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December 29, 2022

I will be leading us in Communion today. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice/wine and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory!

Hello! Thank you so much for participating with me in prayer each day!

Ceci and I are slowing down a little during these last couple of weeks of 2022. I do so each year, taking time to focus on the coming year and listening to Holy Spirit’s words, insights, and assignments.

However, with the critical assignment on the final quarter of 2022, I feel we must continue the communion and prayers aimed at ending Baal’s voice in America. Therefore, I have asked trusted leaders and friends to write prayers; I’ll read one each day and also lead in Communion. Though there won’t be a teaching, PLEASE join me daily for these strategic times of prayer. We must not let up - let’s finish well!

Our friend, Jacquie Tyre, sent the following strong prayer. The title is:


Blessings Over the United States of America

“Father, in the name of Jesus, we take our place of intercession over the United States of America. We plead the blood of Jesus over this land, humbly repenting and beseeching You to shower blessings over us, by Your mercy and kindness.

“As Your Ekklesia, using the keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19), we unlock the gates of life, loosing blessings that flow from Your throne. And, we lock the gates of death, binding up curses that have been unleashed across this land by our many sins, and by the evil actions of nefarious leaders who dare to mock You and Your covenant purposes. We are eternally grateful for Your Word that declares, "mercy triumphs over judgment" (James 2:13).

“We choose this day to align with Your heart of love for America and to release words of blessings over her in Jesus' mighty name:

“We bless our nation to fulfill Your original intent for her, walk in Your ways, turn away from evil and run toward righteousness, justice, and truth.

“In Jesus' name, we decree over America, you are blessed to step into your identity as a nation set apart for God's purposes; you’re blessed to display the glory of God and advance the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the world.

“America, You are blessed to burn with the zeal and passion of God our righteous Father.

“You are blessed to step into the most incredible move of Holy Spirit awakening and reformation the world has ever seen.

“America, you are blessed to be a distributor of God's grace and glory!

“We decree over the United States of America that God is for you and not against you; He loves you, and His face shines upon you, releasing great grace over you to be and do according to His divine purposes.

“We bless you, United States of America, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.”

Father, we seal these decrees with the covenant body and blood of Christ. They forever insure our victory. (Eat the bread)

With the power of the blood of Jesus, we declare Baal’s hold over America is broken. (Drink the cup)

You can find out more about Jacquie at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


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