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October 28, 2024

The Sound of the Anvil

A few weeks ago, while browsing in an antique store, I was intrigued by a large, old anvil. I’ve never been interested in anvils, but for some reason, I was fascinated by this one. Later that night, I was reminded of the anvil once again and began to wonder if Holy Spirit was trying to speak to me. I texted my friend, Clay Nash, asking what anvils [prophetically] meant to him, if anything. Clay replied that when he thinks of an anvil, he is reminded of the verse about beating plowshares into swords. Joel 3:10 says, “Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’”

The following day, we discovered that I wasn’t the only one with an anvil fascination! Our friend, Betty Love, a prophet and pastor in Mississippi, adds to this story:

“My daughter, Anna, and I were ministering recently with our friends, Clay and Susan Nash. Just before the beginning of worship, Anna called me over to the keyboard and said, ‘I hear the Lord saying, ‘It’s hammer time!’” 

“Then, during the worship, I began to hear [in the spirit] a sound repeated, very loudly and distinctly; this continued throughout the meeting. I asked the Lord what I was hearing, and He said, ‘Anvil! It is the sound of the striking of an anvil.’ 

“After the service, I told Clay what I had heard. He looked surprised and said, ‘Last night, I received a text from Dutch asking what anvils meant to me. Betty, you need to see what Holy Spirit will reveal to you about this.’ 

“Throughout the night and into the morning, I continued to hear the sound of the striking of an anvil! 

The Origin and Use of Anvils

“An anvil is a heavy, usually steel-faced, iron block used in metalworking and blacksmithing. It has a flat top surface where metal objects are hammered and shaped. Anvils have played a crucial role in shaping our world through the forging of weapons, instruments, tools, and many other items for everyday use. 

“They have been used symbolically throughout history to represent strength, endurance, perseverance, resilience, stability and a firm foundation. As solid, immovable objects that provide a stable foundation for the work of the blacksmith, anvils represent the capacity to weather challenges and difficulties with unwavering determination and perseverance. They represent the ability to withstand hardship and forge ahead in the face of challenges and are known for their ability to withstand heavy blows without breaking.

“Our friend, Matt Coss, a worship leader and teacher, points out that the first anvil was likely used by Tubal-cain, the forger of bronze and iron implements (Genesis 4:22). His brother, Jubal, was the inventor of musical instruments and often called the Father of Music (verse 21). The name Jubal means ‘stream,’ and what a stream he created! His name is also linked to the word ‘jubilee’ (Leviticus 25:10), the Old Testament celebration of restoration that pictured the stream of redemption flowing from Christ. Matt said that Ray Hughs, the great teacher on sound, music and worship, believed the rhythm of Tubal-cain’s anvil and building awoke within Jubal, the cadence and rhythm of music. Fascinating. One thing is certain: the anvil and worship were “brothers!”

The Word of the Lord

“As I prayed and pondered all of this, I heard the Lord say, ‘I have drawn Dutch to the anvil because I AM forging something new within him and within the Ekklesia. I AM releasing the sound of the striking of the anvil to awaken the prophetic destiny of My Ekklesia, this nation, and the nations. It is the sound of awakening, transformation, and reformation, a clarion call to awaken the worshipers, the watchmen, the warriors, and the reformers in this new era. I am forging and building something new. It’s hammer time! Strike while the iron is hot!

“‘I have released the sound of the anvil in your midst to awaken an iron will, a flint-faced determination within you! I AM releasing a “Finishing Anointing” of My strength and resilience, enabling you to remain strong in the face of adversity and persevere to the end! I am charging you to wage a good warfare in keeping with the prophecies that have been spoken about you – individually, corporately, territorially, and generationally! War with your prophetic destiny, decrees, vision, and dreams! Healing, revival, awakening, and reformation are coming to America and the nations of the earth. America shall be saved! Again, you must strike while the Iron is hot! Let the Ekklesia declare: ‘The Lord God is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army]; He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet and makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility]’ (Habakkuk 3:19 AMP). 

Betty Concludes

“The Lord is shaping the destiny of America through a functioning Ekklesia that will open its mouth and release His words, whether through decrees and declarations of His Word, or through worship. He is releasing this sound of the anvil as a sign that He’s bringing awakening, transformation, and reformation into our lives and our land. He is forging something new within His people that will produce strength and victory in this season. They will be people with no quit in them. 

“We are going to possess and occupy everything God has given us. The sound of the striking of the anvil is the sound of defeat to the enemy, and a sound of encouragement to the Ekklesia Jesus has built. They will stand, war, and occupy in this season. IT’S HAMMER TIME!”


Pray with me:

Father, thank You for this powerful, revelatory sound and sign of the anvil You are releasing. You are bringing awakening, transformation, and reformation to Your Church and our nation! We agree with Your Word, “It is Hammer Time!” Shape us, mold us, forge us, and sharpen us with the hammer of Your Word into the mighty weapons and threshing instruments You have ordained us to be! 

Awaken the worshipers! Awaken the watchmen! Awaken the warriors! Awaken the reformers! Ignite us to war spiritually, enforcing the victory of Christ our King! Let the greatest “Jubilee” season that has ever occurred flow from Calvary’s stream into all the earth. 

In the name of Jesus, our Jubilee, we pray. Amen. 

Our decree:

We declare that it is hammer time, and Christ is shaping His Ekklesia into His image, from glory to glory.

You can find out more about Betty Love at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


Oct 28, 2024

Amen and Amen! Great message! All I got to say is "IRON sharpens IRON" !!!!!!!! Look it up it's in the BIBLE!!! President TRUMP "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!!!!, which translated to me means VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!!!!!!!!!!! Help Save America!!!!!!!

Thank you!!

God bless!!!

God is in total control!!!!

"America Shall be Saved" DSM!!!!

Make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown member
Oct 28, 2024

First the anvil of God shapes us, his Ekklesia. Then we shape culture. “Melt me. Mold me. Fill me. Use me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.”


Oct 28, 2024

Awesome! Reading this, I was reminded of 2 Corinthians 15:58, which says, “Therefore, my beloved brothers [and sisters], be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (ESV). Even when pounded upon by the hammer of God and circumstances, anvils don’t break. We are forged of the strongest metal to shape the people and culture around us.

And if we are the implement heated in the fire to be placed on God’s anvil to be shaped or sharpened, we mustn’t resist His efforts. Those who won’t yield to the Master’s will may be broken against the anvil. He knows best how to form us—either as a threshing…


Oct 28, 2024

Seen July 28 2021

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