The Tide is Starting to Turn
At times, we here at DSM and Give Him 15 feel we must address issues that are not as relevant to our international followers.This is one of those times. We thank those of you in other nations who pray for America, just as we pray for you. We love and esteem you highly and are grateful you join us.
Momentum is building for a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix America’s election system. In response to mounting evidence of serious problems with the 2020 elections, legislators in 47 states are working to pass election integrity bills to protect voting operations.
God is answering our prayers and truth is coming out.
In just a few days, what many are calling “the most important election audit” in our history will begin.
Hal and Cheryl Sacks, leaders of BridgeBuilders International, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, sent us this important update, the outcome of which will have a significant and immediate impact on our entire country!
The Arizona Senate has ordered the most comprehensive, large-scale, third-party forensic audit of the 2020 election to be performed to date.
This means that starting on April 22, all 2.1 million physical ballots and the voting equipment from Maricopa County (the fourth largest in the nation) will be examined by highly qualified, independent auditors!
While audits have occurred in some states, these have included only a limited number of votes from smaller jurisdictions, coming as a result of lawsuits or performed by election officials.
The start of the Arizona audit is a huge victory that comes after months of intense opposition, legal battles, and bureaucratic delay and resistance at every turn. It has taken tremendous perseverance by a remnant in the AZ Senate to get us to this point, and we are very thankful to them and to the Lord!
Independent Experts Chosen
After months of interviewing, vetting and soliciting advice from experts across the nation, the Arizona State Senate has hired Cyber Ninjas to lead the audit.
They are a respected cyber security company and will oversee three additional sub-contractors: Wake Technology Services Inc., CyFIR LLC, and Digital Discovery.
These firms are leading experts in computer forensics, election investigations, intelligence analysis, nation-state cyber activity threats, audits of voting machines and hand counts of ballots.
They have assisted the highest levels of government and private industry, including providing forensic support to the largest bank-fraud investigation in the history of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The Maricopa County audit will include:
Scanning all 2.1 million paper ballots
Doing a full manual recount
Investigating the registration rolls and votes cast to verify that only legal, registered voters participated
Checking the vote counts
Performing a cyber forensic audit on the electronic voting machines and systems used
It will be monitored by both Democrat and Republican observers and the entire process will be documented by video, with a detailed report of findings expected in about 60 days.
It’s Critical that We Continue to Pray for this Audit!
The auditors and legislators working on this are under immense pressure, including groundless lawsuits and attempts to discredit or intimidate them or derail the audit.
Even though state Senates have the sole authority to oversee elections, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has time and again refused to submit to the Arizona Senate’s subpoena to turn over machines and ballots until a ruling by a judge enforced it.
They then refused to allow the audit to take place in the Maricopa Tabulation & Election Center where the voting machines and ballots are currently held, even though this would be the best facility to use.
Moving the ballots and machines to the new location, the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, entails massive effort and expense...
But more importantly, it opens the door to potential chain of custody problems that would give the Board plausible deniability in the event that ballots have gone missing!
In a cyber investigation, machines should stay connected to the original network and nest cams, modems, routers, and all the data in them should remain in place. Moving them could cause a loss of data and evidence.
The Senate ordered the audit to be performed after disturbing allegations were made during a 15-hour public hearing where voters, poll workers, and expert analysts testified under oath about serious violations of election laws and protocols that they had witnessed.
Among these allegations are that over 2,000 voters had an address registered to the same vacant lot and 14,362 votes were cast by dead people still on the rolls!
To put this in perspective, the presidential election in Arizona was decided by a little over 10,000 votes.
Restoring Trust
Under the Constitution, We the People peacefully accept the outcome of lawful elections - and grant officials the permission to govern us, if the majority of our fellow citizens have selected them fairly.
A newly released Rasmussen poll found over half of voters say cheating likely impacted the 2020 presidential election, which broke down into 74% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats who believed this.
This lack of trust in our system is a crisis that can only be resolved by honest and transparent investigation into what really happened.
This is why forensic audits are critical, not only in Arizona, but in every county with election irregularities.
