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Jun 16, 2024
Its been upon my "heart" with deep concerns with the Arizona Primary Election Day on July 30th, 2024 , as I looked deeper into the Candidates "who" are running or re-running, Our State hangs in the balance of Our FREEDOM, Rights, Privilege's as Residences that of your children, grandchildren, to come in the future. there are many many issues of concern. We have a Choice TO VOTE / its our God Given Privilege's Duty, Honor as Christians, the Ecclesia ( Church) Let our voices be heard LOUD AND CLEAR, YES YOUR VOTE DOES COUNT Never say other wise We all need to seek the Lord wisdom. guided, direction, Who HE wants in leadership in the State of Arizona in governing with godly Principle's ( Bible Truth's) (ask the Lord he will Show) be a watchman on "WALL"" if need be set time aside fasting and praying . Listen to He Still quiet voice Yes God speaks to ALL His Children IF We just take time and Listen The QUESTION ? what does FREEDOM mean to you and your family, in your communities, take some time, do your search on the Candidates what each stands for on the issues that concern you most ? ( ask the Lord for discernment) He will show you Turn off the negatives / POLLS of Social Media, Media, TV ETC Talking Points , Chatting over the backyard fence line, and pressure of others, STAND UP with boldness Do what is right HOW GOD wants it / NOT MAN 2 Chronicles 7:14 By VOTING with a deep compassion of what FREEDOM COST / THE SOUL OF THE NATION (ARIZONA) Pray for those Candidates that you will be casting your VOTE for on July 30th, 2024 Pray for the (all) Voters casting ballots, their EYES will be Open to TRUTH Calling for a Day of FASTING AND PRAYING July 30th, 2024 Join Me in Unity for our State of Arizona Have a Blessed Day
Feb 06, 2024
I feel that we need to pray over Hoover Dam next few days with extra covering of prayers and agreement, Paslm 91 that the angels will stand guard over the Hoover Dam. standing also on Matt 18:18 18:19 for protection, as watchman on the wall, forbiting the plans of satan, all will be exposed, Hoover Dam is 45Min from Las Vegas / We bind the evil wickness that would put "fear" into the people, as I posted before have donwloaded map of Hoover Dam in Arizona and praying over it daily. Blessing to all the Prayer Warriors as we seek Abba Father for his might hand upon Hoover Dam / waterway.
Jan 18, 2024
Perhaps most of you have this map of all Arizona Dams, sharing for I know there are many who are not able go in person but yet want to be part of this assisgment of praying over our Arizona, for those who can, so appreciate doing so, Standing agreement with the Prayers Warriors in protceting all the water ways
Arizona map of our Dams  content media


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