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January 13, 2019

Suddenlies For A Generation to be Reckoned

Giants are about to be slain. This generation will stand on the head of their enemies. This generation’s children will be saved because of the overturning of a law. They will become a force to be reckoned with against the kingdom of darkness. A double portion anointing is coming on this generation and they will not allow giants to walk around. They are going to go after the giants on behalf of their children. They are going to honor the generation before them, which paved the way with their prayers and tears. They are going to come in and pick up where the former generation left off and the suddenlies are going to increase. There are some suddenlies coming to our government. There is a suddenly coming to the Supreme Court. There will suddenly be a vacancy. Suddenly, laws are going to change. Hearts are going to change. (An anonymous intercessor.)

“I declared the former things long ago, and they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them. Suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.” (Isaiah 48:3; NASB)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Intercede for the generation coming up behind you. If you’re 60, pray for those 50-60. If you’re 40, pray for those 30-40, etc. Bless them.

  2. Pray for that same group that they will be bold and pray strategic prayers for their children’s sake. Ask God to give them great favor and great answers to their prayers.

  3. Call for the “suddenly” answers to prayer for America.

  4. Say, “The Supreme Court will suddenly shift! Vacancy, open up!”

  5. Say, “The political blockades against President Trump will now suddenly shift!”

  6. Declare that righteous laws are going to be passed and solidified by the Supreme Court.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I pray for the generation coming up behind me. I bless them. I will not judge them, because they act and think differently than I do. I will believe the best about them and trust You to use their prayers to expand Your Kingdom in this nation. Put their children on their heart, those generations that will follow them. Help us all to intercede for this nation, thinking about the kind of nation we want to leave for those coming up behind us. Give us suddenly answers to our prayers! We say, “The Supreme Court will suddenly shift! Vacancy, open up! The political blockades against President Trump will now suddenly shift!” We declare that You are going to shift the leadership of this nation, and the justices on the Supreme Court, until righteous laws and plans that please You are sure to come to pass. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Today’s decree:

God’s suddenlies are coming to shift the U.S. government and the Supreme Court.



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