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August 5, 2024

Repairing the “Dislocations” 

Last week I shared two posts on healing history; I feel I need to do one more. There is a fascinating word in the New Testament, katartizo, that relates to this. I’ve touched on it before, but it is timely for now. This word means “to align, adjust; to put a thing in its appropriate position.”(1) In Scripture, the word is used in the context of mending nets (see Matthew 4:21), repairing schisms or relational breaks (see 1 Corinthians 1:10), and even restoring broken lives (see Galatians 6:1). The word also describes the restoration of a dislocated joint or a broken bone. It would describe a chiropractor adjusting or realigning a joint. So, as you can see, the concept of this word involves proper alignment (including realignment, resulting in healing or restoration).

Another interesting use of this word is to describe the proper connecting of time and seasons. Hebrews 11:3 says, in its more literal and accurate rendering, that the aligning (katartizo) of the “ages” (aions)(2) was decreed - in advance - by the Lord. This doesn’t mean that He planned and determined every event that occurs in the lives of individuals and nations - personal free will and human decision-making must be factored into this. It means that He decreed the flow of history, from age to age, and has determined the final outcome. He declared the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). For example, Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). God saw in advance the break, the dislocation, that would come at the Fall. And He declared the realigning, the age and time of Christ and the Cross, reconnecting us to our Father.

God also knew that other breaches would occur, causing the need for healings in the flow of history. Simply stated, history would need to be healed. Whether on a corporate level, such as wars, racial division, etc., or on an individual level in the sense of broken relationships, loss, etc., the fact is that history, the past, often needs to be healed. This corporate level of healing is what is referred to in Isaiah 58:12: “Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age-old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell” (NASB). (See also Isaiah 61:4.) This is also the concept spoken of in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “[If] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (NASB). It is what is referred to in Ezekiel 22:30-31; we “stand in the gap” for a nation to see it forgiven and healed, rather than destroyed.

God, the holy Chiropractor of history, can heal history’s dislocations. He katartiszos the aions, doing so through repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness, prayer, fasting, prophetic decrees, and other biblical actions. All of these are effective because of the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

America has come to a time when this is needed more than ever. There is a great breach between our nation and the Lord, as well as breaches between the races and generations. God can, and wants to, heal these torn places.  

The healing will not come through a president or a political party. They can, however, make decisions that enable the Lord to bless, and they will be used to rebuild/reform. But only God can heal and restore. This is why our prayers and declarations are so important - we are His methods, His voice, on earth. 

Having the right people in positions of governmental leadership also prevents and stops actions that further separate us from God. This is why elections, especially the upcoming election, are so important. America cannot survive four more years of shaking her fist in God’s face through unrighteous laws and evil, antichrist agendas. God does not demand perfection from our leaders, but He does need leaders who desire to honor Him and His ways. 

The church must “stand in the gap” for America now as never before. Prayer is critical. Get on board with all of your heart and strength. Repent of any national sins Holy Spirit brings to mind, and ask God to realign us. Ask for angels to war for us. And listen to Him, not the media. Take all strategies from Him, and keep your faith in Him, not in what you see. 

Pray with me:

Father, we thank You for forming this nation as a beacon of light, a city on a hill for You. Our Founding Fathers and the leaders of each state wrote into their own constitutions an acknowledgment of and dependence upon You. Give us more leaders who diligently acknowledge reliance upon You and Your statutes, for only through our trust in You will we see America’s destiny fulfilled. Use our prayers, Lord. Fill the bowls of heaven with them as we cry out for the changes You desire and that line up with Your word. 

Father, You are conforming us to the image of Your Son. As a nation, You are adjusting and conforming us back into a people You can use for Your purpose and glory. Your apostle Paul, even at the end of his glorious ministry, was still acknowledging that he had not yet been perfected, had not yet attained. He knew there was still a need for growth.

We, too, acknowledge this and invite You to adjust us. Heal our dislocations, both individually and corporately. Heal the breaches in our national history, and heal the broken places in our personal lives. We want to shift with You into the next season.

Adjust the church. Make us willing to think differently, function differently, and plan differently. We desire to go from glory to glory, from faith to faith, and from outpouring to outpouring. May the coming season find us able to manifest Christ in ways we have not yet been able to. We want to make Him known. May He be seen clearly in our midst and in our lives. Through this, send revival to the earth - the greatest ever. And we ask for this in His name alone. Amen.

Our decree:

We declare that America is being transformed and realigned. We will shift with Holy Spirit into the next season aligned with heaven and our King, Jesus.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. Spiro Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, New American Standard Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1977), p. 1846.

  2. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6031.

5 comentarios

06 ago 2024

Yes and Amen Lord Have your way, we willingly chose You, in Yeshua's Mighty name.

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05 ago 2024

Amen! Lord Jesus save our USA! Someone said this is a election between "Good and Evil" ! I told my wife if evil wins, just means the end of time is that much closer! Gods coming back soon! We all need to be ready! Our families all need to be ready! God want wait for us when the time is at hand! The BIBLE tells us to be ready at all times!

God is in total control !

Make America great again!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Judy Chumley
Judy Chumley
05 ago 2024

Amen and amen!

Me gusta

05 ago 2024

Yes & Amen🙏❣️

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Bill Buck
Bill Buck
05 ago 2024

Heal our national scoliosis, Good Healer, King and God! Heal the scoliosis of the world, Good Healer, King and God. Align our submitted hearts to You!

Me gusta
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