Welcome to Give Him 15. Ceci and I are trying to slow down a little this last week of the year. To help with this, I’ve asked some of the prophetic voices I draw from occasionally on the posts to fill in. If you listen regularly you’ll know the names, even if you haven’t seen their faces before, and you’ll be very blessed by these posts. Enjoy! And I’ll see you next week.
The Tide is Rising
As many of you are familiar with the daily Give Him 15, I am sure you have heard Dutch mention the dream I had that was set on the grounds of the Red River Meeting House. (Here is the GH15 post where the dream was shared from 2/9/2021.)
At the end of that dream, I saw lines that formed the shape of a spear being drawn on a map. These lines were connecting the locations of four major moves of God that took place in the past - at the Red River Meeting House, Cane Ridge, Azusa Street, and Wales. Several months later, I had another dream in which I saw that same spear, but in this dream the spear was on fire, and it was spinning counterclockwise as it was being lifted up and then thrust into the center of the United States of America. This burning spear was releasing waves and waves of what appeared to be water that was on fire. As I looked closer in the dream, I realized these were not actually waves of water. They were waves of people who had been ignited with the glory of God that would be revealed at a specific time.
I believe God was showing us through these dreams that it is now time for the fires of all those past moves of His Spirit to culminate in a combustible force of manifested glory, to be released in and through the Body of Christ.
One morning in prayer, I heard the Lord say to me, “My power is twirling. It is an unstoppable spin, breaking the surface to relieve the pressure of the swell of My manifested glory.” I knew He was using the word “swell” in the sense of a collection of waves that form one long, massive, continuous wave! He continued, “Reformation is pushing forth! The die has been cast! It cannot be stopped! The geyser is ready to be released, and what has been concealed will now be revealed! Watch it gush forth and release the pressure of the swell and reveal the fiery wave of My prevailing glory!”
This move we are in now will not be a reenactment of what God has already done - it will be a combination of all the mighty works He did in those moves, and even greater.
What a revelation!
This fiery swell of God’s unstoppable glory will now be manifested in this nation and in our world through the Church that Jesus built—His Ekklesia. God will move with the demonstration of His might through those who have surrendered their hearts and their all to Him. He will show Himself strong in and through those who are anchored on the foundation of the Word of God and who have become living, breathing Arks of His presence (see 1 Corinthians 6:19), containers of His transforming glory, and carriers of His all-consuming fire! Recently, God spoke prophetically through Dutch, emphatically ensuring us, “I CAN do this!”
The thrusting of the fiery spear into the center of this nation was clearly revealing that this awakening has begun. Holy Spirit is now releasing an unstoppable movement of a wave of glory that will spread across the nation and around the world. It is the glory of the presence of the Lord as He flows through His glorious Church. No power from hell can stop the move of God that is now set into motion. This is a defining moment that has the power to change everything!
The Lord has given me a revelation that has enlightened me with understanding for our times. He showed me that the movement we are now in is a movement of Spirit and truth. It is wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ that produces through us the exceeding greatness of His might—not just with words, but with power and demonstration, revealing the reality of Jesus to the world around us.
There seems to be a very real and practical demonstration in the lives of true believers becoming light to the world, as darkness has taken its toll on our nation and our world. All we have learned in the Word, by the Spirit, and through our experiences with God along our journey, is now launching us into the place of true effectiveness in our society. No more hiding behind church walls, seeking emotional gratification and inspiration, with all that identifies us to the world being the fact that we are church-goers!
Now is when the true Church is rising up with a revelation of who we are in Christ, marked and known by the demonstration of the reality of a life lived in Kingdom covenant. I believe the spark ignited by such a life and such living, will be so powerful that it will burst out in a move of God that will revolutionize this nation, and even our world.
This is what history calls an awakening. When the Church awakens to the reality of Who God really is, who we really are in Him, and to the power of all that He has made available to us; and when we begin making it our priority to be all He has anointed us to be, we will then be a holy, set-apart people. We will be easily recognizable in our society—in all of our spheres of influence—not by our appearance and church attendance, but by the glory of God’s presence being demonstrated in our lives and living!
I see a tide rising! It’s a fiery, blazing tide of uncompromised, bold, anointed warriors whose focus is on the Lord! Their ears hear His voice. Their feet march to the rhythm of His sound! Not everyone will hear this sound and move with Him, for many are deafened by the noise of the propagated chaos and blinded by the deception that is operating by a spirit of fear. But there is a company rising—a remnant within the remnant—who are not moved by the chaos, and they are not driven by fear; they are being ignited by the spear of God’s prophesied awakening. And now, we step into our defining moment with ears that hear God’s voice and eyes that recognize His movements.
The swell of God’s manifested glory is ready to be released to implement a holy, unstoppable pushback! Not against flesh and blood; that’s not our fight! This is a pushing back of darkness, and I can feel the rumble as the twirling of Yahweh’s power is now releasing the pressure of the swell, to reveal the fiery wave of His prevailing glory that has been waiting for this precise moment in time.
“The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken” (Isaiah 40:5 NKJV).
Pray with me:
Father, the fiery swell of Your transforming glory is beginning to manifest in this nation and in our world through Your remnant people. Awakening has begun. It cannot be stopped! We are returning to You with an unquenchable passion that will not allow us to accept an environment that is void of Your presence. We are ignited with the flames of awakening, and we will be unstoppable initiators of revival. We will be the wave that carries the fire of Your demonstrated glory to the earth!
You are our only focus. We surrender our all to You. Consume us, Lord! May Christ be formed in us, and may it be Christ Who lives through us! We will go for You! We will burn for You! We will shine for You, not because we want to be seen or known, but because we have been consumed by You and we desire to make You known!
Your Word is like fire shut up in our bones, and we will not hold it back. We cannot hold it back! Let wave after wave of Your glory flow into us and out through us to make Christ known! We will be Your voice that echoes the desires and intentions of Your heart! Make us Your fuel, flame of God, and release us as a wave, filled with the manifestation of Your fiery presence, covering the earth with the revelation of the glory as the waters cover the sea!
In the name and authority of Jesus, we pray. Amen!
Our decree:
The Ekklesia now arises in the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ; and through us, He reveals the exceeding greatness of His might—not just with words, but with power and undeniable demonstration.
Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston and portions were taken from her book, Awakening the Church to Awaken a Nation. To order the book or to find more information about Gina, click here or visit her website at: ginagholstonministries.org.
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