The Impending Violence Over Roe
The predicted violence over the possibility of the Supreme Court overturning Roe versus Wade has begun. The Washington Times reports: “There have been at least 140 incidents of arson, vandalism, and graffiti at Catholic churches since May 2020, and at least 24 attacks on pro-life offices and pregnancy resource centers since Politico published the leaked opinion on May 2, according to interactive trackers launched Tuesday by CatholicVote.
“The incidents include Molotov cocktail attacks on pro-life organizations in Madison, Wisconsin, and Keizer, Oregon. Last week, activists set fires and broke windows at the CompassCare pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York, and wrote ‘Jane was here’ in graffiti on the building’s exterior.”(1)
The Pro-abortion movement, “Jane’s Revenge,” is now calling for more violence. They have posted placards throughout Washington D.C., stating, “DC CALL TO ACTION…Night of Rage…the night SCOTUS overturns Roe V. Wade hit the streets…You said you’d riot…’ To our oppressors: if abortions aren’t safe, you’re not either.’”(2)
In a recent CharismaNews article, Mat Staver described recent opposition to a prayer rally at the Court, “Our team has been on Capitol Hill praying over the High Court as it prepares to deliver its much-anticipated ruling on abortion. Despite decades of pro-life work around the country and at the U.S. Supreme Court, we've never witnessed such hostile and demonically inspired evil directed at the justices and the judicial system.
The article states that “Black-robed men and women began arriving on the scene, screaming obscenities over the prayers. Screams of ‘[expletive] your God and your religion’ began to fill the air.
“Women dressed like prostitutes began to arrive, leaving little of their exposed bodies to the imagination. They gleefully joined the melee the witches and warlocks had begun.
“A woman walked right up to our podium and stood next to the pro-life speaker. Every time the pro-lifer spoke, the woman would scream unprintable curses into a megaphone pointed at the podium microphone.
“The pro-abortion crowd began cursing the justices, the people praying and, yes, vehemently cursing God Himself.”(3)
Meanwhile, the most pro-abortion administration in history, along with allies in Congress are ramping up the rhetoric regarding their future war for abortion. The Washington Examiner reports that:
“‘The administration continues to explore every possible option in response to the anticipated Supreme Court decision on abortion,’ said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre at Thursday’s briefing.
"’If the court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose. And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November,’ Biden said in a statement the day the Dobbs draft opinion leaked. ‘At the federal level, we will need more pro-choice Senators and a pro-choice majority in the House to adopt legislation that codifies Roe, which I will work to pass and sign into law.’”(4)
Republicans are pressuring the Department of Justice to investigate the violence, which they have been very slow to do. Quoting from the Washington Times, “More than 120 House Republicans urged Mr. Garland to investigate the [violence] in a Thursday letter, while Sen. Tom Cotton, Arkansas Republican, called on the Attorney General to take the attacks seriously or step down. ‘What is the Department of Justice doing to protect Americans from these violent attacks? At a minimum, you should bring federal charges against the perpetrators, where appropriate, and investigate “Jane’s Revenge” as a domestic terrorist organization,’ Mr. Cotton wrote in a letter. ‘If you are unwilling to protect Americans from these attacks, you should resign — although, in my opinion, you should resign in any case.’
“A frustrated Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, said, ‘there has not been a single charge brought against any individual or group despite the countless pro-life centers in America that have been firebombed and vandalized in recent months.’”(5)
I have been sensing for quite some time that there is going to be great violence in our nation over the coming months. The threats are real. Before I even heard the phrase “summer of rage,” I felt it was coming. The forces on the left are not going to give up even if Roe is overturned, and they will not take a civil approach in their opposition. They will use intimidation, fear, violence, and lies. We must be proactive in our prayers and not wait until this escalates.
The extreme rage is also a confirmation that the roots of this battle are spiritual. The bloodthirsty demons in our nation that have fed on and drawn their authority from the blood of innocent babies are filled with rage. We must not allow our anger and energies to be directed at the people they are using. These people are deceived. Many of them will be saved in the coming revival - Jesus loves every one of them. Pray against their efforts but for their hearts.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places,” (Ephesians 6:12; NASB).
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5; NASB). This battle must be won first in the spiritual realm, then the natural. As we do our part spiritually, others can do what they need to do naturally. Please remember this.
Pray for the protection of pro-life leaders. Pray for the protection of pastors and intercessors. Pray for the protection and salvation of the protesters. And pray for the protection of the Supreme Court Justices, their families, and their staff. It was recently pointed out to me that had the planned attempt on Kavanaugh‘s life been successfully carried out, it would have changed a likely 5–4 vote to a 4–4 vote regarding the Dobbs case. And Roe would remain the law of the land. We do not know for certain that 5-4 will be the vote count, but it seems so, based on the leak that occurred. Again, we must surround the Justices and their families with walls of protection through our intercession. We are watchmen God has raised up for this nation, and we must be diligent to accomplish our assignment. Finish well!
Pray with me:
Father, thank You for the work You are doing in our nation. Thank You for the prayer movement that has awakened millions of people to the power of prayer. Thank You for teaching us that we can repent on behalf of our nation’s sins, allowing You to break the strongholds over her and bring cleansing. Deliverance and revival do not come to us because we are finally free from our sins; they come in order to free us from them. Jesus said those who are sick need physicians, not those who are healthy.
We place our faith in the power of the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from all sin and unrighteousness. We place our confidence regarding this nation‘s future in the destiny and plan You gave and are restoring. We believe You have heard our intercessory repentance and appeals. We believe You are granting mercy. We believe America shall be saved.
So, we declare that the blood sacrifice of abortion will end in our nation. We declare that revival is here and coming. We declare that today’s young generation - teenagers, those in their 20s and 30s - will receive a revival of unprecedented proportions. We declare that churches will be aflame with passion and filled with Heaven’s power. We declare that Your kingdom is coming and Your will is being done. We declare all of these things in the name of Jesus, the One who holds all authority in Heaven and on earth.
Our decree:
We decree that while some are calling for a summer of rage, we, the church, are declaring it to be a summer of love.
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