Communion - Our Victory Meal
(I will be leading us in Communion at the end of today’s post. If possible, pause your recording and/or reading and get some juice (or wine) and bread ready so you can join me. Communion is more than remembering and honoring; it is a declaration of, the release of, and celebration of victory!)
(I shared the following introductory paragraphs on Friday. Since all of you do not see/read every post, for clarity and context, I am sharing them again today.)
On January 2 of this year, my friend Greg Hood was given a dream which I have visited often throughout the year. In this dream, the Ekklesia and the kingdom of darkness were contending for America; this was pictured by a baseball World Series, called the World Seers Series. It was the last game of the series, the eighth inning, and we were winning by a score of 20-22.
I and others felt that the 4 batters we sent to the plate in this inning represented prayer assignments for the 4 quarters of 2022. For those of you who would like to see the entire dream and my comments regarding it, you can use the following links (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4). Today, however, I want to talk about the batter/assignment for the fourth quarter of this year, which we are obviously now in. The assignment for this quarter was to remove the voice (influence and control) of Baal, the ruling principality over America. We did so by hitting the baseball into his throat, with a bat taken from a box marked “Communion,” and engraved with “Ephesians 1:17,” a verse referencing “the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” In the dream, it was said to this fourth batter, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” “Hit the mark” is one of the definitions of the Hebrew word for intercession (paga). If we do and pray as Holy Spirit instructs us, we will change this nation!
I have known since 2007 that Baal was “the strong man” (Matthew 12:29) over America. Demons and angels do not have physical bodies and, therefore, do not die. The same spirits that operated in ancient history are still alive and active today. Baal was a principality mentioned often in the Bible, who was frequently used by satan to oppose Israel. His influence produced violence, blood sacrifices, and great immorality, including all forms of sexual sin. He is no doubt the spirit behind abortion, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, and the blatant attempt to defile our children with sexual perversion. The sudden escalation of activity in our nation to promote abortion and sexual perversion - even to small children - is no doubt due to this spirit’s desperate attempt to remain in control.
My purpose in this post is to focus on the method God gave us in the dream - Communion - with which to end Baal’s control over America. And I will be doing several more posts between now and the end of the year on this subject.
It is beyond significant that the baseball bat used to remove Baal’s voice was taken from a box stamped “Communion.” This is all important. Spiritual forces of darkness are not defeated through human powers and weapons. They are overcome only with spiritual authority that flows from Christ and His finished work. The Lord’s Table, Communion, pictures this. To war with Communion is not warring with a ritual or tradition. First Corinthians 11:26 tells us,“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”
Today, I want to look at Genesis 14:17-24. This is a very significant and important passage, filled with prophetic pictures of our redemption. Let’s begin by reading verses 17-20:
“Then after Abram’s return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh. And Melchizedek the king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High. And he blessed Abram and said, ‘Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has handed over your enemies to you.’ And Abram gave him a tenth of everything” (NASV).
This is the first mention of “bread and wine” spoken of together in Scripture, and these two items wouldn’t be mentioned together again until the night before the Cross. It is an obvious prophetic picture of Christ’s last supper with His disciples.
Melchizedek was a type or picture of Christ (Psalm 110; Hebrews 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:1-10); we are represented by Abraham, our father of faith (Romans 3:27-4:25). What many do not realize is that Melchizedek was a Canaanite, a race of people under a curse (Genesis 9:25 - “Cursed be Canaan”). As king over a cursed people, bestowing a blessing on Abraham, Melchizedek pictures Christ “having become a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13)…that “the blessing of Abraham might come to” us (verse 14). And just as Melchizedek served Abraham the bread and wine, at the Last Supper, Christ departed from the traditional meal and served the disciples bread and wine, fulfilling this prophetic picture from Genesis 14.
It is significant that the bread and wine in Genesis 14 was a celebration of victory following Abraham’s defeat of evil leaders attempting to steal his family and inheritance, a victory meal! Could there be a more appropriate picture of the Cross?!
And just to make sure we see the symbolism, He uses two more important phrases in this passage. For the first time in Scripture, God refers to Himself as the “Most High God,” and does so 4 times! He also calls Himself “possessor of heaven and earth” twice. Why? This was God’s declaration that satan, who had tried to effect a coup and become the “most high” in heaven (see Isaiah 14:14), had not only failed in taking over heaven, he would not become the most high, on earth, either. Yahweh was declaring, “Though satan thinks he has won, he has NOT. He couldn’t take heaven, he can’t have the human race, and he won’t own earth! I, the Most High God and possessor of heaven AND EARTH, will redeem the earth and My family!”
When Christ gave the disciples the bread and wine at the Last Supper, telling them these elements represented His body and blood, He was celebrating victory in advance! He knew, of course, the price He was about to pay; but He also knew He would win. And when we partake of communion, though we should remember the horrible price Jesus paid to redeem us, we must also remember that it represents the greatest victory in the history of creation! Satan was defeated, the curse was broken, and we received the blessing of being redeemed back into the family of God.
Communion pictures all of this. Christ’s blood on the mercy seat of heaven is the guarantee of this victory and the benefits of the new covenant. Because of His blood, we receive mercy and defeat our spiritual enemies. Through Christ’s shed blood, America can be delivered from the curse caused by our alignment with Baal.
Father, as we take the bread together in a moment, we remember the broken body of Jesus, sacrificed for our healing and restoration. We thank You, Jesus, for becoming one of us, the Son of Man, to bring us back into Your family. You bore our curse! You are the Bread of Life, and as we partake of this bread today, it reminds us that we can partake continually of Your life. Eat the bread. (Feel free to pause the video for a moment or two if you would like, and spend time in personal prayer and Communion with Him.)
And now, as we drink the wine, we honor and place our faith fully in the shed blood of Jesus for the remission of our sins. We also remember that His blood does more than cleanse us of sin; it also makes us new creations in Christ Jesus. We are born again. We celebrate this great victory over sin and the curse. We receive health, wholeness, and salvation as we do this today. And we decree that through the blood of Christ, satan and his forces are forever defeated. Drink the juice. (Again, feel free to pause and take any amount of time you would like, to spend personal time with Him.)
And now, Father, we ask for complete deliverance from the spirit of Baal. We ask You to remove his voice and influence from America. We thank You for this, in the name of Christ. Amen.
We decree that the power of Christ’s redeeming blood is greater than the power of sin and death.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.