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July 25, 2022

A Challenge from Washington, DC

Hello, and thank you so much for joining me for a different Give Him 15. If you’re watching, you can tell we are not in the studio - I am in Washington, DC, with a couple of friends, Dr. Greg Hood and Pastor Randy Lopshire. You have heard of both them from previous posts, and we are here on a prayer assignment. We didn’t know if we would do this today - try to share a post from here - but decided it would be beneficial to do so. We didn’t bring a video/sound crew with us, but we will casually pass the microphone around and talk about what the Lord was saying to us, encouraging you. We can’t do the posts live because we have to transcribe them. We have thousands who just read them instead of watching - that’s why we don’t do live programs. But today, we want to talk with you about what we experienced here yesterday (July 21) as we prayed outside the White House and on the Mall.

I had received a prophetic word/assignment from my friend Chuck Pierce, who said he felt that the month of July was extremely important. And then the Lord gave my brother, Tim Sheets, a dream where he was standing outside the White House on July 4, decreeing. I asked Chuck if he had anything prophetically he wanted to pass on to me for the month of July, and he said - “You need to go, you need to go to DC - I see you standing on the Washington Mall - I see a wind coming and I hear you decreeing the portal that has been opened to evil is now being closed.”

I never do this type of thing by myself; I always bring people with me to help with the assignments, so we came here yesterday to do that. I will just say that when we come, Holy Spirit is very faithful to speak to us, to lead us in our decrees. And just as Chuck said, as we arrived at the mall, the winds kicked up - it blew so hard that it blew a sign over next to where we were standing - we just looked at each other and said “here we are!” It was a confirmation to me that we were hearing and doing the right thing. We felt so led by the Lord regarding this assignment and our prayers, especially at the White House.

I’m going to hand the mic off to these guys so they can encourage you - we don’t want to just talk about what we felt/sensed from the Lord. We do this privately - no one really knows what we’re doing on these prayer journeys - we are discreet about what we pray and aren’t going to go into a lot of detail, but want to encourage you to do this in your capital city, your state, your city hall, schools - on-site praying. Greg - share what is on your heart.

“Dutch, I feel prayer assignments are important, to have boots on the ground. I’ve had people ask me - why do you have to go to this place or that - why don’t you just pray from home? There are a couple of things that I feel are important. In the realm of the supernatural, when you pray at a location, you are encountering angels at that particular place that are territorial - you're able to see and hear things that you cannot see or hear from home. We saw angels yesterday and were reminded of dreams and visions that were very important. Also, God shows up where He tells you to go. The point of you meeting God in that place is very important. There is a divine appointment there, and I think we are seeing that a lot as we go pray at different places. I personally know it’s easier to hear prophetically when we are on these assignments. I hear the Lord say - ‘Keep watching, and He will show you activity of the spirit that is going on there and address it easier on site.’ God is there all the time, but the enemy is not. I feel that today, people are challenged to go to and pray at a location, and not just from home. As people are watching this, God is going to stir their hearts to go and pray in different locations - go pray and agree where He is telling you to go.”

[Dutch asks] Randy - what do you think?

“I agree with Greg, you have to get in the environment, on the ground, and feel the atmosphere in order to connect for that moment. It was amazing yesterday and an honor to pray there with you guys. I had an overwhelming sense of victory - we have a taste of victory in our mouth right now at least on some levels, the enemy is set back on his heels and off balance. I heard Holy Spirit speak this morning that the scales have been tipped against him - it’s time to keep the pressure on [through prayer] so that he will completely topple. He’s tipped, and it’s time for Him to topple. I felt one of the reasons God sent us here was to apply the pressure that the Lord wanted to apply.

“I felt excitement regarding the ground we have gained after a long season of grinding that out [referring to the reversal of Roe vs Wade]. But this is not time to let up, it’s not time to stop or rest on our laurels, but continue on - there is work to do through prayer. I also felt that yesterday, we released an energy from God into this place and as we did so, we represented the rest of the Ekklesia - and accomplished this through our prayers and decrees.”

Pastor Randy continues: “Dutch, as I prayed this morning, I heard the word “reserves.” I think that God, the great commander and Lord of hosts, is calling in the reserves - the fresh reserves. Some on the front lines are winded, not weary, but winded. Army reserves are ordinary citizens who have military training and are ready at any given point to be called forward to serve, even into the battle. Some years ago Chuck referred to the Triumphant Reserve. I feel in my spirit that everybody needs to be ready because these assignments are going to spread to others. He is raising up these prayer assignments - the reserves across this whole country. I am believing that people will be sensitive to Holy Spirit and not let it be a passing thought, but realize that perhaps, the Spirit is asking them to get in their car and go to where God leads them, praying the words He gives - taking them on prayer assignments.”

(Dutch shares) That’s very good. I feel that I should prepare something that will give people insights, guidelines, etc., for prayer journeys - everything from the practical details, to the spiritual side of it - that would probably be helpful. There are things you do and don’t do when God asks you to pray at a location - we will work on getting that done very soon to help everyone out.

Greg shares again, “As Randy was speaking, I was seeing an activation of Give Him 15 people all around the world - that reserve being activated for an “invasion” (spiritual speaking) of taking back what belongs to the kingdom of God - to occupy the territory that the enemy took, but doesn’t belong to him. As you talked about those guidelines, Dutch, I felt this could be helpful to people all over the world. The time and season are so right for us to shift things back into the kingdom of light. I saw this - a major onslaught of those reserves - a spiritual D-day at hand without the casualties. I want to encourage people today to prepare themselves for these prayer assignments. They will build your faith, stir up your gifts, and will enable you to work with others in the body of Christ. Get ready - that is the word of the Lord today.”

(Dutch finishes up) That’s outstanding. We are going to pray now - thank you for your patience with this going a little longer than a usual GH15, but let’s pray and sum this up.

Pray with us:

Lord, I felt Your wind as we shared. It’s amazing how You do these things, Lord, but I believe there is a commissioning taking place right now to this Triumphant Reserve - that people will grab the baton and do some prayer journeys, going to their capital, doing these prayer walks/assignments. Lord, their prayers, and the prayers of those agreeing with us today, are as important and vital as anyone else’s. So we commission this praying army to be boots on the ground now - go to the place where God tells you to go and put your feet there knowing that every place where the sole of your foot treads, He is giving it to you. We are sending you now with the apostolic authority of the Lord Jesus Christ - we send you forth on these prayer assignments and say you will accomplish everything that God wants to do through you, in Jesus' name.

(Greg prays) “And Father, we thank You today that there is a great stirring and releasing of their spiritual gifts, and they will see signs and wonders. I believe they will have dreams before they go - You will release to them things in the supernatural they have not seen before. You’re bringing your Ekklesia to another depth of walking in synch and partnership with heaven. I think there is an alignment between the spiritual and natural there hasn’t been before - we pray for dreams and visions to be activated in order to reap a harvest of souls and take back the land. Lord, You have so passionately said, ‘I will have this nation.’ You have said You need this nation. As this Triumphant Reserve is activated, we say, America shall be saved!”

(Randy prays) “Lord, we call forth those individuals who hear and are getting ready to respond, reminding them that every prophetic word was for this moment of activation - make it real to them again, Lord - connect them with people and intercessors who can help them - speak into their lives. Anoint them to see and hear clearly and bring courage to step out and do what You are asking them to do for Your glory.” Amen.

(Dutch shares) This has been awesome. I believe people will be encouraged. Thank you guys - I believe God has done what we asked Him to do.

Thanks for joining us today.

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