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August 1, 2017

Not Afraid of the Name of Christ – Quote from the Founders of Harvard

Did you know that 106 of first 108 colleges and universities in America were founded on the Christian faith? Did you know that students at Harvard and Yale were required to read the scriptures twice daily? Harvard’s founders said, “All knowledge without Christ is vain.” They didn’t say, “All knowledge without a higher power” or, “All knowledge without a supreme being.” They didn’t just say, “Without the Almighty.” These guys were not afraid to call on the Name of Jesus. They were not hesitant to say, “Christ is the only way.” They did not insult other religions. They knew that this nation was founded on principles that did not force Christianity on anybody, and that people could worship however they wanted. However, as far as this nation and the governing of this nation was concerned, we were founded on Christian principles.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16: NKJV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Are you ever even slightly ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Does the political spirit ever make you want to keep your mouth shut, lest you get verbally attacked? Guess what? Jesus has already made a way for you to repent.

  2. Declare that there is a holy boldness coming on the Church now! We have a window of opportunity to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with boldness in America—proclaim we will take it!

  3. Look for an opportunity every day this week to share the love of Christ with someone in word or in an act of loving kindness. A friend, Dehavilland Ford, just asked a line of people waiting to buy lipstick at a store near Dallas if she could pray for them. Everyone wanted prayer. She just went right through that line praying in power for each one! Be bold, Church!

A prayer you can pray:

Lord, please forgive me when I have felt a hesitancy to make it known that I love You. I can see that the atmosphere in the nation is changed and I can be bold. Thank you that You have brought so many people who are worshipers in other religions to our shores, so that they find Christ. That can only happen as Your Church boldly and lovingly makes You known to them. Show me how to take advantage of the season we are in and tell others about You, Jesus. Show me some way every day this week how to share You with others around me, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

I decree that all knowledge without Christ is vain and that the Ekklesia of God will spread the Gospel without shame all across this nation!


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