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December 10, 2024

The Dance of Passover

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15b)

In 1 Kings 18, Elijah assembled the Israelites on Mount Carmel in what was to be an epic showdown between Yahweh and Baal; Israel was worshiping Baal in this season. Ahab and Jezebel had led Israel into deep idolatry - much like America’s ungodly, immoral leaders have done. The attendees of the Democratic Convention in 2012 literally booed God “off the stage” and out of their platform. Why not? America had already expelled Him from their schools. The homosexual movement in America has mocked God, using His symbol of covenant, the rainbow (Genesis 9:13-16), as their symbol. Obama followed suit, again mocking God’s covenant - marriage, this time - by lighting the White House in the colors of the rainbow when the Supreme Court made homosexual “marriage” the law of the land. Biden hung the rainbow flag front and center at the White House, pushing aside Old Glory to do so, as transvestites bared their “breasts” on the White House lawn. Ahab and Jezebel would have been proud.

In Elijah’s day, Israel was experiencing judgment for this idolatry and its accompanying perversions, a three-year drought that was ravaging the land. America’s troubles, too, are from our rejection of God and His Word. Israel’s judgment was accomplishing its purpose, and repentance was now possible; thus, the showdown on Mount Carmel. I’m confident America’s shaking will awaken us, as well.

Elijah prophesied that rain was coming and then called for the contest (I Kings 18:1-2, 19). As preparations were being made, he challenged Israel, “How long will you halt between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him” (18:21 KJV). There was as yet no answer. Israel still couldn’t decide between Yahweh and Baal. The word for “halt” (pasach)(1) is fascinating. The Hebrew language is pictorial. A word or number presents a picture that can represent several things; the meaning and/or application of the picture is determined by the context.

Regarding this word, for example, picture the up-and-down movement of someone jumping or hopping; that is pasach. Therefore, it is the word used for “hop, skip, or dance.” At other times, the up-and-down movement represents pain, not celebration. Thus, it is also the word for “limping, lame, halt” (a synonym for limp). It is also used for “hesitate,” because to hesitate is to move backward and forward, mentally or physically, while trying to decide something. Pasach is also the word for “pass over” (Exodus 12:13, 23, 27): “When I see the blood I will pass over you” (v. 13). The spirit of death “leapt” or “passed over” the Israelite homes that had the blood of lambs on the lintels of the doors. And a derivative, pesach,(2) became the word for “Passover.”

Putting this back into Elijah’s question to Israel, God was essentially asking them in 1 Kings 18:21, Why are you hesitating, halting about who you honor, serve, and trust? You could and should be dancing the dance of covenant with Me, the dance of Passover. Instead, you are limping the limp of Baal. The Complete Jewish Bible translates verse 21:

“[Elijah] stepped forward before all the people and said, ‘How long are you going to jump back and forth between two positions? If Adonai is God, follow Him; but if it’s Baal, follow him!’ The people answered him not a word.”

Then, the showdown began. Baal’s prophets went first, trying to get Baal to answer by fire. But God had paralyzed the demons behind Baal, and they couldn’t perform. His followers tried many things to get him to respond, including leaping and dancing (pasach). Don't miss the revealing irony that Holy Spirit is bringing by using the very same word for their dancing worship of Baal as He uses for Israel’s limp. Baal’s dance always becomes a limp. His worshipers then cut themselves, and blood “gushed” forth. Baal demands pain; he craves and demands bloodshed.

Meet America.

For many years, we in America danced the dance of Passover. As a result, we were protected, made prosperous, and became the envy of the world. Then, we traded partners. America has been dancing with Baal for decades now, mocking Adonai and His covenant, partying away. But like the Pied Piper, Baal’s “services” aren’t free. He required a price for the party, demanding the blood sacrifice of our children; now, he is demanding their mutilation. He has provoked our children to cut themselves, seeking peace they cannot find. And he has unleashed further violence and death in our land: murder, rape, riots, child abuse and more. We now stumble along with Baal’s painful limp, as he plays his flute and drinks the blood.

God’s word to America, just as it was to Israel, is this: How long will you hesitate between opinions, limping Baal’s limp? Return to Me. We’ll celebrate the Passover Lamb again, dancing together in the joyous dance of freedom and victory. I’ll heal your wounds, restore your families, revive the land, and reinstate your destiny. We’ll run together, taking My salvation to the nations of the earth, healing the broken, and freeing the oppressed.

May we accept His gracious offer! Join me, please, in asking.

Pray with me:

Father, we in America have sown to the wind and are now reaping the whirlwind. Like Israel, we traded the Passover dance for the limp of Baal. The death toll from this choice is in the tens of millions. Were it not for Your redemptive power and love, it would ultimately be America’s total annihilation. Mercy is being offered to us, however; not because we deserve it, but through the only appeal You accept, one offered through the blood of Your Son, Jesus.

Forgive us for spurning You for demons. Forgive us for sacrificing our children and families on the altar of pleasure and depravity. Forgive us for mocking You and Your covenant of marriage. We ask for the salvation of all who have been deceived into turning away from You and rejecting Your ways.

Lord, You broke the rule of Baal off Israel, and You can do so for America. We ask for a reviving of America’s heart and soul, a deliverance from evil, and a return to good. You told us to ask for spiritual rain when we discerned it was “time” (Zechariah 10:1). We are asking, and the rain is coming.

We believe this is a season of breakthrough. We ask You for this, and all we have prayed for today, in Christ’s name. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that America will choose the dance of Passover, and be healed of her Baal-worshiping limp.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990. ref. no. 6452.

  2. Ibid., ref. no. 6453.


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