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October 29, 2024

The God of Second Chances

I did not mention Friday night’s Healing Summit in yesterday’s GH15 because the post had to be written and recorded on Thursday before I left for Ohio. It was a powerful time. Just as in the first summit, we prayed for many people, and leaders in churches around the nation did, as well. Testimonies of healing are coming in. And as importantly, we prayed for the release of gifts of healing to be imparted throughout the earth. I will be sharing some of the testimonies, but due to the critical nature of where we are in the election process, today, I want to focus on the nation. 

America’s Condition

We now have a political party in America that is willing to allow thousands of terrorists, murderers, rapists, thieves, brutal gangs, and poisonous drugs into America in exchange for votes. We have a political party that has “lost” over 300,000 children – one can only imagine the suffering many of them are enduring – in exchange for votes. One of the first things Biden did when taking power four years ago was end Trump’s policy of DNA testing to see if those bringing in children were truly related to them. This party’s lust for power and to see America transformed into a weak, globalist nation is literally insatiable. It is hard to imagine that their collective conscience could have become so seared. 

It is also hard to imagine that such a large portion of America’s media would become complicit in such heinous activity. They know it is occurring; the sad truth is that they don’t care about these children, the fentanyl deaths, and the inevitable suffering from the criminal portion of the illegals that have come in. Obviously, their ideologies matter more than the children. 

And it is hard to believe millions of Americans choose to look the other way. What has happened to our nation?! I do not hate any of these people; I want to see all of them saved. I do, however, hate what they are doing. A true revival, transforming the hearts of millions of Americans, is necessary to change these things. Having the right people in government is important, but as we know, they cannot transform hearts, and America is sick at a heart level. Government leaders can and must reform America, but will only be able to do so after God revives it, transforming hearts. 

This is why we pray for both. We must continue contending for revival; and we must continue to contend for reformation in our government, praying that evil is removed and God-honoring patriots are elected. This upcoming election is crucial beyond words. We would not survive four more years of woke, Marxist, antichrist leadership. Very few people are capable of leading us in the level of reformation needed. Keep praying that they are elected.

And certainly, we must pray for an awakening in the church, God’s instrument to provide salt (preservation) and light to the earth. A large percentage of the American church lost its savor, and the light grew dim. And regarding her assignment of being a voice for truth and morality? Well, let’s just say her silence screams, “Lukewarm, irrelevant, and cowardly!” God, however, knows how to restore and revive His people. He is doing so, and is about to rain fire on them – FIRE!

Be encouraged, praying Christian. The God who has motivated our prayers is answering them. Many American people are now seeing our fallen condition, making them ripe for revival. Corruption and evil are being exposed in our government, setting the stage for reformation. Many in the church are tired of complacency, compromise, woke leaders, and lack of power, which is creating a hunger for true presence and power. All is ready. Keep praying!

And finally, pray for the protection of President Trump. I know in my heart that many – here and abroad – want him dead. God works through our prayers. The prayer that allowed for his protection on two occasions – that we know of – must continue. Pray for Trump, his family, and those around him. Pray that evil plans will be exposed, and that every plan fails. 

I had already written this when I heard that on Saturday night, our friend, Jane Hamon, dreamed four times of assassination attempts!!!! I can assure you that some on the left want Trump destroyed, and some nations want the same, Iran being one of them. Please don’t take these warnings lightly – again pray for the safety of Trump, his family, and those around him – DAILY. Declare that no weapon formed against him will prosper. And pray that he will be drawn into a very close relationship with God – Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-anointed, and Spirit-empowered. Pray these things DAILY!

And I leave you with a message of hope:

“Toward the end of the 19th century, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel awoke one morning to read his own obituary in the local newspaper: ‘Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who died yesterday, devised a way for more people to be killed in a war than ever before, and he died a very rich man.’

“Actually, it was Alfred’s older brother who had died; a reporter had botched the obituary! However, the account had a profound effect on Alfred Nobel. He decided that he wanted to be known for something other than inventing the means for killing people in war, and amassing great wealth in the process. So, he initiated the Nobel Peace Prize, the award for those who foster peace. Nobel said, ‘Every man ought to have the chance to correct his epitaph in midstream and write a new one.’”(1)

We are re-writing America’s.

Pray with me:

Father, we Americans have modeled greatness, and a loss of greatness. We now exemplify weakness, depravity, greed, pride, and so much more. You said, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches” (Jeremiah 9:23). We have done all of the above. 

And yet, Your mercies are great and endure forever. You are turning our nation, awakening us to our nakedness, and have raised up much intercession to fuel this. We thank You. Continue this, Father, allowing us to write a new epitaph. 

We pray for the safety and protection of Trump, his family, and those around him. Stop EVERY plan to take him out. Expose all of those endeavoring to do so. 

And give us the leadership we need at this time in history. Motivate people to vote, and to do so based on biblical values. Cause them to see that their actions are writing America’s epitaph. 

We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that America is re-writing her epitaph to once again read “One Nation Under God.”

Click on the link below to watch the full videos.

  1. David C. Cooper, Faith Under Fire (Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 2001), p. 187. 

1 comentário

29 de out. de 2024

Hallelujah, Amen! Great message! We service a Great God of second chances! A God of miracles, a wonder working God! A merciful God! A God of hope , and all we have to do is accept him, that's a miracle in itself! ! I'm glad to hear the Healing Summit went good! Yes, this election is very important! It's gonna decide in which direction our country, America is going, going forward! So please, Vote! Vote! Vote!!! Help save our country America!

God bless!

God is in total control !!

"America Shall be Saved'!!!! DSM

Make America Great Again!!!!!

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