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January 3, 2025


In praying about today’s post, I felt that the following word Holy Spirit gave my brother, Tim Sheets, was appropriate to share at the beginning of this year. As you will see, it puts a fresh wind in our sails. The title is:

Grace Winds

Psalm 18:6 (The Passion Translation) says, “In my distress I cried out to you, the delivering God, and from your temple-throne you heard my troubled cry, and my sobs went right into your heart. This phrase gripped my heart when I read it recently, prompting several days of prayerful reflection. After that time of pondering, Holy Spirit began speaking the following word to me:

“The Father and Heaven’s King have turned their faces toward the Ekklesia. They have turned their faces toward Kingdom sons and daughters. For the season of great reformation will soon come and the sons and daughters are now to receive the needed refreshing from the present war season. Times of refreshing will now come, energizing the Ekklesia for the reformation era, the most supernatural era I have ever led. A new level of authority will be seen functioning through the heirs. This will rapidly grow in demonstration as they are restrengthened, renewed and re-visioned for the great reformation. Know that the outer band of wind has begun to blow. It is carrying signs, wonders, miracles, healings and supernatural deliverance to the heirs. Father’s face is turned to the heirs. The King’s face has turned to His bride, and grace winds are beginning to blow. Receive from this supernatural flow of refreshing and empowerment.” 

The Scriptures sometimes state that “God’s face is turned toward us” or “He causes His face to shine upon us.” God turning His face toward someone refers to Him energizing them with strength from Heaven. The turning of His face toward us can mean His mercies light upon us, His compassion. It can refer to His grace extended to us, His favor. When the eyes of the Lord are on us, His supernatural power extends to us. Wherever Father sets His gaze, His power is there. Trust that His supernatural power can reach you wherever you are.

This is a special season of the Father and Heaven’s King, Jesus, turning their faces toward the Ekklesia. It’s a time when He comes to realign, refocus, refresh, and renew you. We are never out from under His gaze; His fathering heart is always set upon His sons and daughters. This is a time to receive refreshing and empowerment from Heaven to step into a new supernatural era.

The word Holy Spirit gave me emphasized so clearly that grace winds are beginning to blow. This phrase resounded in my spirit. In Scripture, wind symbolizes Holy Spirit and His moving on the earth. It can also symbolize revival, a move of the Godhead bringing fresh outpourings from Heaven. Wind cannot be seen, but its power and effect can be felt. In other words, Holy Spirit isn’t seen with the natural eyes, but His effects are very real and discerned supernaturally in our souls. The blowing of wind prophesies a refreshing on the work Holy Spirit is already doing. 

This happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. There came a sound from Heaven as a mighty rushing wind filled the upper room where 120 people had gathered. They couldn’t see Holy Spirit coming in, but they could hear Him. The sound that day is sometimes referred to as sounding like a hurricane, or a train bounding down the tracks. The 120 gathered in the upper room heard the sound of a grace wind and were filled with power from on high, which sparked a new move of God, affecting nations and people groups from all over the world. 

The outer band winds have begun to blow on a new move of God in our times. I believe something big is up and something incredible has begun. 2025 will be a year of Holy Spirit winds building. Weather forecasters know a hurricane is close because the outer bands begin to reach the shore. They also know greater and stronger winds are coming behind the initial band. One after the other, the bands grow in intensity.

As I have been praying about this word from the Lord, He revealed more to me saying, “For great winds from Heaven will surely blow upon the King’s Ekklesia. Mighty winds are building, historic winds. Holy Spirit winds will begin to blow, one after the other, each one stronger than the previous, until full-blown power is seen. Full-blown power from Heaven, ordained for your times, will be experienced until the full effects are felt all over the Earth. Building winds, powerful winds, winds affecting transformational change and winds growing in forcefulness. Wave after wave of Holy Spirit wind bands have begun and the resistance of hell will be blown away by this wind. The resistance of man and evil attempts to stop God’s plans will be blown away as the King's Ekklesia declares His will and purposes. 

“The sons and daughters will be carried forth, borne upon these Holy Spirit winds. Their sails are filling with prevailing, guiding, and refreshing winds. Winds of grace are blowing across ripe harvest fields carrying good news of redemptive power, the King’s forgiveness purchased upon His cross. They are grace winds of great deliverance blowing away hell's bondages, confusion, addiction, sin, brokenness, fears, and hopelessness. Grace winds are clearing the minds of prodigals, lifting the demonic fog off their minds and revealing the pathway home. They are grace winds carrying angel hosts for the time of reaping, blowing in the harvest rains, the latter rains. I have turned My face toward the Ekklesia, I have turned My face toward the harvest.”

In the prophetic word, Holy Spirit called this is a “season” of great reformation; not just a quick few weeks, but a season. The sons and daughters of Christ will receive an outpouring of refreshing that will activate a new Pentecost, a supernatural season of Holy Spirit outpourings. A fresh Kingdom move has begun and times of refreshing are coming. Receive it.

The Greek word for refreshing is “anapsuxis;” one of its meanings is to relieve stress or to cool down(1). It pictures someone overheated by exertion, sitting in a cool breeze. Receive Holy Spirit’s cool breeze and chill out. Take a breather with Father God, and catch your breath. Holy Spirit has come with outpourings from Heaven many times, and in this season, He’s coming again with fresh winds, new anointings, and times of refreshing. Believe that the Lord has turned His face toward His Ekklesia, and the grace winds are blowing.

Pray with me:  

Father, the past season has been difficult for many. Disease, financial pressures, wars, societal decay, a corrupt and foolish government in America and elsewhere implementing destruction and chaos, and much more. These things wear down the human psyche. And yet, in this time You have found a faithful, persevering remnant that has “run through troops” and “leaped over walls” to battle the forces of darkness (Psalm 18:29). They have contended using Your spiritual weapons, warring through Your divine strength, and they have prevailed. 

Now we thank You for turning Your face to us. We receive Your promise of refreshing and reviving in Your presence. Let the fresh winds of Holy Spirit blow over Your sons and daughters. Cause Holy Spirit winds to blow across this nation and throughout the world. Let the effects of the wind be seen and felt, bringing great encouragement to the body of Christ, and a great harvest. Renew, restrengthen, re-vision, and refocus Your laborers. Refill us with Your Spirit and power. 

And Father, we agree with thousands around our nation as they fast and pray the first 21 days of this year. As violence and terrorism occur here in our nation, we pray for protection over our families and leaders. We ask that President-Elect Trump and his team be covered with Your protective hand, and be given great wisdom. We pray this also over our Supreme Court and Congress. And we ask You to intervene in the vote today for Speaker of the House. Prevail over any confusion, whether it be caused by people or demons. We bind every plan intended to implement strategies that are not Your will. All of this we pray in Jesus’ name.

Our decree: 

We decree that Father's face is turned to the Ekklesia. Grace winds are beginning to blow, carrying signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and supernatural deliverance.

Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 403.


2 comentarios

This is an amazing post. When I begin reading this post on Grace Winds, God caused me to reflect back on a word He gave me on 11/25/24. Father told me, Kathleen "The Wind of Change is at hand." I did really know what Father really meant until I read Tim Sheet's post 01/03, regarding GRACE Winds. Tim Sheet post interpreted what God wanted me to know about the wind of change. This is awesome revelation from God's Kingdom. This is so powerful and right on time. Lord, I give you all the praise and honor. Hallelujah, let Your will be done in Jesus Name.


Kathleen Rios

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04 ene

Thank you

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