British and the loyalists. We read the covenants and prayed against the empire-building spirit. (I have wondered if these battlefields where the British were defeated are somehow marked with victory over the empire-building spirit, now known as globalism or one-world-government.) January 30, 2024--I visited the National Cryptologic Museum, the only part of the NSA available to the public. Before going, I read our nations covenants and the few computer prayers that Mississippi Prayer Alliance had posted. I prayed while walking through the museum with my hickory walking stick. Later that day, the first news of the destruction of the Chinese network came out.
Feb 01, 2024
I am a Mississippian on a road trip with my daughter. Based on a dream she had 1 1/2 years ago, we prayed for the spiritual and natural reinforcement of the perimeters of Oak Ridge, Watts Bar, Sequoyah, and Browns Ferry nuclear plants. We claimed the Blood of the Lamb over the perimeters. We decreed that the Blood says to the angel of death, You must pass over. We proclaimed Psalm 91 over the employees of these plants and came against any shooters. We were at Love's in Loudon when we did this.
Jan 19, 2024
The deepest point of the Mississippi River is near Algiers Point in New Orleans. Depending on rainfall levels and water flow from upstream, it is around 200 feet deep. Algiers Point is across the Mississippi River from the French Quarter and Canal Street. Psalm 148:7 Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea monsters and all deeps! Praise the Lord, all sea monsters and deeps at Algiers Point! Praise the Lord, Mississippi River! From Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico, exalt the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted and supreme! Hallelujah! During the Civil War, President Lincoln famously remarked, “See what a lot of land these fellows hold, of which Vicksburg is the key!” The US Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District encompasses a 68,000 square mile area across portions of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana that holds nine watersheds and incorporates approximately 460 miles of mainline Mississippi River levees. Our Father in heaven, The men and women of the USACE Vicksburg District are waterway gatekeepers. We bless them. In this year of the door, 2024, we ask that You come alongside them and grant them supernatural wisdom and knowledge. Help them to be vigilant and discerning, to know what to do in every situation they might encounter. If there are breaches in the Mississippi River defenses, reveal it to them, that the defenses may stand. We declare Your peace that passes understanding over the Mississippi River, in every dimension seen and unseen. Amen.
Jan 16, 2024
On January 16, there was a joint conference call between the Hills and Delta prayer group, based in Hernando, and the Mississippi Governmental Prayer Alliance. It was a divine appointment! Both groups logged onto the same conference call number at the same time, not knowing the other group would be using it. MSGPA had planned to focus on the waterways, and most of the dams in the state are in the Hills and Delta locale. Twelve powerful intercessors covered our waterways and our legislature in prayer. The Prayers and Decrees for the protection of America's Waterways were read. These government leaders were prayed for by name: the Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker of the House, chairmen and vice-chairmen of all six legislative committees having to do with waterways, the Director of the Joint Staff of the Mississippi National Guard, and the Director of the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. In addition, we prayed for supernatural guidance of the Army Corps of Engineers based in Vicksburg, which oversees the dams and levees along the Mississippi River. We prayed for protection of each Mississippi dam by name. We claimed the Blood of the Lamb and spoke life over our water supplies. We prayed for the protection of our power grid, particularly the hydroelectric power generated at the dams.


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