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January 20, 2022

Prayer for America in 2022 (from Intercessors for America)

One of the things I like to do here at Give Him 15 is partner with other great ministries, especially those that emphasize prayer. Intercessors for America is one of those ministries; we have included reports and prayers released by them in the past. They have written a great prayer we can pray for America throughout 2022. In a moment, we will pray it together.

Check out IFA’s website: (or click here). Sign up to be part of their free membership list - they regularly release very helpful information and prayers you can agree with. If you can, send them a donation; they are good soil. Romans 13:7 tells us to “render to all what is due them…honor to whom honor.”

“Due” is from a Greek word meaning “indebtedness;” figuratively it means “an obligation or duty.” IFA has been leading the charge for intercession in our nation since 1973, almost 50 years. Certainly, we all owe them a debt of honor and gratitude. The word honor in this verse means “value, money, esteem, dignity” and more. Today, we honor this great ministry for the work they do. Let’s pray this prayer for America together with them:

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Father God, we love You. We depend on You and on Your faithfulness, even when things look dark around us and we cannot see light ahead.

“Father, thank You for being the Light of all men. Jesus, thank You for being the Light that shines in the darkness. Thank You for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And Holy Spirit, thank You for shining Your illuminating light in our hearts, that we may see Jesus and cry out ‘Abba! Father’ through You and Your power.

“Father God, in Jesus’ name, we lift our beloved nation up to You today. Father, we pray over the USA in 2022:

  • That she will know peace - the true peace which passes all understanding; the peace that can only be found in Christ Jesus.

  • That she will know joy - the true joy that is only found in the presence of God.

  • That she will know wisdom - the wisdom from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, undefiled, willing to yield to You and full of mercy and good fruit.

“Father God, I ask today in Jesus’ name that You would bless kings and those who are in authority. We acknowledge today that the ‘kings’ and ‘people who are in authority’ may or may not be two different groups of people, Lord; but we pray that You would shower them all with Your goodness, which brings men to repentance.

“Father, for those leaders and workers in government who may yet be saved, we ask that You would pour out Your Spirit of salvation upon them.

“From the President to the humblest, most unknown worker in the land, let them cry out to You for mercy and salvation. And Father, for those who refuse to be saved and refuse to honor You and walk in righteousness and justice, we pray that their days in office would be few and that another would take their office, according to Your will and Your plans only, Lord.

“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, we ask that revival would fall on America in 2022. We ask that Christians would rise up and preach Jesus in the streets. We ask that churches would be filled again with people who are being saved. We pray that You would give us, Your servants, boldness to preach and speak as we ought to speak.

“Father, we ask also that You would protect these United States of America in 2022. Protect her people, her supply chain, her economy, her food sources, her ports, her airspace, her military, her government, her cities, her villages, her schools, her shopping malls, airports, and every other facility. Protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Father. Protect the integrity of our Supreme Court, for we acknowledge that even though the Court is called ‘Supreme,’ YOU are actually the Supreme Being and You rule over all as You will.

“O holy Father, we need You. We need You to give life to our nation again.

“Heal and restore our economy. Protect and bring justice to our elections. Repair our health care system and set it aright. Heal our military.

“We pray against every false theology and ideology, which are idolatry, and in Jesus’ name we cast them down in America right now:

  • We decree and declare that 2022 will be the year in which America and Americans and every stranger within the gates will WAKE UP and see the light of Jesus Christ shining upon them.

  • We declare and decree that 2022 is the year in which we shall ALL know the truth, and the truth shall make us free.

  • We decree that LIFE shall prevail in 2022, and that every murderous intent of every person disposed to evil IS cast down now and replaced with the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

  • We declare that there shall be an end to control and manipulation in 2022, and that FREEDOM would ring out again from even the dirt and stones of our nation.

  • And we declare and decree that the truth of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, shall run swiftly from border to border; from lakeshore to gulfshore; and from sea to shining sea - and that all the people in our great nation would no longer be deceived, but would be filled with Your Spirit as You pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh.

Father God, there may be much darkness around us, but YOU shine through the darkness.

“You have done much in 2021 and prior years to right many wrongs in our nation. We praise You for that, and we thank You. And in 2022, Father, we humbly ask You to bless us and heal our land. Turn Your people back to You, and do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever dare to ask, hope, or think. Show up, Lord, and do the great and the mighty for us in the USA this year.

“Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ holy name we pray, amen and amen.” (1)

Click on the link below to watch the full video.





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