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February 24, 2025

Redefine, Realign, and Restore

My brother, Tim Sheets, shared a powerful word from the Lord in 2021. I feel it is important for today, and follows the post I shared on Friday. This will encourage you greatly. He says:

“Recently, I have sensed there is a strategy that Holy Spirit wants to emphasize.   He is doing something supernaturally that God has planned. The Ekklesia, His body through which He speaks and acts, is here to represent Christ’s base of power on the earth. Seated with Him in His Kingdom’s government (as Ephesians 2:6 describes), it arises to affect society, culture, laws, and earth’s government. This is a spiritual Kingdom, headquartered in heaven, where Jesus is enthroned to rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. His representatives on earth will now function at higher levels of efficiency.


“We occupy the seats with Christ spiritually in heaven’s government, but we can also occupy the seats in the natural governments of the earth. This is a restoration of what He said in Genesis 1 and 2 we are to do as part of the dominion mandate. Holy Spirit is calling some of our sons and daughters to run for seats in government, representing Him without compromising. He is especially grooming the millennials to unseat antichrist rulers. Young Davids are going to replace some Sauls.


“As I was praying into our times,” Tim says, “Holy Spirit said to me, ‘Redefine, Realign and Restore.’ I then began to hear the sound of bones cracking in the spirit realm. I heard the popping of bones and joints coming into place. Upon hearing this, I remembered a story from my childhood.


“My dad, along with local pastors, often conducted healing services. At one of these meetings, a man was pushed into the church in a wheelchair. His body was twisted, misshapen, and slumped to one side. Dad and the other pastors gathered around him and began to pray (see Mark 16: 15-18). As they prayed, I started to hear popping and cracking sounds as the man began to twitch, move, and shake. I watched him unwind in his wheelchair as his limbs straightened and his body realigned. I saw what appeared to be a hopeless condition suddenly change. A ‘no way’ became a ‘God way’ as hopelessness realigned.


“After pondering this occurrence, the Lord said to me: 

“‘My Ekklesia kingdom hubs will now begin to see miracles of realignment in people’s lives, government, and culture. This will be an era of miraculous realignment. I have planned for My Ekklesia hubs to bring realignment to their regions through outpourings of increased power of Holy Spirit moving upon them and within them. I will realign the twisted, the disjointed, and the misshapen. I will realign government and culture through my power, erupting in My Ekklesia volcanic-like hubs. I will press, I will push, I will pull. I will realign as my Ekklesias activate governing decrees. I am activating angels of alignment to assist the supernatural alignment of regions, states, and nations. Angels of alignment are partnering with the prayers of My Ekklesia to accomplish the order of King Jesus. They are moving in unseen ways, to bring forth in seen ways, realignment with proper purpose, realignment with what I say, realignment with My Kingdom’s government and My ways. 


“‘For the set time has come for the generation of young reformers to align with remnant reformers of all generations, to reform My purpose and revive My works.  Reformers are being formed. Reformers are rising in Holy Spirit power to declare realignment. This will erupt suddenly. I will validate it with explosive energy flowing through the generations of My Ekklesia. There will now come a functioning church in the midst of the dysfunction. Multiplied grace is being poured upon it. Bound, twisted souls will unwind. Bound, misshaped hearts will be reshaped, reborn, freed. Twisted destiny will be reformed and aligned with My purpose. Hearts bound in disillusion will awaken and beat with meaning. The blind and the aimless will see with focused vision clear pathways before them. They will be liberated from hell’s bondage as the revival of ingathering now leaps into being.  

“‘For the synergized generations, in sync with angel armies, will be soaked in the fresh rains of heaven and will leap forward into great revival. It will accelerate in power, passion, and purity. I will validate it with signs, wonders, and miracles.  Notable miracles will leap into your families. Transformation will leap into prodigals. Notable miracles are leaping into your regions. The revival in the womb of My kingdom will leap into being. It’s leaping from those who have been in travail. Leap into your future. Forerunners, run! Run through the doors of opening and into the new era I have planned. Run to align your region with My Word. Generations, run into the outpourings of heaven.  

“‘For I am transforming and realigning the territorial domain of My Ekklesia hubs into opportunity zones of My kingdom. The name of their cities in their natural realms will be superseded by a new spirit name of My kingdom’s definition.  Deliverance city. Healing city. Miracle city. Resource city. Restoration city. Grace city. Glory city. Mercy city. Revelation city. Resurrection city. Joy city. Compassion city. Wisdom city. Hope city. Redefinition will come to regions rooted with My Ekklesias and I will realign their territories to my defining purpose. I will bring a new identity and great blessings to the regions. The grace on my Ekklesia will now accelerate and it will validate that My kingdom is among them. My rule protects them, and My power sustains them. My presence fills them, and My glory surrounds them. Those who rule with Me will see their regions realign. They will participate in supernatural realignments that I have planned.’”


Tim says, “Holy Spirit is resetting our way of thinking. We need to think with an authoritative, ruling, reigning, and governmental mindset. He wants us to think spiritually minded thoughts, functioning with wisdom in a natural world.  


“While our emphasis is on the nation’s realignment with our God, perhaps you need realignment in your own life today. This word also pertains to you. Souls that are bound and twisted with the lies of the enemy will unwind. Misshaped hearts will be reshaped, reborn, and freed. Twisted destiny will be reformed and aligned with His purpose. Hearts that are bound in disillusionment will awaken and beat with meaning. You will have a focused vision and clear pathways before you. You will see signs, wonders, and miracles in your life.”


Pray with me:   

Father God, let Your Ekklesia around this nation and world rise with great fire, passion, and purity. Realign us for a move of Holy Spirit on the earth like we’ve never seen before. Realign us for revival. Realign us to unseat the antichrist agendas and those who represent them, and replace them with the sons and daughters of God - locally, regionally, and nationally. Release Your power into the atmosphere of this nation and transform it. Realign culture and government through Your power. Release angel armies to accelerate Your kingdom. Restore geographical regions and territories to Your defining purpose. Bring new identity and great blessings to the regions.  

Father, accelerate Your grace on Your Ekklesia and validate that Your Kingdom is among them. Let Your rule protect them, and Your power sustain them. May Your presence fill them and Your glory surround them. We declare we will align and become who we are supposed to be.  

And Father, release miracles of realignment in our nation and in people’s lives throughout the earth. We decree realignment in the destiny of prodigals. Unwind twisted hearts and those who are bound in their souls. Let us see visible miracles and manifestations of Your power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Our decree:  

We decree that God is redefining, realigning, and restoring His people, His Ekklesia, and our nation! 

Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about him here.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.





Feb 24

Pray with Ukraine it is National Day of prayer for them. On February 12 it was voted 255 to 0 the set an annual day of pray February 24.


Feb 24

Dutch thank you and Tim for this word. To be reminded that the synergy of the ages, ( to a thousand generations), has travailed for my prodigal living in Saint Cloud Florida , encourages me greatly. Greater is He that is in me , than he that is in the world. What God spoke over my son at birth is foundational truth. God is tearing down the strongholds that hold captive my son. He will fulfill his God purpose on the earth. In Christ Jesus's name Amen.


Unknown member
Feb 24

That was AMAZING!!! Please pray that the revival hits Austin, Tx both of my prodigals live there and there is a spirit not of the Lord there! Dutch and Tim I am so thankful to have found yall a few years ago, it has changed my prayer life and aligns me daily closer to the Holy Spirit more than I ever imagined!!

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