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August 16, 2024

Releasing God’s NOW Strategy

Genesis 1 tells us that when God began the creation process, the earth was formless (tohuw)(1) and empty (bohuw).(2) As well as formless, tohuw has a broad range of meanings, including “desolation, desert, barren, confusion, and even chaos.”(3) 

How does God deal with chaos, confusion, barrenness, and other negative things represented by these words? He began His transformation process by speaking: “Then God said…” (verse 3). “Said” is amar(4) in Hebrew; as well as “saying” or “announcing,” it can mean “to say in one’s heart; to think; to imagine.” Zodhiates used the phrase “internal speech”(5) as one of its meanings. So, God imagines and conceives in His heart or mind, then releases His creative power with His words. 

It should come as no surprise then that the first step for us when dealing with chaos is to find out what God is thinking and saying about it; what His will is. This always begins with Scripture and/or scriptural principles, but also includes Holy Spirit’s now revelation. Once God’s will is known, His now strategy can be implemented. This may be fasting, agreement in prayer, prolonged intercession, declarations, etc., or even a prophetic act such as “go wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam” (John 9:7).

The sons of Issachar “understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). “Understood” is biyn,(6) which includes both wisdom and revelation. It is wisdom, understanding gained from experience and learning, but also revelation, that which Holy Spirit is revealing now. Because of this unique blend, these Issachar leaders could discern times, timing, and what to do regarding the time. What, when, and how. Revelation (what is He saying?) and application (how do we apply this?). This is why God says in Ephesians 1:17 that we need a spirit of wisdom AND revelation. 

This is what Solomon possessed. We think of him as having wisdom, but Solomon asked for and was given biyn (1 Kings 3:9), understanding, wisdom, and discernment - revelation. The margin of my Bible says he asked for “a hearing heart.” 

This is also what Daniel possessed (Daniel 9:22-23). In verse 22, the angel Gabriel said, “I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding (biyn)” (NASB). What a phrase - insight with understanding! That’s how we turn chaos into order and remove darkness with light!

One of the gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:28 is “helps,” as it is usually translated. The word comes from antilepsis,(7) meaning “to lay hold of.” This is why it is often translated as “helps” - one person taking hold of an object with another “helps” them. The Passion Translation, however, translates it as “gifts of revelation knowledge.” This was surprising to me. In their margin note, and I have confirmed this in other sources, they say that the word means not only “to lay hold of” but “to lay hold of revelation; to apprehend or perceive.” 

One of the ways we help one another is through revelation, helping them hear what God is saying. Only then can we apply His strategy to His will. Both must occur. 

When we know what God thinks about a situation, first and foremost from His Word but also by His Spirit, we can then say what He says. Remember, that’s how God dealt with chaos: He thought, imagined, conceived; then He said. And His words have creative power. 

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned the New Testament word used for God creating all things: ginomai(8) (John 1:3, 10; Hebrews 11:3). The word means “to cause to be, become, or be created.” I also pointed out that He told us to ginomai His will (Matthew 6:10) by commanding. Obviously, we don’t create matter or physical objects from nothing, as He did. We create or cause His will to be done, to manifest. And one of the ways we do so is by declaring His will and Word. 

God and His Word are one. He is His Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). This is why His words are filled with such power - they flow from the essence of who He is. The Passion Translation states regarding Genesis 1:3, “God created light but did not create the sun until the fourth day. God Himself filled the universe with the light of His presence and glory.”(9) Incredible! This same translation continues by explaining that “The Hebrew verbs used with the phrases ‘Let there be’ and ‘and there was’ are both related to the holy name Yahweh: yehi (“let there be”) and wayhi (“and there was”).” As Yahweh spoke, the essence of His creative being flowed from Him into the universe. The I AM released His nature with the words “Light BE!” and light BECAME! 

Truly, there is no one like our God!

Pray with me:

Lord, we are in chaotic and dark times, just like in Genesis 1. Just as You thought, imagined, and released Your plan, then, we know You have plans for our situation today. We know what some of those plans include: we know Your will is that no one is lost - You love them all; we know You have a great harvest planned all over the Earth; we know the Father has promised You the nations of Earth - they all belong to You; we know America shall be saved; we know You’re building an Ekklesia that the plans and counsels of hell cannot overcome; and we know we can declare the release of Your Kingdom authority, and the coming forth of Your will. 

We align with Your will and declare worldwide harvest. We call forth such incredible revival that a billion or more people will come to Yeshua. We decree the salvation and restoration of America, including a transformed government. We call forth a youth revival in America and around the world that will result in millions of them coming to Christ. We decree the breaking of Baal’s strongholds over America. We call forth the fire of Holy Spirit and renewed passion into America’s churches. 

We declare these things in Christ’s name and authority alone, Father. We humbly acknowledge that we have no other authority to do so, and that His will is what You honor. Of Him, to Him, and through Him are all things. And we acknowledge that Yours is the Kingdom and power and glory forever. We want You alone to be honored in all we do. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that God is bringing order and light into the chaos and darkness of our time.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 8414.

  2. Ibid., ref. no. 922.

  3. Spiros Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible - New American Standard, rev. ed. (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1990), p. 2063.

  4. Strongs Concordance, ref., no. 559.

  5. Zodhiates Hebrew-Greek Study Bible, p. 1804.

  6. Strongs Concordance, ref. no. 998.

  7. Ibid., ref. no. 484.

  8. Ibid., ref. no. 1096.

  9. YouVersion Bible App, The Passion Translation.


Kathy Wenzel
Kathy Wenzel
Aug 16, 2024

Ecclesia and please fill each and every one of your saints with the NOW word of your reality. Send healing power and the Joy of the Lord into this realm so that millions and millions will know your Holy Love and Righteousness. You are so Absolutely Good! Thank you for your authority to change things around us on a daily basis!


Lillian Roberts
Lillian Roberts
Aug 16, 2024


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