The Uncapping of the Wells
One of the important benefits of understanding the synergy of the ages (the multiplied power that results from honoring previous generations’ assignments, promises, and accomplishments) is asking for and receiving the strength and power of past revivals, today. God doesn’t want us to start over in our Kingdom advancement efforts. He wants us to drink from past revival wells, allowing the spiritual “nutrients” from them to mix with today’s revelations and anointings.
The following dream given to Gina Gholston (which I have shared before) shows the multi-generational dimension the coming revival will manifest. However, I have another important reason for re-sharing it. Holy Spirit has revealed an important connection to this dream, a sequel dream, and the recent “command the foreword” dream. In tomorrow’s post I’ll share the sequel dream, as well as the assignment I and others began yesterday at Cape Henry, and will finish today. You will find it all very fascinating and encouraging.
The Dream
“On January 14, 2020, I dreamed I was at the Red River Meeting House in Adairville, Kentucky. I had gone through the gate and started walking up the driveway toward the Meeting House, when I noticed 100 bald eagles on the grounds. I was captivated by the sight of so many eagles.
“Hearing a noise behind me, I turned and saw an older well-drilling rig coming through the gate toward the Meeting House. It stopped about halfway up the driveway and parked under the walnut trees; it then began drilling. No sooner had the bit been set when, whoosh, the water gushed out in very high, massive amounts!
“I thought, ‘This looks like Old Faithful.’ I have seen Old Faithful, and this reminded me of that famous geyser, only it was MUCH larger! In the dream, I thought about how Old Faithful is very predictable and it erupts in a rhythm of time. Then I heard an audible voice speaking about this geyser ‘It is set on the rhythm of Heaven’s time clock. And it’s time!’ (In the dream I understood that to mean, ‘It’s blown before, a gushing move of the Spirit of God, but it’s set for another, greater gusher! And it’s time!’)
“Next, I saw two hands come down and clap one time. It was a very loud sound which was a signal to the eagles. They weren’t scared by the noise of the clap or by the spraying of the water; they calmly rose up, hovering like a helicopter, ready to fly. As they rose, I saw that each eagle had 3 arrows in one of their talons and a rolled-up paper in the other. Then I heard the same audible voice say, ‘Rapid eye movement: My seers are on the move.’
“As soon as I heard those words, the eagles flew off in every direction, each heading purposefully toward their assignment. As they left, each one flew through the supernatural water, becoming drenched. Incredibly, their feathers never dried as they flew. Wherever they traveled, the water would fall off of them - like a rain shower - onto the dry ground where they flew.
“Back at the Red River Meeting House, the water continued gushing and I also became soaked with it. I went into the Meeting House, which I realized had been set up to be a command center. There were seven drafting tables with ‘architects’ sitting at them, drawing up blueprints, plans, strategies, revelations. People were coming in, one after the other, soaked with the water from the geyser. They would approach one of the architects, who would roll up a set of plans and hand it to them. Immediately, the architects had another one drawn up and would hand it off to the next soaked person walking in. I was amazed at the speed with which the architects worked: draw it, roll it up, hand it off; draw it, roll it up, hand it off! This sequence didn’t stop.
“When the people received their blueprints, they were supernaturally transported to their assignments in America and around the world. And just as occurred with the eagles, the revival water soaking them was being flung onto people everywhere they went. I heard the audible voice again saying, ‘Rapid Response Teams.’ Then I noticed a sign on the wall behind the pulpit that read, ‘Rapid Response Command Center.’
“Suddenly, the dream shifted, and I knew by the Spirit that what was happening at the Red River Meeting House was also taking place at Cane Ridge, Kentucky, and Azusa Street in California! I was then lifted up and could see a line running north and south, connecting Cane Ridge and the Red River Meeting House. Another line from each of them went west to Azusa. I could see that these lines formed the shape of a spearhead. From the line drawn between Cane Ridge and the Red River Meeting House was yet another, coming from the nation of Wales to the east. It was forming the shaft of the spear.
“This picture was depicting that all four of those places—Wales, Cane Ridge, Red River Meeting House, and Azusa—were connected; and also that what I saw happening at Red River was simultaneously happening at all of them. I was being shown that all of those past moves of God were now being brought together to ‘spearhead’ another greater and more powerful move of God in our time.”
End of the dream.
God is about to synergistically mix past revivals with a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit. The four outpourings mentioned in the dream were tremendous demonstrations of His love and power. The revival at Red River Meeting House led to the Cane Ridge revival, which birthed the Second Great Awakening and saved America in the mid 1800’s. The Welsh and Azusa Street revivals rocked entire nations and eventually influenced the whole world - continuing to do so even to this day. All of these wells are about to reopen and spread across this nation and the nations. Tomorrow, I’ll have more to say about this. Let’s pray into it today.
Pray with me:
Father, we thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for loving people, even when they oppose You. Your mercy endures forever, Your love is immeasurable.
Your power is also without equal. You hold the world in the palm of Your hand, a world You created with the words of Your mouth. You have no equal.
You demonstrated and released both - Your love and power - at the Cross. Your love reached down and drew us back up to You. Your power overwhelmed forces of darkness and the effects of sin. You conquered death and the grave. You are, indeed, the perfect mix of love and power.
We are now asking for an outpouring of both. Come and save; come and demolish. Save people; destroy wicked strongholds, systems, and the influence of evil spirits who blind people spiritually. We ask You to save a billion people in this outpouring, Father. Rescue them.
And lastly, we thank You for saving America. For, without doubt, America shall be saved. The greatest revival in America’s story has not yet occurred. We are moving into it now. So, in advance, thank You for pouring out Your Spirit in this land. We thank You for a righteous, life-honoring, moral government in America. We thank You for schools that are on fire with revival. We thank You for millions of people coming to You. We know this is going to happen and we thank You for it in advance. And it’s in Jesus’ name - no other - that we ask for these things...Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that the greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit in human history is beginning.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
You can learn more about Gina Gholston at