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October 11, 2024


Again, I want to thank you for your generosity toward the victims of Hurricane Helene. Funds continue to flow in. We also grieve with those in Florida hit by Hurricane Milton and are grateful that the losses, though severe, were not as great as feared by the meteorologists. Thank you for praying, and we will continue to pray for those impacted. 

As well as sending funds, three trailers full of sorely needed items are making their way to the mountains of North Carolina today - sleeping bags, tents, tools, generators, freezers, wheelbarrows, shovels, ATVs, and MUCH more. For the most part, we are forwarding the funds you send to appropriate, vetted groups with boots on the ground. We are neither staffed nor equipped to be a distribution/relief agency, though we are doing some. The needs are overwhelming. 

In light of tomorrow’s gathering on the Washington Mall, I want to share a few more thoughts today regarding the subject of covenant. The title of the post is:


The Power of Covenant

In 2007, a friend of mine was given a very important dream about me. Here is his account of the dream:

“You were a boxer and fought five giants over five rounds. You knocked out each of them - one per round - always with one punch; with each giant, you alternated fists. The first giant was floored with a right, the second with a left; back-and-forth you went until they were all down for the count. Five giants, five rounds, five punches, alternating fists.

“After you knocked out the fifth giant, you walked out of the ring and directly up to me. Holding up your gloved fists, you declared, ‘If you’re going to take out the giants in this season, you’re going to have to wear these two gloves.’ One of the gloves contained the word ‘Everlast,’ the other ‘Evergreen.” (End of dream.)

I discuss this dream and related subjects in detail in my book An Appeal To Heaven. I also discuss the “Everlast” glove in a GH15 post entitled “It’s Time to Put on the Gloves.” In short, it refers to Abraham’s reference to “the Everlasting God” in Genesis 21:33. Today, I want to focus on the “Evergreen” glove. 

The Covenant Tree

Evergreen trees have great symbolism in some cultures. Because they continuously maintain their green leaves or needles - that’s how they got their name - they have come to symbolize longevity, even eternity. At times, this symbolization was expanded to include an everlasting or lifelong commitment to a covenant. At the time of our nation’s founding, evergreens carried this significance to the Iroquois, a First Nations tribe. (In the book An Appeal To Heaven, I document this well, including the tribe’s influence on our government.) They were known to bury weapons under evergreens during a peace treaty ceremony (a covenant), thus the phrase, “Bury the hatchet.”

However, the use of an evergreen tree to symbolize eternal fidelity to covenant did not originate with them, but went back to Abraham’s time. As I stated in Genesis 21:33, Abraham called on the Everlasting God. “Everlast,” remember, was on one of the boxing gloves in the dream. But before calling on Everlast, Abraham planted a tamarisk tree, which is an evergreen. Both gloves are found in this one verse regarding Abraham! He wore both gloves! 

Why did Abraham plant the evergreen tree? In his day, trees were sometimes planted as memorials, reminding people of significant events. When Abraham planted the evergreen, he was establishing a witness to his forever-covenant with Everlasting God. The message was: “Everlast has been faithful to His covenant with me. I now publicly testify of my faithfulness to Him. I will forever honor my covenant with Everlasting God.”

Abraham‘s choice of evergreen, a tamarisk, is also significant: tamarisk trees are slow-growing, long-living, and when fully grown, produce cool shade. In fact, because this type of tree grows so slowly, no one plants a tamarisk tree for him or herself; he or she would never personally benefit from it. When planting a tamarisk evergreen, Abraham thought of his descendants, making a powerful declaration to them for generations to come, “I am in covenant with the Everlasting God; you will sit under the shade of my covenant with Him.” Profound!

When covenant with God is honored, not only is the covenant-keeper blessed, but their descendants are, as well. This has certainly been the case with America. We sit under the shade of our Founders’ covenant with the Everlasting God. When Holy Spirit used the symbolism of “Evergreen” in the boxing dream, He was pointing me back to America’s covenant with Him: If we would honor Everlast - the God of our fathers - and the covenant they made with Him, we would be able to take out the spiritual giants oppressing us. 

That covenant or pledge to Yahweh would include honoring Him and His Word, submitting to His ways, representing Him as a light to the nations, and delivering the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the earth. This is what America is being restored to. And our declarations of these truths are powerful blows to the spiritual forces opposing them.

That is what we will do Saturday on the Washington Mall. 

Let’s make the same decrees today that we made yesterday. 

Pray with me:

We decree that America was founded by God under an appeal to heaven, and an appeal to heaven is giving us a rebirth!

We decree that we are a voice for Him to all the earth, and the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from America to all people!

We decree that we are a nation founded under Christ’s blood and rule and that we have no king but Jesus!

We decree that Yahweh is our Lawgiver, our Judge, and our King, and our three branches of government were founded under this truth! (Isaiah 33:22). 

We decree we are a city on a hill, shining God’s light; darkness will not prevail!

We decree that God’s mercy over America endures forever; His mercies are new every morning!

We decree that He who began a good work in America will complete it, that God had a plan for our restoration before we even rebelled against Him!

We decree that nothing can stop our restoration because our trust is in God! 

We decree that God’s redeeming power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, and His truth will prevail!

We decree that God has the ability to save - loves to do so - and takes no pleasure in judgment!

We decree that we are seated with Christ, and satan is under our feet. We are far above all principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness!

We decree that we are Christ’s Ekklesia, representing His authority on earth; we have His keys of authority to bind and loose, open and close.

We decree that no weapon formed against America’s restoration, nor against the purposes of God for her, will prosper.

We decree that America shall be saved!!!

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

You can learn more about the Million Women on the Mall event in Washington, D.C., tomorrow, October 12, 2024, at

1 Comment

Oct 12, 2024

Amen! Great message! Yes, those hurricanes, I'm glad and relieved their done with for now! Been there and done that and it ain't no pick nick! I pray for all those people and families, especially those families that lost love ones! Our church has soon ladies that are going to million Women mall event. I pray they all reach heaven in their prayers there for our America, Israel and the world! God knows our needs before we we ask him for help, but we still have to ask and pray for his help! God is a loving, merciful God! He knows our needs, we just have to ask and believe and lean on him! The BIBLE says to trust and…

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