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March 24, 2022

We are the Holy of Holies

Yesterday I spoke about Holy Spirit wanting to insert us - our lives, prayers, and decrees - into the cursed places of the earth to bring healing to them. I would add, we can do the same to individuals. One of my friends, pastor and apostolic leader Dr. Scott Reece, sent me the following prophetic word, which is a perfect follow-up to that post. Scott says:

“Early yesterday morning, March 23, I felt prompted by Holy Spirit to meditate on the Holy of Holies.

“I’ve always been fascinated with the subject of the Holy of Holies. I’ve studied it, I’ve walked the tunnel under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, stopping to pray where the Holy of Holies was most likely located. I’ve taught extensively on it.

“I wondered why the Lord was once again bringing my focus to this Most Holy Place? When I awakened at 3:00AM, I sang the song, ‘Take Me In’ (to the Holy of Holies). I then heard Holy Spirit whisper, ‘You are the Holy of Holies!’

“If ever there was a place God was jealous over, it was the Holy of Holies. And if there’s any person He’s jealous over, it’s you (Zechariah 1)!

“If there was any place guarded by God, it was the Holy of Holies. And if there is any person guarded by God, it is you (Psalm 121)!

“The Holy of Holies contained the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s rod, and manna. Your spirit now carries the Word of the Covenant, the Authority of the Covenant, and the Provision of the Covenant!

“Those items were all contained within the Ark of the Covenant, surrounded and guarded by angels. Your spirit is now that Ark of the Covenant where God Himself has chosen to abide (1 Corinthians 6:19). You, too, are surrounded and protected by angels (Hebrews 1:14).

“Only the High Priest could access the Holy of Holies. Only your Great High Priest can access your spirit (1 John 2:27). Your life is not up for grabs, you are NOT easy prey for the enemy! The people KNEW the Holy of Holies was off-limits. The devil and his demons know that you are off-limits, but they lie to you to deceive and gain illegal entrance. The Holy of Holies could not even be touched, and the devil is not allowed to touch you (1 John 5:18)!

“The blood was applied to the lid of the Ark of the Covenant, called the Mercy Seat, which contained the law of God, thereby redeeming the people from the curse of the law. The blood has been applied to you, redeeming YOU from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13).

“The Presence of God manifested in many tangible ways to the people of God, but the Holy of Holies was the epicenter of His presence. You are now a carrier of God’s presence and of His anointing! Through your life, burdens are removed from people, and yokes are destroyed! You walk in the demonstration of the Spirit and power (Isaiah 10:27; 1 Corinthians 2:4).

“The Word declares that You are the temple of Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit literally dwells in you, the Holy of Holies. Your life contains the very life, Spirit, and presence of God (1 Corinthians 6:9)! Out of your belly flows THE river of living water (John 7:38)!

“You ARE the Holy of Holies…the Most Holy Place!

“As I pondered this, the Word of the Lord came to me:

“‘You have seen yourself small, insignificant, and unworthy. If only you could know the depth of your value!

“‘In the midst of My people Israel I would come in visitation, into the Tabernacle and the Temple. But in you, I do not visit…I dwell. I have made you My holy habitation.

“‘Out of my Most Holy Place came promise - the promise of my Word, authority, and provision. Out of your spirit, I am releasing the word of My covenant, the authority of My covenant, and the provision of My covenant.

“‘I have set you in the midst of a world that is lost and without a shepherd. Out of you life, anointing, authority, and provision will flow to them. From your belly will come the very essence of who I am! Do not be surprised when people seek you out because of what you carry. They will seek you out in the natural realm, but they are looking for My supernatural realm. Be the supernatural!

“‘Do not fear being a carrier of My anointing to the nations. Do not allow the enemy to minimize who you are or what you carry.

“‘You ARE My Ark, you ARE My Most Holy Place! I have applied the blood of the Lamb upon the seat of your heart.

“‘You are healed…healing flows from you.

“‘You are healthy…health flows from you.

“‘You are whole…wholeness flows from you.

“‘You are anointed…anointing flows from you.

“‘You are blessed…blessing flows from you.

“‘You are free…freedom flows from you.

“‘In a dark and troubled world, you are the epicenter of My presence, grace, love, and anointing. I am pouring you out with a priestly anointing that rises up to destroy the yokes and strongholds of a lost world.

“‘Speak and decree the release today of that which is inside you. It is too precious to keep it locked inside the deep chamber of your spirit. It was never designed to be buried. Your heart was once a tomb where a dead man laid, but now it is a living Ark of My Presence, My life, and all that I am.

“‘Open your mouth, stretch forth your hand, extend your life and watch the holy reveal that occurs. The Word, Authority, and Provision of My Covenant, contained in the Ark of who you are, will be released unto a wilderness people…says the Lord!’”

What an amazing word this is! Receive it. Meditate over these words and believe them. They will feed your spirit and bring even more revelation. Let’s pray.

Pray with me:

Father, thank You for reminding us of who and what You have made us to be. Thank You for reminding us that we are Your Holy of Holies, habitations of the living God. We are carriers of Your very presence and power. May this revelation become stronger and stronger in the Ekklesia.

And even now, tens of thousands of us come into agreement as we release Your words and power into the lost world You spoke of. We release Your life, Your healing, Your deliverance, and Your power - to break curses off of people and fill them with life, through the blood of Jesus.

And we release this life to the nations. We release it into Europe, especially Ukraine and Russia, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, North America, and the islands of the sea. We release Your life and presence into our government, our schools, and our homes. Invade the earth through the prayers and decrees of Your people even this very day! We pray and release these declarations in the name above every name, Jesus.

Our decree:

We decree that we will live and function as carriers of the very presence of Almighty God!

Today’s post was contributed by Dr. Scott Reece. You can find out more about Dr. Reece and see his books here.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.



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