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January 30, 2025


My friend Larry Tomczak, a leader in the historic Jesus People Revolution, author, and true father in the body of Christ, released a powerful exhortation to the church. Larry exhorts us to rejoice in what the Lord has done, but also diligently 

press forward. The title is:

Looking Back/Looking Forward 

(with God’s Gift of Mercy to America) 

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18–19). 

Fifty years ago a struggling Sly Stallone watched a boxing match, wrote a script (in 3 days!), then made the movie, Rocky, for $1 million. It grossed $235 million worldwide, and Stallone made five more movies with the character! I recently watched it again, allowing it to inspire me in this historic moment. We can follow Rocky’s example – he looked back briefly then moved forward purposefully. 

This is what God intends for us in this supernatural reset of seeing America restored to alignment with the Founders’ vision, and to the values of our Creator. “The Golden Age of America begins right now” is how our President put it in the opening sentence of his inaugural message to America. 

Our children and our grandchildren will now be rescued from the insidious progressive ideology that brought the decline of America. Imagine if we had just endured an inauguration of President Kamala Harris…

The opening Scripture says not to dwell on (linger on) the past - God is doing a “new thing!” Learn lessons from the past, but “get back in the ring” and embrace the opportunities God is giving. Satanic forces are not going to exit the arena; their goal is still to diminish Christian influence and promote evil. 

Miracle Mile 

One of the most iconic sporting races in world history was the 1954 mile competition between England’s Roger Bannister and Australia’s John Landy. Both had previously broken the 4-minute mile barrier and were pitted against each other, with 35,000 watching. The first issue of “Sports Illustrated” launched with this famous race. With 90 yards to go, Landy was heading for victory, but looked back, lost momentum, and Banister burst forward to win 3:58.8 to 3:59.6.

Today, in what can become one of the most transformational presidencies since Lincoln and Reagan, we must not look back, as though the race is won. Yes, we should understand and give God glory for what we’ve been rescued from, but then we must focus forward, praying and engaging in sharing truth amidst 2025’s palpable optimism.

“Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, let’s press on for the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord. All of us who are mature should be like minded” (Philippians 3:14-15).

Looking Back on 15 Catastrophes 

We are beginning a turnaround in our nation, so give thanks to God as we put behind us…

  • The scandalous cover up of Biden in office while mentally impaired. 

  • The Biden Administration leaving Trump with a “mess” as his policies bring ongoing damage for years. He departs office with America culturally, morally, economically, globally and militarily weaker. 

  • The entrance of 15 million unvetted illegal immigrants allowed into America, including scores of terrorists, child smugglers, sex traffickers and criminals (not just “unfortunate children” as a pro-LGBTQ liberal bishop said in an attempt to humiliate President Trump). 

  • The death sentences of 37 death row murderers being commuted, and granting “pre-emptive last-minute pardons” to family and friends. 

  • The aggressive promotion of abortion ’til birth, paid for with taxpayer money, and calling it “reproductive health care.” 

  • Obscene spending, which exploded our national debt to record levels (e.g. spending $100 million tax dollars on DEI!). “If we don’t get this debt under control, the economy is going to collapse!” - Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary. 

  • The shameless pushing of radical trans insanity & the LGBTQ agenda in schools/sports/corporations. 

  • The corruption in our criminal justice system, abusing its authority by suppressing free speech & attacking political candidates (especially Mr. Trump!). 

  • The insulting of Americans by awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to enemies of America devoted to tearing down our values, such as George Soros. 

  • The weakening of America, even as China grew more aggressive and Putin became more destructive, with feeble Biden “asleep at the helm.” 

  • The use of “Lawfare” to attack peaceful pro-lifers, parents in schools and soldiers in service. 

  • The mislabeling of Jan. 6 rioting as “insurrection,” even though Trump said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capital to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Thousands of people rioting in 574 George Floyd riots in 200 cities, taking lives and costing billions, was dismissed as “peaceful protests.”) 

  • The unmitigated disaster of the Afghanistan exit (lives lost plus $80 billion of military equipment left to terrorists). 

In summary, Biden departed leaving our nation demoralized, divided and deceived. 

We should offer praise to God that a horrible chapter can be put behind us. Like Rocky, we can give ourselves one last look back as we get into the ring, resolving not to squander our reprieve. 

Going Forward with Hope and Vision 

Goodbye to a Government gone astray! Our appeal to heaven is for God’s grace and guidance as we declare “In God We Trust!” As God-fearing, patriotic, traditional Americans we pledge to pray for our leaders, engage courageously as we share the gospel and truth, and believe for a third Great Awakening! 

Undergirded by our prayers, the actions of the Trump team have said, “We’re done with the show, we’re closing the curtain, buckle up!” Our newly inaugurated president has signed over 100 executive orders, taking action with his experienced and competent Cabinet. One bold and decisive order declares the Federal Government will no longer recognize “trans” men or women. 

There is a supernatural shift, changing the mood in America. It’s time for realignment. God has been merciful to us, and there is fresh vision, hope and determination to purge the poison of militant wokeism, deceptive socialism and [the true meaning of] DEI: Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination. 

Let’s unify and see America great again for the glory of God! 

Turnaround Time 

We are part of an historical reset and transformational presidency, similar to the “morning in America” when Reagan was elected after the disastrous Carter years. 

This is not a time to retreat, but to speak out exposing harmful policies and ideologies regarding critical issues. Together we will remain tenacious, proclaiming truth via all the vehicles God has given us. We are “Sons of Issachar who understand the times and know what to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). 

We will “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12), not combatively, but “contending for the faith” (Jude 3). (We know that we have to reach this next generation on their phones. That’s why 16 top Christian leaders did the 30 Bullseye videos FREE and “on demand” to equip us in confidently and courageously addressing today’s “hot button” issues.)

Here’s the Deal: God gave us a reprieve. Let’s seize this gift for His glory and as Rocky said, “Go for it!” 

“Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always abound in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Pray with me:

Father, we have come to an intersection in this journey toward seeing America restored. We are truly grateful for the turn we see occurring in America, not only in government but in the great numbers of Americans seeing the need for change. The veil is truly being lifted. Please continue to do so.

We do, indeed, take the time to look back, not as though the race is finished, and as Larry has articulated, not in bitterness. We do so to learn from the past and rejoice in Your great deliverance. It is also now imperative that we look forward, dedicating ourselves to the opportunity at hand. You have given us a window in which we can begin a true spiritual and national reset. 

We ask You for wise strategy to do so. Give wisdom to government leaders as they wrestle with complex issues, and the courage and boldness to do what is right, regardless of the cost. We also ask that wisdom be given to leaders in the church. Bring forth the appropriate messages and insights, bringing the church Your thoughts at this critical time. Bring forth prophetic vision for the future - Your vision. Changes are essential; show us what they are. Help us seize the moment. In Yeshua’s name. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that the church will move forward into the new that God is offering us. 

You can find out more about Larry Tomczak at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


1 Comment

Jan 30

It is a new day and we will experience new mercies; new times; new opportunities; new possibilities; and a renewing of the brokenness that is now being put back together again in a new way.

Here in western NC it still looks impossible that everything can be made fully whole, but we know that God is not finished writing our stories.

From the east coast to the west, and from north to south, may revival fall. May it cover the lands and the seas, and every continent.

May the wind of the spirit fill us in this new day.

I believe that we will be restored once again-but not to walk back to the past ways. One step and then…

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