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February 14, 2025

Revival Fire and Reforming Zeal

On Wednesday, I listened to a portion of the DOGE Congressional subcommittee hearing. It was a clear commentary on America’s broken government. A panel of experts was invited to give the committee insights regarding how our government can save money and become more efficient. One side asked sincere questions; the other played politics and, between chuckles, accused the richest man in the world of working to expose waste in government…in order to enrich himself. Of course, one of those on the Left was literally sworn in on a comic book, so I guess we shouldn’t be terribly surprised. Listening to him feign sincerity when complaining about Musk exposing waste and fraud, then demanding more openness and transparency actually was a bit comical. 

One guest expert on the panel explained how our government could save taxpayers $1 trillion annually from fraud alone just by updating to the type of systems that businesses routinely use. T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N!! Every year. Just from fraud. Not one member on the Left was interested in his information. He also pointed out that another trillion dollars - again, trillion - was lost to fraud during Covid, 70% of which went overseas. Still, not one Representative on the Left was interested, acting more like they were in a college debate than an effort to save a nation. 

When unbelievable but true amounts of money, totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, were mentioned for things like condoms sent abroad, sex change surgeries abroad, support to Al Qaeda, trans research on rats - the list seemed endless - not one person on the Left registered concern. Not one. Their only issue was with the billionaire who is exposing it for free, working for another billionaire who also works for free. If only they were being paid exorbitant amounts, perhaps their efforts would be accepted.

And we wonder why America hasn’t been able to get her financial house in order. 

By the way, this exposure of trillions in waste and fraud is being called a “constitutional crisis.” Not the waste and fraud, mind you. The exposure. The Left is crying foul because Musk is an “unelected” appointee investigating “unelected” bureaucrats. When that accusation didn’t work, they shopped for the right “unelected” judges to help them stop this “unelected” individual. I know, it’s confusing. 

Many Americans have been saying for decades that what America needs in government is a return to common sense. That is certainly true, as Trump has stated repeatedly. Sadly, however, we must add honesty and integrity to the list. The American government needs a good bath; it is filthy. While there are good leaders in our country, there are also many who are corrupt and deceived. 

But let’s be honest, this is simply reflective of our nation, in general. Humanism invaded our land with its relativity and lack of moral absolutes. Secularism removed God from education and government, the church lost its voice, and the inevitable consequences are now being witnessed. A decade or more ago, discernment may have been required to see where this was heading. Now, however, one need not be discerning to see it - common sense alone is more than enough. 

The problem did not begin in government. It started in the spiritual realm as an attack against God and truth, then invaded education and government. This will have to be reversed. We cannot simply vote or legislate the problems out in our nation. Biblical truth must be restored. If it isn’t, the evil and insanity will just be voted back in. We’ve seen the cycle over and over. 

Revival - an outpouring of Holy Spirit producing millions of conversions and a love for God and His Word - will break the cycle. Truth will be restored, making true reformation possible. If we want a healthy and free future for our kids and grandkids, we won’t find it at the ballot box alone. We will achieve it first through a return to God, accompanied by voting for righteous leaders. Revival and reformation - revival feeding reformation - this is the key. 

Don’t just watch Trump, his Cabinet, Johnson and righteous House members, Thune and conservative leaders in the Senate, and Judges. Pray for them! They are the scalpels, not the surgeon; hammers, not the carpenter. Only Christ can heal us; except He builds the house, they labor in vain (Psalm 127:1). 

Cry out for revival!!! I’m continually amazed that so few churches and believers do so. We should be travailing in intercession, appealing for a great awakening. There is no other hope for America and the world. Find a church that is sounding the alarm and praying accordingly; partner with them. If you can’t find one near you, connect with one online. Support those making a difference, and agree with them. 

Pray with me:

Father, You told us in Your Word to be diligent and alert to satan’s attacks. We were not. You told us to pray first for government, the entity You established to funnel Your peace, protection, and justice into the Earth. We did not. Through these and other failures, we allowed darkness and deception to invade our nation. We gave them an inch, they took a mile. 

Thank You for mercy, and for enlightening us. Now we cry out for a life-giving revival, accompanied by a transforming reformation. Save and heal America. Return us to You and restore our sanity. We appreciate wise leaders, and we pray for their success, but we also pray that they come into a true and strong relationship with You and Your truth. Show them their need for You, and that You must be the source of our nation’s healing and health. Send a revival to our government; then lead them as they reform

And awaken the church. You began a worship movement in the 1970s that emphasized our connection to You. Indeed, loving and relating to You must always come first. However, we now need the fire of revival; lovers must become laborers, and worshippers must become warriors. We have passion; we need zeal. Please give this to the church. Please. 

Our decree:

We decree that revival fire and reforming zeal are coming to the church, and to our nation.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.



Feb 19

Yes God give us a revival that causes men’s hearts to thirst for righteousness less we might return to this vomit and corruption You are revealing daily. Protect theses warriors against unrighteousness and awaken those still sleeping. Move and write on our hearts as You promised O God


Unknown member
Feb 18

It’s true that political solutions alone can’t fix problems rooted in a deeper cultural and spiritual shift perfect tidy


Unknown member
Feb 14


I am so thankful for you and for your ministry.

It is boots on the ground Spirit filled. Not detached from reality, but also not detached from the Spirit. That's exactly the Spirit of my Jesus. It is a well of cool, sweet water in the midst of what seems like an everlasting desert. Thank you. I thank God for you.

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