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January 6, 2025

Lightning Strikes the Capitol

Today is January 6, the day on which the presidential electoral votes are certified in Congress. This can proceed because the vote for Speaker of the House on Friday was successful, reelecting Representative Michael Johnson (from Louisiana) to this position. Had the voting for this position gone on for days, as it did in the previous term, the electoral votes could not have been certified today. Thank you for praying regarding this.

The history of this day, January 6, makes it appropriate to comment on the 2020 elections and the past four years in today’s post. My comments are related also to the lightning strikes in Washington, D.C. on New Year’s Eve – one on the Capitol, the other on the Washington Monument. 

November, 2020, through January, 2021 was one of the most tumultuous seasons in America’s history. I, along with millions of Americans felt there had been “inequities” in the Trump/Biden election. I crammed no less than ten last minute prayer rallies, in eight states, to an already busy schedule. Many were praying with us that the corruption would be exposed. This was actually the birth of Give Him 15, as we know it today. 

My dear friend Chuck Pierce, a very trusted prophet, later told me – when this 3-month season ended and Biden was inaugurated -- that he had known we would not see the outcome we were looking for. “But I knew you had to keep praying,” he said. “I prayed for you intensely, sometimes all through the night, asking God to keep you encouraged. The prayers of the church were saving America,” he told me. “And although you did not see at this time the exposure and turnaround you were interceding for, you will receive everything for which you prayed. Your prayers were birthing the future.”

When Chuck told me this, I realized God had delayed Trump’s second term and allowed Biden to take office in order to radically expose the level of corruption in our government. I actually wrote entire GH15 posts stating this. The Lord has accomplished this exposure, and the swamp turned out to be a cesspool. 

During that election season, in December of 2020, Holy Spirit gave my friend Don Lynch, who is now in heaven, a powerful dream about lightning. Don said:

“In the dream, the lightning of God filled the skies over Philadelphia. I (Don) was standing in the doorway of a very small shed from colonial times. I could feel a silky thread in my hand and could sense the tug of it as it flew in the wind. My eyes followed it and I could see that it joined with another string, which had a skeleton key attached that sparked with electricity. I knew it was God’s lightning that was flashing, causing the sparking on the key. I realized we had been waiting for this storm. In the dream, I saw an odd container that could collect the power, held by Dutch Sheets.

“In this dream, God was using a real event in history to paint a picture for us. In actual history, Benjamin Franklin flew a kite in a storm, with a key attached to its string. This experiment was to conduct electricity. He was assisted by his son, William. Dutch’s first name is also William. In this parabolic dream, I saw William Dutch Sheets holding the container and collecting the power; he was collecting the lightning of God! Like a child with wondering eyes, Dutch looked up and said, ‘The air is alive! The air is alive over America!’ He breathed in deeply and seemed to be energized by the lightning of God.

“Dutch then removed the energized key from the kite and the scene changed; an ancient door now stood before him. He put the sparking key into a hidden lock. As he did, the energized key activated a mechanism inside the door. The ancient door burst open and angels of God were released into the nation. They were not sluggish - they were active!!! They weren’t there to negotiate, but to establish. 

“Dutch then said, ‘We did it! We did it! We did it!’ Holding the container, he said, ‘Look. We have all we need to finish. Lord, we welcome your lightning to America!’” End of dream.

In Scripture, keys represent authority (Isaiah 22:22; Matthew 16.18-19), the authority to open and close, lock and unlock, bind and loose. Lightning represents the power and glory of God. Job 36:32 tells us God “fills His hands with lightning and commands it to strike the mark.”

The phrase “strike the mark” is actually one word in Hebrew, paga, the word for intercession.(1) Incredibly, lightning striking a structure is used in Scripture to picture God’s power being released through our intercession! 

In the dream, God’s powerful lightning energized our key of authority, enabling our intercession to unlock and open ancient doors. When we did, angels were released into the nation to activate and establish. 


A few weeks after Don’s dream, on the day of Biden’s inauguration (January 20, 2021), my friend Steven Springer had another dream regarding lightning. Steven said:

“In the dream I was taken up over Washington, D.C. It was very cloudy and you could barely see the buildings below. Then, lightning struck the top of the White House! Winds began to blow and I saw rain, lightning, and hail coming down from heaven. As the winds blew a clarity came across the city. Then, one by one I saw rubber masks coming off people - you could actually see them for who they really were, very hideous looking under the masks. An exposure of all things hidden and masked was occurring. Then I saw a large broom come down out of heaven and begin to sweep across the entire nation, starting with the Capitol in Washington, D.C. As the hand swept across the nation all sorts of evil was revealed and removed. 

“The resulting cleansing brought awakening! I saw many people getting out of their beds, stretching and yawning, realizing it was day! The night was over and a new day had dawned! 

“The sweeping continued to go across other nations of the earth. They were being swept clean of corruption and decay, so that awakening could come in a mighty revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The resulting revival brought fire! The fires burned up the debris left behind by the broom. As the dust settled it looked dark and scorched. But as an outpouring of Holy rain was released, new life began to sprout up everywhere. There was such joy and happiness on peoples’ faces; even the land itself seemed to rejoice.”

End of dream.

As we prayed intensely in late 2020/early 2021, our prayers were releasing God’s lightning, the cleansing power of Holy Spirit, to expose corruption and cleanse our government. We had hoped this would be completed in 2-3 months, but God knew just how deep it was. Though the delay was frustrating at the time, we can now see it was necessary. I believe the lightning strikes on New Year’s Eve were reminders of what our prayers have accomplished, AND that they are still needed. More strikes will come.

I’ll say more about lightning in tomorrow’s post. 

Pray with me:

Father, in this hinge moment in history, as Your Ekklesia on Earth, we use Your keys of authority and release Your lightning into the nation. Power from Your presence is striking the land. We believe we are to influence this land with the decrees You lead us to decree. We must dismantle evil structures and rebuild. Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations are destroyed, what will the righteous do?” You have called us to be a Nehemiah company that restores the gates and walls of America. We will use the keys given to us by Christ to do so. We will open the ancient gates and release the heavenly host to come and help us. Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, and lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory” (Psalm 24:8-10).


Unleash Your lightning, oh God! Cause Your thunder to roll across the land, terrifying Your enemies. Roar with Your majestic voice! Hold nothing back – strike and strike and strike again. Shock the enemy with the fierceness and swiftness with which You move. Expose and uncover until evil knows it has nowhere to run. Let the power of Your lightning strike the mark.  

Today’s decree:


We decree that we release the lightning of God into the land uncovering every hidden thing that stands in His way!

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no.6293.



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