In Antrim County, Michigan, there were 25.5% more registered voters than eligible residents for the 2020 elections! Attorney Matt DePerno filed suit on behalf of his client to investigate what occurred and has just released the long-awaited report of his forensic findings.
Among the many shocking discoveries made were that 66,194 ballot voter IDs were from people not registered to vote, after examining just 9 of Michigan’s 83 counties!
In addition, his team found that some voting machines (used in 8 Michigan counties) had a modem chip installed on their computer motherboards, allowing them to be connected to the internet without anyone knowing.
This is a serious vulnerability which allows outside parties the ability to access them remotely! In other states, voting machines also were found to be connected to the internet which raises concerns that foreign or domestic hackers could penetrate the systems.
Election Integrity Bills Facing Fierce Opposition
361 new election integrity bills have been introduced by state legislatures around the country.
Many of these are much needed solutions, such as Georgia’s new voter ID law, which was fiercely attacked by celebrities and corporations using bully tactics, including the recent decision by Major League Baseball to boycott Georgia following Gov. Kemp’s signing of the bill.
This is in stark contrast to what the American public wants. According to a poll, 77% of Americans support requiring an ID to vote. This includes Biden voters (62% support to 24% opposed), black voters (64% support to 22% opposed), and Latino voters (78% to 16% opposed).
Nevertheless, nearly 100 CEOs from America’s largest companies, like Delta Air Lines, Coca-Cola, and Aflac Insurance, met a few days ago to strategize ways to combat efforts to pass new election integrity and voter ID laws, not only in Georgia but around the country.
Thankfully, many state legislators are pushing forward regardless of the intimidation and attacks.
The Arizona Senate recently passed several election bills that would ensure:
Increased identification for early ballots.
Better tools to remove dead voters from the rolls.
Requiring early ballots sent to the wrong address to be returned.
Stopping the use of any electronic voting equipment produced in another country, as well as the transfer or storage of any data overseas.
Making it a felony for ineligible voters to vote.
Paper receipts must be given to every voter confirming their ballot was tabulated and if not, giving the reason why the ballot was rejected.
Similar bills are being worked on in other states. Election integrity is paramount if we are to see our beloved Republic preserved!
Your governor and legislators may be the target of boycott threats from corporations and accusations by the media if they are part of the 47 states advancing these bills.
Please counter this by contacting them to show your support for laws that protect elections in your state!
The lasting impact of the 2020 elections could well be that we emerge with stronger, more righteous elections than ever before! If this happens, we all win!
Pray with me:
Father, we thank You that You have given Your church, Your Ekklesia, the power and authority in prayer to see truth and justice prevail in our elections. Thank You that You are resetting our election systems to be more honest, transparent, and accurate. We are grateful for state legislatures that are fighting to upgrade and protect our election process – even under threat of slander and boycott! We pray for them and pray that the effective election reform bills in 47 states would be passed and signed into law. Thank You for breakthrough, that despite opposition from all sides, Arizona is moving forward with its history-making audit! We ask for supernatural protection of all records, data, and physical evidence, including surveillance footage and audio recordings from the tabulation center, voting machines, routers, ballots, and images. We pray specifically for the companies hired to act as auditors: Digital Discovery, CyFIR, Wake Technology Services, overseen by Cyber Ninjas. We ask for You to watch over these teams, that their work would be unbiased, accurate and above reproach. We know that they are under extreme pressure from all sides and ask for Psalm 91 protection over them and their families.
Our decree:
As Your Ekklesia, we decree that no evidence, either physical or digital, will be lost, tampered with, or overlooked – and angels will safeguard the entire audit process, especially while the evidence is being moved to a new location! We take authority in Jesus’ name over any confusion, false accusation, misinformation, intimidation or threats that the enemy would seek to bring against those who are working on the Maricopa County audit and audit efforts in other states. We decree in Jesus’ name for truth to be revealed and an accurate accounting given to the public. We declare that according to Your Word “…there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open” (Luke 8:17).
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Nancy Barto, e-Newsletter, March 12, 2021