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January 24, 2020

National March for Life 2020

It is because of situations like these that we will march for life today:

“Planned Parenthood just set a disturbing record. It’s infuriating.

“The abortion giant’s latest report shows that it committed more abortions in a single year than ever before – 345,672. In fact, Planned Parenthood’s abortions reached record highs at the same time the abortion rate nationwide hit record lows.

“That’s nearly 950 babies killed each day. Nearly 40 lives an hour, every hour, all year.

“It’s sickening. And at the same time, Planned Parenthood set another record; this one is for the amount of your tax dollars it took – $616.8 million last year alone.

“On top of that, a California jury has awarded Planned Parenthood millions more from pro-life advocates for exposing the sale of aborted babies’ body parts.” (Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ)

“Let your light shine in front of men. Then they will see the good things you do and will honor your Father Who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16; NLV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Worship the Lord over the Life that He has given you and your family.

  2. If you have had an abortion, receive the sweetness of His forgiveness and let His love and life flow through you.

  3. If you fathered a child, have been a panicked parent, or other supporting person, who has participated in an abortion decision, receive the love and forgiveness of the Lord before you pray.

  4. Pray for the salvation of the doctors and staffs of abortion clinics.

  5. Declare, “Lord, let Your love and forgiveness consume those who who have participated in the abortion process in any way. May Jesus be introduced to even the hardest hearted.”

  6. Pray Lou Engle’s 22-word prayer, “Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America.”

  7. Intercede for organizations, like the March for Life and the ACLJ, who are leading the fight to end abortion in America.

A prayer you can pray:

God, I worship You, for You alone are the Giver of Life. You create the beating heart and form life in the mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am made in Your image. I am deeply loved by You and I am thankful to know that. To You be all the glory for humanity’s creation.

My heart is breaking at the statistics on abortion in America. Even though abortion is declining overall, Planned Parenthood is still strongly promoting this heinous action. Tax dollars are still funding this horrific practice. People’s minds are changing a bit, but more hearts must change. Only when there is full revival and souls saved will enough hearts change to end abortion in America. I join the penitent ones today, repenting and interceding for my nation. Let those who have had abortions not hide in guit and shame, but bring their sin into Your saving, healing light. Let those who fathered those women’s children, who abandoned them, or drove them to the abortionist, find You and repent. May parents, relatives, pastors, and educators repent for their part in any abortion. Every life taken keeps organizations like Planned Parenthood functioning. Lord, let Your love and forgiveness consume those who who have participated in the abortion process in any way. May Jesus be introduced to even the hardest hearted. Bless and provide support for the organizations working to end abortion in this country.

Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America. Amen.

Today’s decree:

We will pray and we will protest abortion publicly and consistently until abortion is eradicated from America.

1 Learn more about Jordan Sekulow and the America Center for Law and Justice here.


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