God is very determined to honor His Son, Jesus, and fulfill the promises He made to Him. My brother Tim reminds us today that we are entering a new and powerful era in which this will occur. Tim’s title is:
Be Daring
We are transitioning into one of the most strategic times in history. In times of great transition, God often delivers challenges to His people. We see this when Israel came out of the wilderness and into the land promised to them by God. Joshua was challenged by God to be strong, and in turn, he passed on the same challenge to the people. I hear those same words being given to us today: be strong.
Holy Spirit has revealed to me that the Ekklesia is entering a great time of promises unfolding, one of God’s most supernatural eras, in which signs, wonders, and miracles will rise to levels we’ve never seen. We are being called to advance into this plan, embracing the challenge God has given us to stand strong and administrate it from the spirit realm.
John 16:33 (NKJV) says, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
“Be of good cheer” is the word tharseo, meaning to be bold, to engage in great courage, to be daring.(1) In other words, the Lord is saying we will face times of trouble, but He is challenging us to be daring and bold, knowing He has already overcome the opposition.
God has prepared us for this season. We have been called to represent King Jesus and stand for His honor. We now have functioning Ekklesias across this world, and Angel Armies have been positioned around territories, regions, and nations. It is time to advance the Kingdom of God. In this era, the fear of the Lord and respect of King Jesus will be restored. This assignment will require us to be tharseo – daring, brave, and bold.
A Vision, A Visitation, and Prophecy
I was recently in a time of seeking the Lord concerning this hour, and Holy Spirit reminded me of a vision that I believe is now being activated. In this vision, God showed me a vast army of angel warriors, a type that I hadn’t seen. They appeared in long lines, arrayed for battle, wearing shiny breastplates, carrying bows and bronze arrows. Their countenance was stern and fierce. They seemed determined and confident, their eyes fixed in a stare that could look right through you. This line of angels stretched as far as I could see in both directions.
At this point in the vision, everything shifted and became a visitation in which I felt the weighty presence of God. In this atmosphere, I told the Lord I had never seen this type of angel before, and He said, “They appear on earth when assisting Holy Spirit’s advancement of new eras, outpourings, and glory surges. I am releasing great numbers of these angels into the nations.”
I then asked Him the specific purpose for these angels, and He answered, “They are angels who guard My glory and honor, and are coming to do so. They are preparing the way for My Ekklesia’s move on the earth to expand My Kingdom. Those who honor Me will be honored with greater levels of My governing authority in order to reign with Me. I will increase the favor of My Kingdom upon them, My presence and glory will rise upon them. Words of wisdom, words of knowledge, prophetic unction, supernatural faith, spiritual discernment, healings, and miracles will increase through My joint heirs. These angels will assist them, protecting My honor and glory on Earth, and bringing Me honor from the nations, as My Father has promised Me.”
After this vision, the gift of prophecy began to operate through me, and the Lord said, “You will now see the strong arm of the Lord, and you will experience the aggression of Heaven’s warriors moving on My behalf. You will experience the presence of My glory that advances My might to protect, save, and strengthen, for I declare that My people will rise in My might and strength. My power will be seen in your midst. My passion will now infuse My remnant with zeal for My cause.
“I am now calling forth My passionate warriors. They will stand and not be shaken, displaying hope, confidence, and unshakable faith. These passionate warriors of valor are mustering to their battle stations. They have heard My call, and along with My Angel Armies, are rising in the darkness to push against hell until it quakes under My power. It is a season in which demons will tremble, not My heirs.
“Arise and shine in this hour of My great glory, standing strong in this perilous time. Arise and challenge – with My authority – the abominations of the forever loser. Arise, and with My mightiness reinforcing you, destroy defilements and dominate evil. Hear My words, including My prophetic words; listen to the messages I’ve sent in resounding waves. The prophetic assignments I’ve given are now intersecting their moment. Hear them! Arise with Me to reign, says the Lord, for I am rising in this world as never before.
“My Kingdom’s army is now prepared and armed to march daringly with confident valor, backed by My wisdom, might, and resources, advancing My gospel. They will walk in My covenant promises and inherit new territories, never being stymied or stopped, for I will shake down that which would block them as they decree My promises. Arise, pursue, and recover all that’s been stolen. For I have promised and I will surely keep My Word, says the Lord of Hosts. In the midst of turmoil, shakings, and perilous times, My grace will abound. My Kingdom will increase and win great victories, says the Lord.”
Tim Concludes
Heaven has now activated a massive force of angels to defend the glory and honor of King Jesus. This is going to be a game-changer.
1 Chronicles 28:20 (AMPC) says, “…Be strong and courageous, and do it. Fear not, be not dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail or forsake you until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.”
The Lord has issued His challenge for us to be bold and daring. King Jesus is calling us to seek and follow His plans for a new supernatural era of signs, wonders, and miracles. Dare to move forward and contend for these plans. Be bold in your intercession and courageous in your efforts.
Pray with me:
Lord, we declare our faith that You and Your Word never fail us. We are stepping into greater measures of Your glory and power. Signs, wonders, and miracles will increase. We ask for an infusion of understanding and wisdom to be revealed to us. We pray for the angels seen in this vision to be sent to Ekklesias across this land, angels that will assist us in defending the honor of our King and advancing His Kingdom. We ask for these angels to assist us in producing breakthrough, healing, awakening, and reformation.
We pray that Your wind would blow on Your Ekklesia around this nation and the world, revival winds that enable us to fight as strong, mighty warriors of Your Kingdom. We will stand in the authority of our King Jesus, determined and confident. Grant us great boldness as we advance Your Kingdom.
And Father, we continue to pray for President Trump and the leaders of our government. Draw them to You; fill them with Your Spirit. Order their ways, and impart great wisdom. Increase their governing skills. Please protect them from harm. We bind every evil plan to injure them, and ask that angels surround them always. We pray these things in Yeshua’s name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that the Ekklesia is moving into a new era in which we will dare to say what God says, defending His honor with great boldness.
Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 2293.
I love this!!!!! It reminds me of a poem I wrote a decade ago (link below). I agree and decree!
Battle Cry | Lisa Jenkins Moore
Why can I never play the video without getting the notice to “sign in”, whatever that means!?
We BOLDLY GO FORWARD with our GOD and KING, YESHUA, in the lead!