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February 18, 2025

Urgent Prayer Needed

Recently, Intercessors For America passed on the following urgent prayer requests.

“Two urgent requests have come into IFA for immediate intercession. While we cannot share more details than listed here, please know these have come in from reliable, high-placed sources.

CRITICAL ISSUE #1: Vetted national security experts with the highest security clearance in the communication field are asking for a prayer shield for our nation in regards to risk to our communication grid. Pray for those making decisions about our grid, engineers responsible for security, and those on the front lines.

CRITICAL ISSUE #2: A request for prayer over personnel involved in U.S./Israeli relations. Pray for all those making decisions, for those both in Israel and in the U.S. who are working together on current issues in the region, and for God’s purposes to be fulfilled.

“We appreciate your faithful and urgent prayer for these two issues, even without many details. God knows all the specifics to each of these urgent requests, and He calls us to partner with Him as we intercede.”

It is no secret that all of America’s cyber systems are vulnerable. That would obviously include the power grid, communications grid, water systems, and others. Our government has been asleep at the wheel, seemingly refusing to take seriously enough the warnings. Hopefully, that is incorrect, and things are being/have been done that, for security reasons, we are not being told about. Regardless, we must absolutely take warnings such as this very seriously. 

The world is currently in a very volatile time. This is not just for the obvious reasons, such as major global powers like China and Russia posturing for control. The forces behind globalism also desire more control; for this they want and need a weakened America. Trump’s “America First” agenda works against them tremendously. They must fight against its success in every way possible, from without our nation and from within. The victories President Trump and the conservative movement have won are real but tenuous, and nowhere near complete. 

We also know there are certainly hundreds, but more likely thousands, of terrorists and enemy soldiers now in America due to the Left’s open border policy of the last four years. When will they strike? Could this warning of attacks against our communication grid be one of their plans? Perhaps. One thing is certain: they came here with a plan, not just for a better life. 

We must pray diligently for our leaders and those in positions of responsibility to discover, expose, and stop these attacks. We must pray that God’s mercy triumphs over the horrible judgments America stands to reap. We must pray that we don’t experience the full fruit of the treachery and traitorous acts visited on our nation by our past leaders. We must ask for genuine revival - the fruit of repentance - and radical reformation in the place of these woes. We must continue to pray for the exposure of the corruption in our government and for the right people to be confirmed for President Trump’s Cabinet and Agencies. 


Regarding the prayer request regarding Israel, the U.S., and the Middle East, I feel this is very timely. I have been sensing the weakening of the prince of Persia (Iran). When thinking of Iran’s government and its evils (not Iranians in general), don’t forget that they are ancient Persia, and are controlled by the principality mentioned in Daniel 10. He is one of the spirits that has ruled this region for millennia, led the battle to stop Daniel’s prayers and Israel’s restoration (Daniel 10), and was the spirit behind Haman’s attempt to destroy the Jewish people in the Book of Esther. This spirit is still alive and active today in the region. 

I have felt for quite some time that God is removing the influence of this spirit, which will also mean a shift in the government of Iran. Great revival is occurring there (underground), and I feel it will eventually feed a huge outpouring of the Spirit in the entire Middle East. 

Let’s take this request seriously and pray that those making decisions now, especially the Netanyahu and Trump teams, make wise and timely decisions - kairos decisions. It’s time for the head of this hateful, demonic snake to be cut off. As the above request says, pray for God’s purposes to be accomplished and for a great spiritual harvest to come in that region. 

Finally, I assure you that there has never been a more important time for watchman intercessors to stay engaged. We must faithfully pray for protection over our leaders, and ask God’s wisdom to direct them. Allow no distractions; accept no complacency. We are writing history with our prayers. 

Pray with me:

Father, we join our hearts with thousands of intercessors today, asking for Your protection over America. We have sown the wind; we ask You that we not reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7). We ask You for mercy and protection from attacks against our nation’s communication system, our power grid, our water supplies, and any other vulnerable part of our nation. Give supernatural exposure regarding plans to destroy or damage them and weaken our nation.

We also ask You to protect our government leaders, and give them great wisdom as they lead in this very challenging time. Thwart the plans of those working against righteous causes, and bring success to those who are promoting wise, effective, and strategic policies. Give them grace and wisdom to reform and rebuild our nation. We continue to pray that the right people are appointed to President Trump’s Cabinet and Agency positions. 

And we pray for the Middle East; we ask that You give the Trump and Netanyahu teams wisdom on what to do and when to do it. You are Lord over the nations – orchestrate events to cause revival in that part of the world. Eliminate the influence of the prince of Persia. Free the people of Iran and that entire region from his influence and control, lift the veil of deception, and open their eyes to Yeshua. You sent Michael, the great archangel, to deal with this principality in Daniel’s day. Send the heavenly forces necessary to do so again in this season. In Jesus’ name, we ask these things. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that mercy triumphs over judgment, and the purposes of God will be accomplished in our generation.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.



Unknown member
Feb 22

2/22/25 Dear Dutch, I have been agreeing with you in prayer since the mid 1990’s when 5 of us Intercessor prayer warrior ladies from WA State came to a conference at Wagner’s World Prayer Center in Colorado Springs, & went to your church on Sunday Morning. You were just finishing up your Intercessor Prayer book which helped further explain what the LORD was already teaching & showing us in both individual & corporate prayer, dreams & visions…& your book helped define the phenomena we were experiencing since 1982 & to refine & sharpen our weapons of warfare…thank you Dutch. Blessings, Cath in WA


Feb 21

Are you aware of This is a global prayer initiative and sharing of what God is doing across the world. I am joining you in prayer.


Yes and Amen in agreement with these prayers and decree Abba Father in Jesus Christ Name!!!!!!!


Unknown member
Feb 20

I feel PAGA means Pray America Great Again


Feb 18

LORD, add to Your ranks those immigrants who are being awakened by Holy Spirit to the TRUTH. Help them get back home with the vision of YOUR GLORY!!!

Replying to


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