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February 27, 2025

Our Prayers Are Being Answered

Yesterday, President Trump asked Scott Turner, HUD Secretary and former Associate Pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church (Plano, TX), to open the first cabinet meeting of this term with prayer. Here is Mr. Turner’s prayer:

“Father, we thank You for this awesome privilege to be in Your presence. God, thank You that You have allowed us to see this day. The Bible says that Your mercies are new every morning. Father God, we give You the glory and the honor. Thank You, God, for President Trump, and for appointing us…thank You for anointing us to do this job. 

“Father, we pray You will give the President, the Vice President, wisdom as they lead. Father, I pray for all of my colleagues who are here, around the table, and in this room. Lord God, we pray that we will lead with righteous clarity. Father God, as we serve the people of this country and every perspective agency, every job that we have, Father, we would humble ourselves before You and [ask that] we would lead in [the] manner You have called us to lead and to serve. 

“Father, the Bible says, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.’ Father, we today honor You…in Your rightful place. Father, thank You for giving us this opportunity to restore faith in this country and be a blessing to the people of America. And Lord God, today in our meeting, we pray that You would be glorified in our conversation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”(1)

I have prayed to see this for over 30 years. I hope believers know the true ramifications of God being honored by our government. The Lord places tremendous weight on the decisions of leaders. 

In 2 Samuel 24:1-17, David’s sin of conducting a census brought great devastation to all of Israel. God had forbidden this, not because censuses in and of themselves are bad, but because it indicated that Israel’s faith was no longer in Him for protection. It was vital that Israel’s trust remained in Him - the salvation of the world depended on this. David’s heart had now become filled with pride and self-dependence. God had to stop this. David later repented, but 70,000 Israelites died because of David’s pride, presumption, disobedience, and independent spirit. 

In 2 Samuel 21:1, we’re told that a famine was plaguing Israel under David’s reign. When he asked the Lord why this was occurring, God said it was because his predecessor, Saul, had shed the blood of innocent Gibeonites. The shedding of innocent blood by a previous king in Israel was allowing a curse to operate generationally. 

In Numbers 14:20, Moses interceded for Israel, and God said, “I have pardoned them according to your word.” On another occasion in Exodus 32:14, God relented from judgment against Israel in response to Moses’ intercession. 

In still another famous passage, Moses had come off of Mount Sinai, the mountain of the Lord, only to find Israel worshipping the golden calf they had fashioned (Exodus 32). One can only wonder at the fragile faith of these Israelites after the great miracles and amazing deliverance Yahweh had performed for them. Yet it was true; they had wavered in their trust of Him and decided that perhaps Baal was the way to go, after all. A portion of the story that often goes untold, however, is Aaron’s part in the sin. 

Moses left Aaron in charge while he was away with Joshua on the mountain receiving God’s law and Israel’s constitution (Exodus 24:14). When they returned and found Israel involved in the great idolatry, both Moses and God laid the responsibility squarely on Aaron:

“Then Moses said to Aaron, ‘What did this people do to you, that you have brought such great sin upon them?’” (Exodus 32:21 NASB) 

“Now when Moses saw that the people were out of control—for Aaron had let them get out of control to be a derision among their enemies…“ (verse 25, NASB)

The first reference is Moses speaking; the second isn’t a quote from him, making it God doing the speaking. The idolatry was not originally Aaron’s idea, so he wasn’t being accused of that. He did participate in making the idol, but his responsibility was much greater than that. Aaron was being held responsible for not stopping it! Obviously, He could not have personally overpowered the mob that wanted to do this. Therefore, the Scriptures are clearly stating that had he made a righteous stand and said, “No! We are not doing this!” the Lord would have somehow backed him up, just as He always did Moses. And indeed, He did back up Moses when he showed up and put a stop to it.

Let the ramifications of this sink in: God was holding the leader responsible for the sinful actions of the people. “Aaron, you could have stopped this! I would have supported you had you stood for Me.” As a leader, this is very sobering. 

Finally, on the positive or blessing side of the equation, let’s remember that the Scriptures state, “When the righteous rule, the people rejoice” (Proverbs 29:2). And “Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12; 144:15).

Make no mistake about it: the actions of leaders affect the people they lead. Pray that this atmosphere of honor toward the Lord in Trump’s cabinet continues and increases. I’m asking God for a move of Holy Spirit to break out in all areas of our government, including, of course, the White House. Why shouldn’t we ask for this?! I don’t care what it looks like. I’m not asking that it be “charismatic” in its flavor and style, just that it includes salvations, a passion for God, and a love of His Word. Let’s ask for it now. 

Pray with me:

Father, thank You for a President who will ask for prayer, requesting Your presence and blessings on his cabinet meetings. Thank You that there are members of his team who know You well enough to pray this prayer. We know there are several true believers on the President’s team; thank You for placing them there. 

We join them in humbling ourselves before You, asking for Your presence and anointing. We ask for this not only in the White House and other government meetings, but also for our entire nation. Hover over America, releasing Your power to bring the transformation we need. Cause a mighty revival to take place in the government of America. Cleanse, transform, and bring about true relationships with You. We declare in intercession, “You are welcome in this nation…everywhere!”

Protect those in our government from harm, as well as their families and staff. Keep them under the “Iron Dome” shield of faith. And protect our nation from the evil individuals - both within and outside our government - who want to divide us. This is disgusting and a great evil; please remove their voices and heal our land of this division. 

And Lord, continue to expose fraud, theft, and corruption in our government. Reveal the hypocrisy of those who oppose it. Please remove them. All of this we ask in Yeshua’s name, for He is our access to You. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that He who has begun a good work in America will finish it. 

Click on the link below to watch the full video.




Sandy Harrisson
Sandy Harrisson
7 days ago

I am one of those who prays with you everyday. Thank you for your faithfulness and for seeking God's will...


Today is the Collegiate Day of prayer '25....Praying such success that campuses across the nation make such a splash that these young people are able to break & defeat anything that might want to claim they are subject to anything.. "... was allowing a curse to operate generationally."


In Jesus Name, AMEN 🙏🏼♥️🙌🏼


Thank you for helping direct intercession from the heart of our great intercessor Jesus. We thank Him as he is doing the great exchange of His heart's desires to the leaders of government to become their heart's desires.

Let us study the WORD of His history (His story) to know His heartbeat and lean close to His breast like John the beloved to hear. Let Issachar know the times and seasons and what Israel should do.


Feb 27

All I can say is Wow. God is answering our prayers. Brothers and sisters spread Give Him 15 everywhere. Keep praying. God is good and will save America.

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