Shakings, Puzzles, and Plumblines
I was recently sent the following word given by Holy Spirit to a prophet, Charlie Shamp, back on September 8, 2022. I had not seen this when I posted Gina Gholston‘s dream and launched the efforts to paint our states and command the foreword. Here is the prophecy:
“An uprising is coming! It has been brewing underneath, but now you will see the uprising as the enemy attempts to remove righteousness completely from the land.
“Hear Me this day, righteous remnant in America; you must arise and decree My covenant over your nation. You must arise and declare your birthright, for you were birthed as a nation founded upon Me. Decree and declare your birthright, and fresh breath will enter your weary bones.
“I will expose the wicked weeds in your government that refuse to repent and bow to Me. I am separating the wicked from the righteous seed that has been planted in the soil of your nation. My hand will uproot this uprising as its springs forth - if you pray!
“You must decree your birthright before my heavenly courts, and I will silence the wicked one in the courts upon the earth, in your land. For what they attempt to do, I will turn it around upon them, and they will fall upon their face in disgrace. Where they will attempt to prosecute, I will overturn and throw it out. Lift up your voice to Me and decree your birthright, America, and I will remove and uproot wickedness and wash the land white as snow. The scales of Justice will tip in your favor, and the bowls of judgment will tip over upon the wicked one.
“Watch and pray, for I will bring a great turnaround in a single day. You will hear the sound of the roar at the return of the Lion in the land. The hunter will become the hunted.”(1)
Five times this word said to decree our covenant or birthright as a nation. That is exactly what we have been doing as we’ve “commanded the foreword.” It’s wonderful to receive these confirmations!
The word warned that our enemy would rise up in a desperate attempt to eradicate righteousness in our land. It then challenged the church to rise up, as well, to stop this through prayer and decrees, which would allow the breath of God to be released to us, removing weariness.
The prophecy also said wicked weeds in our government would be exposed and removed, their efforts defeated and disgraced. “Where they will attempt to prosecute, I will overturn and throw out,” the Lord said, and “The scales of Justice will tip in your favor, and the bowls of judgment will tip over upon the wicked one.”
How timely is that! And Holy Spirit ended by saying we would see a great turnaround in a single day!
In the “command the foreword” dream, decreeing America’s birthright and original purposes not only protected us, but it also released the shaking - God’s judgments - on the enemy. I will be saying more about the coming shaking over the next few weeks – we receive many questions asking what I think it is – but for now, we must remember that the shaking is not to destroy us, but to dismantle evil. Holy Spirit told us multiple times not to fear. If our prayers and decrees for cleansing and restoration are what God is using to produce the shaking, obviously, we should welcome it, not fear it.
Will it be uncomfortable? I believe so. But I am more than willing to experience some tumultuous times in order to save our nation, this generation, and the great harvest God has planned.
I am also being asked how we accomplish the third bullet in the instructions the Lord gave in the dream: anchoring our states to the anchors and cables angels used to secure the entire nation. I have some thoughts regarding this, but am not yet certain they are from Holy Spirit. Gina, who had the dream, said the same. It may come from someone else, of course; we and others are praying about this, and Holy Spirit will show us at the right time. I believe the direction will be given soon. I want to conclude this post with a couple of wonderful reports from those painting their borders and commanding the foreword in their states.
The first is from Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward, who lead many of the prayer efforts in Kansas. They and two other ladies from Ark City, Kansas, went to the Oklahoma/Kansas border to fulfill a portion of the assignment. (Many others participated throughout the state.) The team took a plumb bob (also called a plummet or plumbline), to use as a prophetic act, just as the Lord did occasionally in Scripture (Isaiah 28:17; Amos 7:7-8; and elsewhere). Here is an abbreviated version of their report:
“Dropping a plumbline is not a ‘doctrine’ of the church but rather a prophetic act signifying alignment with the Lord and His ways. [A plumbline is] used for determining a vertical straight line in construction, to keep the work straight.
“A plumbline doesn't change; it remains the same, and all the work must line up with it or risk being crooked. Isaiah 28:17 tells us righteousness is a plumbline. God sets the standards, and He does not change with the whims of culture. His moral law is the plumbline against which we determine right and wrong.
“We line up our lives according to God's plumbline - His word - rather than moving it to satisfy man's agenda. In prayer, we have occasionally dropped a plumbline to ‘declare’ to a situation or a place: ‘God’s righteousness is the standard here. We align with Him, His Word, and the direction of Holy Spirit.’
“On our way to the OK/KS border, we stopped at a monument commemorating the Cherokee Strip Land Run. It is dedicated to the people who went into Cherokee land along the border and staked claim to the native's land for themselves.
“We repented for what was done on September 16, 1893 - by both sides of the issue. Then, at the border of OK/KS, Sandy dropped the plumbline. The plumb bob began spinning in a counterclockwise direction. As it did, Holy Spirit spoke these words: ‘Because you have repented, I am going back in time; I will redeem the timeline that has held people and lands in bondage - in both of these states - here in the heart of America.’
“The spinning stopped, and the plumb bob began to spin clockwise. Holy Spirit then spoke these words: ‘Because you have repented, I am entering this land's present and future with redemption. Don't worry about a thing. Yes, other actions need to take place, but regardless of what the shaking brings, the future is secure. I am redeeming your timeline all the way back and all the way forward. I know the end from the beginning. I am the Alpha and the Omega.’”
Holy Spirit spoke other encouraging words to them and led them in other prayers. I found the report to be so very encouraging. Another fascinating testimony came from Pennsylvania:
“I just wanted to share how the Holy Spirit is leading me to ‘paint the states.’ As I was praying about this, the Holy Spirit brought to mind a jigsaw puzzle in the shape of America; each state is a different puzzle piece. I bought one online. Each state is magnetic, so I put the puzzle on my fridge. I pray for a different state daily, and take that piece/state to work with me as a reminder (I’m a nurse’s aide at a retirement home). One of my residents is a 90-year-old prayer warrior, and we pray together for that day’s state. Blessings…”
Don’t you just love it!!!
Pray with me:
Father, at Your instructions, we have been decreeing the power of our covenant with You. Though it appeared to many that we had sold our birthright for a bit of porridge, Your grace and mercy said, “No! That is not the case.” From the bottom of our hearts, we thank You for this mercy we have received through our Savior, Jesus.
I personally thank You for the willing army that has arisen in this hour, saying in agreement with You, “No! It is NOT too late!” As it was in Deborah’s day, “The leaders led, the people volunteered. Bless the Lord!” (Judges 5:2 NASB). From the 90-year-old in a retirement home to the kindergartner praying with Nana, thank You for Your willing people. Now, we will see Your mighty arm. You will demonstrate Your great power in our land. Bring it!
You have dropped Your plumbline; the standard has been set. We align with You, Your Word, Your Son, and Your glorious Holy Spirit. We align with Your truth, Your plan, Your purposes, Your ways, and Your timing. Uproot the wicked seeds in our land, overturn evil prosecutions, and tip the scales of justice. Leave no doubt as to who is Lord over America and Earth.
And lastly, send revival!!!!!
We pray all of this in our role as representatives of Christ. From this comes our authority, amen.
Our decree:
(From Charlie Shamp’s prophecy:) “Yahweh will bring a great turnaround in a single day. We will hear the sound of the roar at the return of the Lion in the land. The hunter will become the hunted!”
To find out more about Charlie Shamp, go to
Shamp, Charlie: “An Uprising is Coming”. Sep 8, 2022.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.