God’s Preparation for America to Receive His Son
We need to pray that every force that has risen up in this nation to stop the change that needs to occur will be removed and dealt with by the Spirit of the Lord and angelic forces. I am not talking about praying for or against political parties. I am not talking about praying for or against our president. It’s about asking God to do what I know He wants to do to shift this nation back under His governmental influence, so He can exalt this nation. This is for the purposes of the Gospel, and for this nation being a force of freedom in the earth. We have got to pray in the Spirit. We need to press into this. We need to get ahold of what He is saying and then we need to declare and decree it. Our prayers are having a profound effect. We may not see exactly what is happening to those root structures, but we can imagine it, because of what we read in His Word. He is directing our prayers and targeting them to uproot some things. He is causing roots to dry up, and pretty soon the fruit will begin to dry up, too. He’s tearing down strongholds and every high thing that exalts itself against Him. He’s preparing America to receive His Son.
“Today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:10; GNT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
Ask the Lord to raise up warriors for this time and epoch.
Take some time and pray Jeremiah 1:10 into the root structures of this nation. Some things need to be uprooted, dried up and destroyed.
Volunteer to go and pray wherever He sends you with whatever message He gives you.
Intercede for the rest of the warring Body of Christ to do the same.
Ignore the political scene and exalt the Lord. Worship Him. Join in and prepare the way for Jesus to be received in this land.
A prayer you can pray:
Lord, raise up warriors. Put Your warring Spirit inside of us. Let Your warrior nature rise up in us. Let it come alive in us! As we move in this revelation, show us how to lay siege. Let us hear when to go and where to go and what decree to make. You told Jeremiah You are going to start by tearing down and uprooting. You are going to have to tear down some things before You can build. We are going to tear some things down with You this year. We are going to go in and cut off the heads of giants. Show us the root systems that some of these principalities have in some parts of this nation. They are so weak now. They are becoming dry, dead, shriveling roots underground. They still look good above ground, but underground, they are dying. You are telling us we can go and deal with them now and tear them down, because the Ekklesia is dealing with the roots. God, tell us how to do this. Where do we go and what do we say? Who do we go with and when do we go? Send Your Ekklesia, Your Kingdom government, into this nation and other nations to make Your righteous decrees that lop off the heads of giants. Principality-led systems, structures, and evil strongholds can be dealt with fully in this coming year. We want to get ready for You, Jesus. We want to see Your glory! Amen.
Today’s decree:
God is uprooting some things in America, so He can ready us to receive His Son!