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February 4, 2025


My friend, Larry Sparks, recently sent me an exciting and informative new book by Tommy and Miriam Evans entitled: Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I use the word “exciting” not just due to the information it contains, but also because Holy Spirit motivating them to release this book now is just one more indicator of the kairos time we have moved into. The Lord is further preparing us for the great outpouring that has already begun. 

I also used the word “informative” to describe the book. It was written not only by two great teachers, but by two “doers” – the Evans move powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit on a regular basis (1 Corinthians 12). Tommy and Miriam use their experiences to illustrate the Scriptures, providing balanced and practical guidance. This direction, by the way, not only instructs us how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, but also how to receive and develop these essential tools. It is truly a handbook. 

My brother, Tim Sheets, states in the book’s foreword: “Our friends Tommy and Miriam Evans have been anointed to produce this very timely handbook of practical wisdom. You will find yourself turning to it time and time again. Within these pages are spiritual insights that can help the body of Christ grow and mature and release the decrees of faith.”

Larry Sparks, who sent me the book, ministers with the Evans on a regular basis. He wrote an article based on the book’s content, as well as his insights on what God is currently saying to the church regarding this important subject. I believe this subject is so critical, I want to share the article and promote this wonderful book here on Give Him 15. I will share Part One of the article today and Part Two tomorrow. The title of Larry’s article is:



There have been many exceptional training resources developed on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. From Derek Prince to Lester Sumrall to Norval Hayes to Kenneth Hagin and others, the body of Christ has been given sound, biblical instructions on these gifts. This has provided a foundation for the unique kairos moment we are stepping into. The teachings of a previous generation are going to be demonstrated by this generation at a whole new level.  


I, along with revivalists Tommy and Miriam Evans, have been traveling the nations, witnessing a collective hunger for the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and His supernatural power. And this has not been limited to a specific denomination.  We’ve found ourselves ministering in various settings, from Southern Baptist to Lutheran, and even Catholic environments. Regardless of the setting, the results are the same. As the Word of God is preached, it paints a picture of what’s possible for people to experience from the Holy Spirit. He breathes upon the Word of God, igniting hearts to step into the realities Scripture introduces to them. These results demonstrate the moment we are in: It’s time to decree the Word and demonstrate the power. This reality is what birthed the book, Decrees that Activate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Tommy and Miriam Evans were burdened by a desire to raise up revival practitioners, not simply revival theorists. I believe the simple encouragements and activations outlined in the book will be catalysts, launching many into a life saturated with Holy Spirit demonstration.


A Vision of What’s Possible: Word and Spirit

Describing this present kairos moment a bit more… I had a vision wherein I saw a minister delivering his sermon from an old-fashioned pulpit, similar to what you would see in the days of Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakenings. I knew he was preaching verse by verse from Scripture---expository preaching.  In the vision, I panned down towards the front of the church, right beneath the preacher.  Usually, this is what we call the “altar” space. I was shocked by what I saw. While the minister preached, in that altar space I witnessed people shaking under the power of God. I saw some laughing uproariously as they were experiencing the oil of Holy Spirit joy, some being delivered from demonic torment, others being healed, and still others were being baptized in the Spirit. It was glorious, holy chaos. I watched as prayer teams moved seamlessly through the group of people as they were clearly being touched by the Holy Spirit. One would think this “disorderly” sight would cause distraction or commotion among the attentive congregation. It did not.


I then panned across the congregation, witnessing something extraordinary.  While this wild manifestation of the Spirit was taking place in the altar space, people sat in their seats, diligently taking notes. When something the minister said stirred the heart of one seated in the congregation, they would get out of their seats and move toward the altar space. There, these individuals would begin to have unique encounters with the Holy Spirit.


1 Corinthians 14:40 was, in fact, taking place in this environment; everything was being done “decently and in order.” It’s just that sometimes decently and in order, from Heaven’s vantage point, looks like 120 disciples in an upper room being described as “drunk” after being filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2); or like a company of priests on their faces completely undone by God’s glory falling upon Solomon’s temple (1 Kings 8). In both the Old and New Testaments, we clearly see a connection between and an emphasis on the declaration of the Word and demonstration of Holy Spirit power. 

I’ve learned that if we treat the manifestations of the Holy Spirit as a disturbance and distraction, people will treat them that way. But if we actually celebrate the move of the Holy Spirit, with all of its uniqueness and unusual activity, we disciple people into identifying these manifestations as indicator lights of God’s holy presence in our midst. Manifestations become celebrated confirmations of the Word being preached.


The Greatest Enemies of What God’s Doing… Right Now

Much of our ministry and experience has been in western nations – the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and the USA. In the Western world, we mistakenly project that we have graduated from the wonder of the supernatural, as if “that miracle, signs and wonders stuff” is archaic and out of touch with modernity. We perceive that we have become more civilized and refined, when, in fact, we have moved away from the very thing that a generation is crying out for!


Historian Tom Holland, author of the outstanding book Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World has been cited as saying that we need to preach “the weird stuff” and “take the supernatural seriously” in the context of the Christian church. Justin Brierley, author of Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God, has observed similar phenomena, especially among youth and young adults in the United Kingdom. Furthermore, Brierly’s observation is that atheism is not the great juggernaut that is opposing the advancement of Christianity. Perhaps it was in a previous era, but now, it would seem that more and more people—particularly GenZ and GenAlpha—are pursuing “spirituality.” The question is what kind of spirituality are they seeking and practicing?


The greatest enemy that seeks to oppose the move of God in this generation is silence concerning the supernatural in the church. If contemporary Christianity keeps silent on the gifts, power, and move of the Spirit, the devil is waiting right outside our sanctuaries, seeking opportunities to provide counterfeit “power” to the spiritually hungry masses.

[Tomorrow we will look at Part 2 of Larry’s teaching/article.]

Pray with me: 

Father, as we move into revival and reformation, we find ourselves being awakened to needed changes – both in the church, and in our secular environments. You are indeed preparing us to be the church when we gather to worship and when we go forth into our daily activities. The spirit of revival and the seeds of reformation are in our land. We ask You to bring both to fulness through the power of Your Spirit. 

Your Word teaches us – as does history – that revival is fueled by the gifts of Your Spirit. We must have the release of these precious tools, enabling us to demonstrate the power of the gospel and the resurrection of Christ. We ask You for this. And we ask that resources and teachings, such as this powerful book by the Evans, be breathed upon mightily by You. Stir hearts in the church with a hunger for these gifts of the Spirit; bring a holy discontent for doing ministry without them. Then, satisfy this hunger with impartation and activation, invading hearts and impacting lives. It is time for this, and we are asking for it. In Jesus’ name we ask and in faith we say “Thank You!”

Our decree:

We decree that a new season is now upon the church, a season of Holy Spirit’s gifts being poured out. We receive these manifestations of the great Holy Spirit, our Helper.

You can find out more about Larry at and for Tommy and Miriam Evans, go to You can find their book on Amazon.


Click on the link below to watch the full video.


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