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December 28, 2022

I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory!

Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day!

Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments.

However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well!

My friend and spiritual dad, Jim Hodges, sent the following strong prayer. The title is:


Unto Us a Child is Born

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over His Kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness. From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.” Isaiah 9:6-7

"Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, thank You for commissioning and sending Your eternal Son into the earth to save us and the entire world! We know You love people and the world You created. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your willingness to be clothed in a human body. You, the eternal Word, Creator of the universe, became flesh and dwelt among humanity. Son of God, You were gifted to us, Isaiah’s ‘Child that was born’! Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your power that brought forth a Child through Mary's womb. Thanks, too, for our new birth in Christ!

“Christmas 2022 finds us in a world desperately needing good news. We pray: ‘Lord Jesus, release Your wise and wonderful counsel to Your Ekklesia in all the nations, including America. Manifest Yourself as the Governor of Your Father's Kingdom in all spheres and aspects of life, especially in civil government. As Mighty God, release Your miraculous power to and through us as we proclaim a Third Great Awakening, a massive global harvest of people that will honor the sacrifice of Jesus. Anoint us to implement the victory of Your Cross and the empty tomb! As Eternal Father, pour out Your love and deliver us from the curse of fatherlessness in our land and in the earth. As Prince of Peace, let Your shalom cover the earth!’

“We pray in the mighty, majestic, and marvelous name of Jesus. Amen.”

Father, we now partake of the victory meal, the Lord’s Table. You told us this would empower our prayers. Because Christ became flesh, then sacrificed His body for us, we are saved. We stand on the strength of that salvation now. (Take the bread)

And Father, You said in Your Word that the blood of Jesus speaks! We let it speak through us today. It declares life, healing, and deliverance. It declares the healing of nations. It declares the disarming of the principalities and powers, placing them under Christ’s feet - and ours. We exalt His blood now. (Drink the cup)

You can find out more about Jim Hodges at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


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